mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 05:37:08 +00:00
Report the expected and actual arg counts for too many arguments, and behave more like normal JS when too few are supplied (i.e. complain about the next argument being undefined rather than just saying 'Invalid arguments').
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// Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const Realm = require('realm');
const TestCase = require('./asserts');
const schemas = require('./schemas');
let pathSeparator = '/';
if (typeof process === 'object' && process.platform === 'win32') {
pathSeparator = '\\';
module.exports = {
testRealmConstructor: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: []});
TestCase.assertTrue(realm instanceof Realm);
TestCase.assertEqual(typeof Realm, 'function');
TestCase.assertTrue(Realm instanceof Function);
testRealmConstructorPath: function() {
TestCase.assertThrows(() => new Realm('')); // the message for this error is platform-specific
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm('test1.realm', 'invalidArgument'),
"Invalid arguments when constructing 'Realm'");
const defaultRealm = new Realm({schema: []});
TestCase.assertEqual(defaultRealm.path, Realm.defaultPath);
const defaultRealm2 = new Realm();
TestCase.assertEqual(defaultRealm2.path, Realm.defaultPath);
const defaultDir = Realm.defaultPath.substring(0, Realm.defaultPath.lastIndexOf(pathSeparator) + 1);
const testPath = 'test1.realm';
const realm = new Realm({schema: [], path: testPath});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.path, defaultDir + testPath);
const testPath2 = 'test2.realm';
const realm2 = new Realm({schema: [], path: testPath2});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm2.path, defaultDir + testPath2);
testRealmConstructorSchemaVersion: function() {
const defaultRealm = new Realm({schema: []});
TestCase.assertEqual(defaultRealm.schemaVersion, 0);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schemaVersion: 1, schema: []}),
"already opened with different schema version.");
TestCase.assertEqual(new Realm().schemaVersion, 0);
TestCase.assertEqual(new Realm({schemaVersion: 0}).schemaVersion, 0);
let realm = new Realm({path: 'test1.realm', schema: [], schemaVersion: 1});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schemaVersion, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schema.length, 0);
realm = new Realm({path: 'test1.realm', schema: [schemas.TestObject], schemaVersion: 2});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('TestObject')[0].doubleCol, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schemaVersion, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schema.length, 1);
testRealmConstructorDynamicSchema: function() {
let realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', [1])
realm = new Realm();
const objects = realm.objects('TestObject');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 1.0);
testRealmConstructorSchemaValidation: function() {
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schema: schemas.AllTypes}), "schema must be of type 'array', got");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schema: ['SomeType']}),
"Failed to read ObjectSchema: JS value must be of type 'object', got (SomeType)");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schema: [{}]}),
"Failed to read ObjectSchema: name must be of type 'string', got (undefined)");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schema: [{name: 'SomeObject'}]}),
"Failed to read ObjectSchema: properties must be of type 'object', got (undefined)");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schema: [{properties: {intCol: 'int'}}]}),
"Failed to read ObjectSchema: name must be of type 'string', got (undefined)");
// linkingObjects property where the source property is missing
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
new Realm({schema: [{
name: 'InvalidObject',
properties: {
linkingObjects: {type:'linkingObjects', objectType: 'InvalidObject', property: 'nosuchproperty'}
}, "Property 'InvalidObject.nosuchproperty' declared as origin of linking objects property 'InvalidObject.linkingObjects' does not exist");
// linkingObjects property where the source property is not a link
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
new Realm({schema: [{
name: 'InvalidObject',
properties: {
integer: 'int',
linkingObjects: {type:'linkingObjects', objectType: 'InvalidObject', property: 'integer'}
}, "Property 'InvalidObject.integer' declared as origin of linking objects property 'InvalidObject.linkingObjects' is not a link")
// linkingObjects property where the source property links elsewhere
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
new Realm({schema: [{
name: 'InvalidObject',
properties: {
link: 'IntObject',
linkingObjects: {type:'linkingObjects', objectType: 'InvalidObject', property: 'link'}
}, {
name: 'IntObject',
properties: {
integer: 'int'
}, "Property 'InvalidObject.link' declared as origin of linking objects property 'InvalidObject.linkingObjects' links to type 'IntObject'")
testRealmConstructorInMemory: function() {
// open in-memory realm instance
const realm1 = new Realm({inMemory: true, schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm1.write(() => {
realm1.create('TestObject', [1])
TestCase.assertEqual(realm1.inMemory, true);
// open a second instance of the same realm and check that they share data
const realm2 = new Realm({inMemory: true});
const objects = realm2.objects('TestObject');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 1.0);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm2.inMemory, true);
// Close both realms (this should delete the realm since there are no more
// references to it.
