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// Copyright 2017 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// TypeScript Version: 2.3.2
// With great contributions to @akim95 on github
declare namespace Realm {
* PropertyType
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.html#~PropertyType }
type PropertyType = string | 'bool' | 'int' | 'float' | 'double' | 'string' | 'data' | 'date' | 'list' | 'linkingObjects';
* ObjectSchemaProperty
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.html#~ObjectSchemaProperty }
interface ObjectSchemaProperty {
type: PropertyType;
objectType?: string;
property?: string;
default?: any;
optional?: boolean;
indexed?: boolean;
// properties types
interface PropertiesTypes {
[keys: string]: PropertyType | ObjectSchemaProperty;
* ObjectSchema
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.html#~ObjectSchema }
interface ObjectSchema {
name: string;
primaryKey?: string;
properties: PropertiesTypes;
* ObjectClass
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.html#~ObjectClass }
interface ObjectClass {
schema: ObjectSchema;
* ObjectType
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.html#~ObjectType }
interface ObjectType {
type: ObjectClass;
* realm configuration
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.html#~Configuration }
interface Configuration {
encryptionKey?: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Int8Array;
migration?: (oldRealm: Realm, newRealm: Realm) => void;
shouldCompactOnLaunch?: (totalBytes: number, usedBytes: number) => boolean;
path?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
inMemory?: boolean;
schema?: (ObjectClass | ObjectSchema)[];
schemaVersion?: number;
sync?: Realm.Sync.SyncConfiguration;
deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded?: boolean;
disableFormatUpgrade?: boolean;
// object props type
interface ObjectPropsType {
[keys: string]: any;
* Object
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Object.html }
interface Object {
* @returns boolean
isValid(): boolean;
* @returns ObjectSchema
objectSchema(): ObjectSchema;
* @returns Results<T>
linkingObjects<T>(objectType: string, property: string): Results<T>;
const Object: {
readonly prototype: Object;
* SortDescriptor
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Collection.html#~SortDescriptor }
type SortDescriptor = [string] | [string, boolean];
interface CollectionChangeSet {
insertions: number[];
deletions: number[];
modifications: number[];
type CollectionChangeCallback<T> = (collection: Collection<T>, change: CollectionChangeSet) => void;
* Collection
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Collection.html }
interface Collection<T> extends ReadonlyArray<T> {
readonly type: PropertyType;
readonly optional: boolean;
* @returns boolean
isValid(): boolean;
min(property?: string): number | Date | null;
max(property?: string): number | Date | null;
sum(property?: string): number | null;
avg(property?: string): number;
* @param {string} query
* @param {any[]} ...arg
* @returns Results
filtered(query: string, ...arg: any[]): Results<T>;
sorted(reverse?: boolean): Results<T>;
sorted(descriptor: SortDescriptor[]): Results<T>;
sorted(descriptor: string, reverse?: boolean): Results<T>;
* @returns Results<T>
subscribe(subscriptionName?: string): Realm.Sync.Subscription;
* @returns Results
snapshot(): Results<T>;
* @param {(collection:any,changes:any)=>void} callback
* @returns void
addListener(callback: CollectionChangeCallback<T>): void;
* @returns void
removeAllListeners(): void;
* @param {()=>void} callback this is the callback to remove
* @returns void
removeListener(callback: CollectionChangeCallback<T>): void;
const Collection: {
readonly prototype: Collection<any>;
* List
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.List.html }
interface List<T> extends Collection<T> {
[n: number]: T;
pop(): T | null | undefined;
* @param {T} object
* @returns number
push(...object: T[]): number;
* @returns T
shift(): T | null | undefined;
unshift(...object: T[]): number;
* @param {number} index
* @param {number} count?
* @param {any} object?
* @returns T
splice(index: number, count?: number, object?: any): T[];
const List: {
readonly prototype: List<any>;
* Results
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Results.html }
interface Results<T> extends Collection<T> {
* Bulk update objects in the collection.