// Open the same in-memory realm again and verify that it is now empty
const realm3 = new Realm({inMemory: true});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm3.schema.length, 0);
// try to open the same realm in persistent mode (should fail as you cannot mix modes)
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({}), 'already opened with different inMemory settings.');
testRealmConstructorReadOnly: function() {
let realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', [1])
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.readOnly, false);
realm = new Realm({readOnly: true, schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
const objects = realm.objects('TestObject');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 1.0);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.readOnly, true);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.write(() => {}),
"Can't perform transactions on read-only Realms.");
realm = new Realm({readOnly: true});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schema.length, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.readOnly, true);
testDefaultPath: function() {
const defaultPath = Realm.defaultPath;
let defaultRealm = new Realm({schema: []});
TestCase.assertEqual(defaultRealm.path, Realm.defaultPath);
try {
const newPath = `${Realm.defaultPath.substring(0, defaultPath.lastIndexOf(pathSeparator) + 1)}default2.realm`;
Realm.defaultPath = newPath;
defaultRealm = new Realm({schema: []});
TestCase.assertEqual(defaultRealm.path, newPath, "should use updated default realm path");
TestCase.assertEqual(Realm.defaultPath, newPath, "defaultPath should have been updated");
} finally {
Realm.defaultPath = defaultPath;
testRealmSchemaVersion: function() {
TestCase.assertEqual(Realm.schemaVersion(Realm.defaultPath), -1);
let realm = new Realm({schema: []});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schemaVersion, 0);
TestCase.assertEqual(Realm.schemaVersion(Realm.defaultPath), 0);
realm = new Realm({schema: [], schemaVersion: 2, path: 'another.realm'});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.schemaVersion, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(Realm.schemaVersion('another.realm'), 2);
testRealmWrite: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.IntPrimary, schemas.AllTypes, schemas.TestObject, schemas.LinkToAllTypes]});
// exceptions should be propogated
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.write(() => { throw new Error('Inner exception message'); }),
'Inner exception message');
// writes should be possible after caught exception
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
TestCase.assertEqual(1, realm.objects('TestObject').length);
realm.write(() => {
// nested transactions not supported
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.write(() => {}),
'The Realm is already in a write transaction');
testRealmCreate: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1}),
"Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction.");
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 2});
const objects = realm.objects('TestObject');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2, 'wrong object count');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 1, 'wrong object property value');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[1].doubleCol, 2, 'wrong object property value');
testRealmCreatePrimaryKey: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.IntPrimary]});
realm.write(() => {
const obj0 = realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {
primaryCol: 0,
valueCol: 'val0',
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {
primaryCol: 0,
valueCol: 'val0',
}, "Attempting to create an object of type 'IntPrimaryObject' with an existing primary key value '0'.");
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {
primaryCol: 1,
valueCol: 'val1',
}, true);
const objects = realm.objects('IntPrimaryObject');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2);
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {
primaryCol: 0,
valueCol: 'newVal0',
}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.valueCol, 'newVal0');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2);
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: 0}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.valueCol, 'newVal0');
testRealmCreateOptionals: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.NullableBasicTypes, schemas.LinkTypes, schemas.TestObject]});
let basic, links;
realm.write(() => {
basic = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', {});
links = realm.create('LinkTypesObject', {});
for (const name in schemas.NullableBasicTypes.properties) {
TestCase.assertEqual(basic[name], null);
TestCase.assertEqual(links.objectCol, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(links.arrayCol.length, 0);
testRealmCreateUpsert: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.IntPrimary, schemas.StringPrimary, schemas.AllTypes, schemas.TestObject, schemas.LinkToAllTypes]});
realm.write(() => {
const values = {
primaryCol: '0',
boolCol: true,
intCol: 1,
floatCol: 1.1,
doubleCol: 1.11,
stringCol: '1',
dateCol: new Date(1),
dataCol: new ArrayBuffer(1),
objectCol: {doubleCol: 1},
arrayCol: [],
const obj0 = realm.create('AllTypesObject', values);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.create('AllTypesObject', values),
"Attempting to create an object of type 'AllTypesObject' with an existing primary key value '0'.");
const obj1 = realm.create('AllTypesObject', {
primaryCol: '1',
boolCol: false,
intCol: 2,
floatCol: 2.2,
doubleCol: 2.22,
stringCol: '2',
dateCol: new Date(2),
dataCol: new ArrayBuffer(2),
objectCol: {doubleCol: 0},
arrayCol: [{doubleCol: 2}],
}, true);
const objects = realm.objects('AllTypesObject');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2);
realm.create('AllTypesObject', {
primaryCol: '0',
boolCol: false,
intCol: 2,
floatCol: 2.2,
doubleCol: 2.22,
stringCol: '2',
dateCol: new Date(2),
dataCol: new ArrayBuffer(2),
objectCol: null,
arrayCol: [{doubleCol: 2}],
}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.stringCol, '2');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.boolCol, false);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.intCol, 2);
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj0.floatCol, 2.2, 0.000001);
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj0.doubleCol, 2.22, 0.000001);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.dateCol.getTime(), 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.dataCol.byteLength, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.objectCol, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.arrayCol.length, 1);
realm.create('AllTypesObject', {primaryCol: '0'}, true);
realm.create('AllTypesObject', {primaryCol: '1'}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.stringCol, '2');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.objectCol, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj1.objectCol.doubleCol, 0);
realm.create('AllTypesObject', {
primaryCol: '0',
stringCol: '3',
objectCol: {doubleCol: 0},
}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.stringCol, '3');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.boolCol, false);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.intCol, 2);
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj0.floatCol, 2.2, 0.000001);
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj0.doubleCol, 2.22, 0.000001);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.dateCol.getTime(), 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.dataCol.byteLength, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.objectCol.doubleCol, 0);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.arrayCol.length, 1);
realm.create('AllTypesObject', {primaryCol: '0', objectCol: undefined}, true);
realm.create('AllTypesObject', {primaryCol: '1', objectCol: null}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj0.objectCol, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj1.objectCol, null);
// test with string primaries
const obj =realm.create('StringPrimaryObject', {
primaryCol: '0',
valueCol: 0
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.valueCol, 0);
realm.create('StringPrimaryObject', {
primaryCol: '0',
valueCol: 1
}, true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.valueCol, 1);
testRealmWithIndexedProperties: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.IndexedTypes]});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('IndexedTypesObject', {boolCol: true, intCol: 1, stringCol: '1', dateCol: new Date(1)});
const NotIndexed = {
name: 'NotIndexedObject',
properties: {
floatCol: {type: 'float', indexed: false}
new Realm({schema: [NotIndexed], path: '1.realm'});
const IndexedSchema = {
name: 'IndexedSchema',
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
IndexedSchema.properties = { floatCol: {type: 'float', indexed: true} };
new Realm({schema: [IndexedSchema], path: '2.realm'});
}, "Property 'IndexedSchema.floatCol' of type 'float' cannot be indexed.");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
IndexedSchema.properties = { doubleCol: {type: 'double', indexed: true} }
new Realm({schema: [IndexedSchema], path: '3.realm'});
}, "Property 'IndexedSchema.doubleCol' of type 'double' cannot be indexed.");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
IndexedSchema.properties = { dataCol: {type: 'data', indexed: true} }
new Realm({schema: [IndexedSchema], path: '4.realm'});
}, "Property 'IndexedSchema.dataCol' of type 'data' cannot be indexed.");
// primary key
IndexedSchema.properties = { intCol: {type: 'int', indexed: true} };
IndexedSchema.primaryKey = 'intCol';
// Test this doesn't throw
new Realm({schema: [IndexedSchema], path: '5.realm'});
testRealmCreateWithDefaults: function() {
let realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.DefaultValues, schemas.TestObject]});
const createAndTestObject = () => {
const obj = realm.create('DefaultValuesObject', {});
const properties = schemas.DefaultValues.properties;
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.boolCol, properties.boolCol.default);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.intCol, properties.intCol.default);
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj.floatCol, properties.floatCol.default, 0.000001);
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj.doubleCol, properties.doubleCol.default, 0.000001);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.stringCol, properties.stringCol.default);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.dateCol.getTime(), properties.dateCol.default.getTime());
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.dataCol.byteLength, properties.dataCol.default.byteLength);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol.doubleCol, properties.objectCol.default.doubleCol);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.nullObjectCol, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol.length, properties.arrayCol.default.length);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[0].doubleCol, properties.arrayCol.default[0].doubleCol);
// Defaults should still work when creating another Realm instance.