* @param {string} property
* @param {any} value
* @returns void
update(property: string, value: any): void;
const Results: {
readonly prototype: Results<any>;
* Sync
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Sync.html }
declare namespace Realm.Sync {
interface UserInfo {
id: string;
isAdmin: boolean;
interface Account {
provider_id: string;
provider: string;
user: UserInfo
* User
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Sync.User.html }
class User {
static readonly all: { [identity: string]: User };
static readonly current: User;
readonly identity: string;
readonly isAdmin: boolean;
readonly isAdminToken: boolean;
readonly server: string;
readonly token: string;
static adminUser(adminToken: string, server?: string): User;
* @deprecated, to be removed in future versions
static login(server: string, username: string, password: string, callback: (error: any, user: User) => void): void;
static login(server: string, username: string, password: string): Promise<Realm.Sync.User>;
* @deprecated, to be removed in future versions
static register(server: string, username: string, password: string, callback: (error: any, user: User) => void): void;
static register(server: string, username: string, password: string): Promise<Realm.Sync.User>;
* @deprecated, to be removed in versions
static registerWithProvider(server: string, options: { provider: string, providerToken: string, userInfo: any }, callback: (error: Error | null, user: User | null) => void): void;
static registerWithProvider(server: string, options: { provider: string, providerToken: string, userInfo: any }): Promise<Realm.Sync.User>;
authenticate(server: string, provider: string, options: any): Promise<Realm.Sync.User>;
logout(): void;
openManagementRealm(): Realm;
retrieveAccount(provider: string, username: string): Promise<Account>;
getGrantedPermissions(recipient: 'any' | 'currentUser' | 'otherUser'): Promise<Results<Permission>>;
applyPermissions(condition: PermissionCondition, realmUrl: string, accessLevel: AccessLevel): Promise<PermissionChange>;
offerPermissions(realmUrl: string, accessLevel: AccessLevel, expiresAt?: Date): Promise<string>;
acceptPermissionOffer(token: string): Promise<string>
invalidatePermissionOffer(permissionOfferOrToken: PermissionOffer | string): Promise<void>;
interface _PermissionConditionUserId {
userId: string
interface _PermissionConditionMetadata {
metadataKey: string
metadataValue: string
type PermissionCondition = _PermissionConditionUserId | _PermissionConditionMetadata
type AccessLevel = 'none' | 'read' | 'write' | 'admin';
class Permission {
readonly id: string;
readonly updatedAt: Date;
readonly userId: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly mayRead?: boolean;
readonly mayWrite?: boolean;
readonly mayManage?: boolean;
class PermissionChange {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
statusCode?: number;
statusMessage?: string;
userId: string;
metadataKey?: string;
metadataValue?: string;
realmUrl: string;
mayRead?: boolean;
mayWrite?: boolean;
mayManage?: boolean;
class PermissionOffer {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
statusCode?: number;
statusMessage?: string;
token?: string;
realmUrl: string;
mayRead?: boolean;
mayWrite?: boolean;
mayManage?: boolean;
expiresAt?: Date;
interface SyncError {
name: string;
message: string;
isFatal: boolean;
category?: string;
code: number;
type ErrorCallback = (session: Session, error: SyncError) => void;
type SSLVerifyCallback = (serverAddress: string, serverPort: number, pemCertificate: string, preverifyOk: number, depth: number) => boolean;
interface SyncConfiguration {
user: User;
url: string;
validate_ssl?: boolean;
ssl_trust_certificate_path?: string;
open_ssl_verify_callback?: SSLVerifyCallback;
error?: ErrorCallback;
partial?: boolean;
type ProgressNotificationCallback = (transferred: number, transferable: number) => void;
type ProgressDirection = 'download' | 'upload';
type ProgressMode = 'reportIndefinitely' | 'forCurrentlyOutstandingWork';
* Session
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Sync.Session.html }
class Session {
readonly config: SyncConfiguration;
readonly state: 'invalid' | 'active' | 'inactive';
readonly url: string;
readonly user: User;
addProgressNotification(direction: ProgressDirection, mode: ProgressMode, progressCallback: ProgressNotificationCallback): void;
removeProgressNotification(progressCallback: ProgressNotificationCallback): void;
type SubscriptionNotificationCallback = (subscription: Subscription, state: number) => void;
* Subscription
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Sync.Subscription.html }