realm = new Realm();
testRealmCreateWithChangingDefaults: function() {
const objectSchema = {
name: 'IntObject',
properties: {
intCol: {type: 'int', default: 1},
let realm = new Realm({schema: [objectSchema]});
const createAndTestObject = () => {
const object = realm.create('IntObject', {});
TestCase.assertEqual(object.intCol, objectSchema.properties.intCol.default);
realm = new Realm({schema: [objectSchema]});
testRealmCreateWithConstructor: function() {
let customCreated = 0;
function CustomObject() {
CustomObject.schema = {
name: 'CustomObject',
properties: {
intCol: 'int'
function InvalidObject() {
return {};
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => new Realm({schema: [InvalidObject]}),
"Realm object constructor must have a 'schema' property.");
InvalidObject.schema = {
name: 'InvalidObject',
properties: {
intCol: 'int'
let realm = new Realm({schema: [CustomObject, InvalidObject]});
realm.write(() => {
let object = realm.create('CustomObject', {intCol: 1});
TestCase.assertTrue(object instanceof CustomObject);
TestCase.assertTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(object) == CustomObject.prototype);
TestCase.assertEqual(customCreated, 1);
// Should be able to create object by passing in constructor.
object = realm.create(CustomObject, {intCol: 2});
TestCase.assertTrue(object instanceof CustomObject);
TestCase.assertTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(object) == CustomObject.prototype);
TestCase.assertEqual(customCreated, 2);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('InvalidObject', {intCol: 1});
}, 'Realm object constructor must not return another value');
// Only the original constructor should be valid.
function InvalidCustomObject() {}
InvalidCustomObject.schema = CustomObject.schema;
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
realm.write(() => {
realm.create(InvalidCustomObject, {intCol: 1});
}, 'Constructor was not registered in the schema for this Realm');
// The constructor should still work when creating another Realm instance.
realm = new Realm();
TestCase.assertTrue(realm.objects('CustomObject')[0] instanceof CustomObject);
TestCase.assertTrue(realm.objects(CustomObject).length > 0);
testRealmCreateWithChangingConstructor: function() {
function CustomObject() {}
CustomObject.schema = {
name: 'CustomObject',
properties: {
intCol: 'int'
let realm = new Realm({schema: [CustomObject]});
realm.write(() => {
const object = realm.create('CustomObject', {intCol: 1});
TestCase.assertTrue(object instanceof CustomObject);
function NewCustomObject() {}
NewCustomObject.schema = CustomObject.schema;
realm = new Realm({schema: [NewCustomObject]});
realm.write(() => {
const object = realm.create('CustomObject', {intCol: 1});
TestCase.assertTrue(object instanceof NewCustomObject);
testRealmDelete: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm.write(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: i});
const objects = realm.objects('TestObject');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.delete(objects[0]),
"Can only delete objects within a transaction.");
realm.write(() => {
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.delete(),
"object must be of type 'object', got (undefined)");
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 9, 'wrong object count');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 9, "wrong property value");
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[1].doubleCol, 1, "wrong property value");
realm.delete([objects[0], objects[1]]);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 7, 'wrong object count');
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 7, "wrong property value");
TestCase.assertEqual(objects[1].doubleCol, 8, "wrong property value");
const threeObjects = realm.objects('TestObject').filtered("doubleCol < 5");
TestCase.assertEqual(threeObjects.length, 3, "wrong results count");
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 4, 'wrong object count');
TestCase.assertEqual(threeObjects.length, 0, 'threeObject should have been deleted');
const o = objects[0];
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.delete(o),
'Object is invalid. Either it has been previously deleted or the Realm it belongs to has been closed.');
testDeleteAll: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject, schemas.IntPrimary]});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 2});
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: 2, valueCol: 'value'});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('TestObject').length, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('IntPrimaryObject').length, 1);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.deleteAll(),
"Can only delete objects within a transaction.");
realm.write(() => {
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('TestObject').length, 0);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('IntPrimaryObject').length, 0);
testRealmObjects: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.PersonObject, schemas.DefaultValues, schemas.TestObject]});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('PersonObject', {name: 'Ari', age: 10});
realm.create('PersonObject', {name: 'Tim', age: 11});
realm.create('PersonObject', {name: 'Bjarne', age: 12});
realm.create('PersonObject', {name: 'Alex', age: 12, married: true});
// Should be able to pass constructor for getting objects.
const objects = realm.objects(schemas.PersonObject);
TestCase.assertTrue(objects[0] instanceof schemas.PersonObject);
function InvalidPerson() {}
InvalidPerson.schema = schemas.PersonObject.schema;
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objects(), "objectType must be of type 'string', got (undefined)");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objects([]), "objectType must be of type 'string', got ()");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objects('InvalidClass'), "Object type 'InvalidClass' not found in schema.");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objects('PersonObject', 'truepredicate'),
"Invalid arguments: at most 1 expected, but 2 supplied.");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objects(InvalidPerson),
'Constructor was not registered in the schema for this Realm');
const person = realm.objects('PersonObject')[0];
const listenerCallback = () => {};
realm.addListener('change', listenerCallback);
// The tests below assert that everthing throws when
// operating on a closed realm
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => console.log("Name: ", person.name),
'Accessing object of type PersonObject which has been invalidated or deleted');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objects('PersonObject'), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.addListener('change', () => {}), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.create('PersonObject', {name: 'Ari', age: 10}), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.delete(person), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.deleteAll(), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.write(() => {}), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.removeListener('change', listenerCallback), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.removeAllListeners(), 'Cannot access realm that has been closed');
testRealmObjectForPrimaryKey: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.IntPrimary, schemas.StringPrimary, schemas.TestObject]});
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: 0, valueCol: 'val0'});
realm.create('IntPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: 1, valueCol: 'val1'});
realm.create('StringPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: '', valueCol: -1});
realm.create('StringPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: 'val0', valueCol: 0});
realm.create('StringPrimaryObject', {primaryCol: 'val1', valueCol: 1});
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 0});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('IntPrimaryObject', -1), undefined);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('IntPrimaryObject', 0).valueCol, 'val0');
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('IntPrimaryObject', 1).valueCol, 'val1');
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('StringPrimaryObject', 'invalid'), undefined);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('StringPrimaryObject', '').valueCol, -1);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('StringPrimaryObject', 'val0').valueCol, 0);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objectForPrimaryKey('StringPrimaryObject', 'val1').valueCol, 1);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objectForPrimaryKey('TestObject', 0),
"'TestObject' does not have a primary key defined");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objectForPrimaryKey(),
"objectType must be of type 'string', got (undefined)");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objectForPrimaryKey('IntPrimaryObject'),
"Invalid null value for non-nullable primary key.");
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.objectForPrimaryKey('InvalidClass', 0),
"Object type 'InvalidClass' not found in schema.");
testNotifications: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: []});
let notificationCount = 0;
let notificationName;
realm.addListener('change', (realm, name) => {
notificationName = name;
TestCase.assertEqual(notificationCount, 0);
realm.write(() => {});
TestCase.assertEqual(notificationCount, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(notificationName, 'change');
let secondNotificationCount = 0;
function secondNotification() {
// The listener should only be added once.
realm.addListener('change', secondNotification);
realm.addListener('change', secondNotification);
realm.write(() => {});
TestCase.assertEqual(notificationCount, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(secondNotificationCount, 1);
realm.removeListener('change', secondNotification);
realm.write(() => {});
TestCase.assertEqual(notificationCount, 3);
TestCase.assertEqual(secondNotificationCount, 1);
realm.write(() => {});
TestCase.assertEqual(notificationCount, 3);
TestCase.assertEqual(secondNotificationCount, 1);
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.addListener('invalid', () => {}),
"Only the 'change' notification name is supported.");
realm.addListener('change', () => {
throw new Error('expected error message');
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => realm.write(() => {}),
'expected error message');
testSchema: function() {
const originalSchema = [schemas.TestObject, schemas.BasicTypes, schemas.NullableBasicTypes, schemas.IndexedTypes, schemas.IntPrimary,
schemas.PersonObject, schemas.LinkTypes, schemas.LinkingObjectsObject];
const schemaMap = {};
originalSchema.forEach(objectSchema => {
if (objectSchema.schema) { // for PersonObject
schemaMap[objectSchema.schema.name] = objectSchema;
} else {
schemaMap[objectSchema.name] = objectSchema;
const realm = new Realm({schema: originalSchema});
const schema = realm.schema;
TestCase.assertEqual(schema.length, originalSchema.length);
function isString(val) {
return typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String;
function verifyObjectSchema(returned) {
let original = schemaMap[returned.name];
if (original.schema) {
original = original.schema;
TestCase.assertEqual(returned.primaryKey, original.primaryKey);
for (const propName in returned.properties) {
const prop1 = returned.properties[propName];
const prop2 = original.properties[propName];
if (prop1.type == 'object') {
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.objectType, isString(prop2) ? prop2 : prop2.objectType);
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.optional, true);
else if (prop1.type == 'list') {
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.objectType, prop2.objectType);
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.optional, undefined);
else if (prop1.type == 'linking objects') {
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.objectType, prop2.objectType);
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.property, prop2.property);
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.optional, undefined);
else {
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.type, isString(prop2) ? prop2 : prop2.type);
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.optional, prop2.optional || undefined);
TestCase.assertEqual(prop1.indexed, prop2.indexed || undefined);
for (let i = 0; i < originalSchema.length; i++) {
testCopyBundledRealmFiles: function() {
let realm = new Realm({path: 'dates-v5.realm', schema: [schemas.DateObject]});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date').length, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date')[0].currentDate.getTime(), 1462500087955);
const newDate = new Date(1);
realm.write(() => {
realm.objects('Date')[0].currentDate = newDate;
// copy should not overwrite existing files
realm = new Realm({path: 'dates-v5.realm', schema: [schemas.DateObject]});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date')[0].currentDate.getTime(), 1);
testErrorMessageFromInvalidWrite: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.PersonObject]});
TestCase.assertThrowsException(() => {
realm.write(() => {
const p1 = realm.create('PersonObject', { name: 'Ari', age: 10 });
p1.age = "Ten";
}, new Error("PersonObject.age must be of type 'number', got (Ten)"));
testErrorMessageFromInvalidCreate: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.PersonObject]});
TestCase.assertThrowsException(() => {
realm.write(() => {
const p1 = realm.create('PersonObject', { name: 'Ari', age: 'Ten' });
}, new Error("PersonObject.age must be of type 'number', got (Ten)"));
testValidTypesForListProperties: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.PersonObject]});
realm.write(() => {
const p1 = realm.create('PersonObject', { name: 'Ari', age: 10 });
const p2 = realm.create('PersonObject', { name: 'Harold', age: 55, children: realm.objects('PersonObject').filtered('age < 15') });
TestCase.assertEqual(p2.children.length, 1);
const p3 = realm.create('PersonObject', { name: 'Wendy', age: 52, children: p2.children });
TestCase.assertEqual(p3.children.length, 1);
testEmpty: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.PersonObject]});
realm.write(() => realm.create('PersonObject', { name: 'Ari', age: 10 }));
realm.write(() => realm.delete(realm.objects('PersonObject')));
testManualTransaction: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 3.1415});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('TestObject').length, 1);
testCancelTransaction: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 3.1415});
testIsInTransaction: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
testCompact: function() {
let wasCalled = false;
const count = 1000;
// create compactable Realm
const realm1 = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly]});
realm1.write(() => {
realm1.create('StringOnlyObject', { stringCol: 'A' });
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
realm1.create('StringOnlyObject', { stringCol: 'ABCDEFG' });
realm1.create('StringOnlyObject', { stringCol: 'B' });
// open Realm and see if it is compacted
const shouldCompact = (totalBytes, usedBytes) => {
wasCalled = true;
const fiveHundredKB = 500*1024;
return (totalBytes > fiveHundredKB) && (usedBytes / totalBytes) < 0.2;
const realm2 = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly], shouldCompactOnLaunch: shouldCompact});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm2.objects('StringOnlyObject').length, count + 2);
// we don't check if the file is smaller as we assume that Object Store does it
testManualCompact: function() {
const realm1 = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly]});
realm1.write(() => {
realm1.create('StringOnlyObject', { stringCol: 'A' });
const realm2 = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly]});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm2.objects('StringOnlyObject').length, 1);
testManualCompactInWrite: function() {
const realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly]});
realm.write(() => {
TestCase.assertThrowsContaining(() => {
}, 'Cannot compact a Realm within a transaction.');
testManualCompactMultipleInstances: function() {
const realm1 = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly]});
const realm2 = new Realm({schema: [schemas.StringOnly]});
testRealmDeleteFileDefaultConfigPath: function() {
const config = {schema: [schemas.TestObject]};
const realm = new Realm(config);
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('TestObject').length, 1);
const realm2 = new Realm(config);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm2.objects('TestObject').length, 0);
testRealmDeleteFileCustomConfigPath: function() {
const config = {schema: [schemas.TestObject], path: 'test-realm-delete-file.realm'};
const realm = new Realm(config);
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('TestObject').length, 1);
const realm2 = new Realm(config);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm2.objects('TestObject').length, 0);