class Subscription {
readonly state: SubscriptionState;
readonly error: string;
unsubscribe(): void;
addListener(subscruptionCallback: SubscriptionNotificationCallback): void;
removeListener(subscruptionCallback: SubscriptionNotificationCallback): void;
enum SubscriptionState {
* AuthError
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Sync.AuthError.html }
class AuthError {
readonly code: number;
readonly type: string;
* ChangeEvent
* @see { @link https://realm.io/docs/javascript/latest/api/Realm.Sync.ChangeEvent.html }
interface ChangeEvent {
readonly changes: { [object_type: string]: CollectionChangeSet };
readonly oldRealm: Realm;
readonly path: string;
readonly realm: Realm;
function addListener(serverURL: string, adminUser: Realm.Sync.User, regex: string, name: string, changeCallback: (changeEvent: ChangeEvent) => void): void;
function addListener(serverURL: string, adminUser: Realm.Sync.User, regex: string, name: string, changeCallback: (changeEvent: ChangeEvent) => Promise<void>): void;
function removeAllListeners(): Promise<void>;
function removeListener(regex: string, name: string, changeCallback: (changeEvent: ChangeEvent) => void): Promise<void>;
function setLogLevel(logLevel: 'all' | 'trace' | 'debug' | 'detail' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal' | 'off'): void;
function initiateClientReset(path: string): void;
* @deprecated, to be removed in future versions
function setFeatureToken(token: string): void;
type Instruction = {
object_type: string,
identity: string,
values: any | undefined
list_index: any | undefined
object_identity: any | undefined
new_identity: any | undefined,
property: any | undefined,
properties: any | undefined,
primary_key: string | undefined
class Adapter {
local_path: string,
server_url: string,
admin_user: User,
regex: string,
change_callback: Function
* Advance the to the next transaction indicating that you are done processing the current instructions for the given Realm.
* @param path the path for the Realm to advance
advance(path: string): void;
close(): void;
current(path: string): Array<Instruction>;
realmAtPath(path: string, schema?: ObjectSchema[]): Realm
declare namespace Realm.Permissions {
class Permission {
static schema: ObjectSchema;
identity: string;
canRead: boolean;
canUpdate: boolean;
canDelete: boolean;
canSetPermissions: boolean;
canQuery: boolean;
canCreate: boolean;
canModifySchema: boolean;
class User {
static schema: ObjectSchema;
identity: string;
class Role {
static schema: ObjectSchema;
name: string;
members: User[];
class Class {
static schema: ObjectSchema;
class_name: string;
permissions: Permission[];
class Realm {
static schema: ObjectSchema;
permissions: Permission[];
interface ProgressPromise extends Promise<Realm> {
progress(callback: Realm.Sync.ProgressNotificationCallback): Promise<Realm>
declare class Realm {
static defaultPath: string;
readonly empty: boolean;
readonly path: string;
readonly readOnly: boolean;
readonly schema: Realm.ObjectSchema[];
readonly schemaVersion: number;
readonly isInTransaction: boolean;
readonly isClosed: boolean;
readonly syncSession: Realm.Sync.Session | null;
* Get the current schema version of the Realm at the given path.
* @param {string} path
* @param {any} encryptionKey?
* @returns number
static schemaVersion(path: string, encryptionKey?: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView): number;
* Open a realm asynchronously with a promise. If the realm is synced, it will be fully synchronized before it is available.
* @param {Configuration} config
static open(config: Realm.Configuration): ProgressPromise;
* @deprecated in favor of `Realm.open`
* Open a realm asynchronously with a callback. If the realm is synced, it will be fully synchronized before it is available.
* @param {Configuration} config
* @param {Function} callback will be called when the realm is ready.
* @param {ProgressNotificationCallback} progressCallback? a progress notification callback for 'download' direction and 'forCurrentlyOutstandingWork' mode
static openAsync(config: Realm.Configuration, callback: (error: any, realm: Realm) => void, progressCallback?: Realm.Sync.ProgressNotificationCallback): void
* Return a configuration for a default Realm.
* @param {Realm.Sync.User} optional user.
static automaticSyncConfiguration(user?: Realm.Sync.User): string;
* Delete the Realm file for the given configuration.
* @param {Configuration} config
static deleteFile(config: Realm.Configuration): void;
* @param {Realm.Configuration} config?
constructor(config?: Realm.Configuration);
* @param {string} path
constructor(path?: string);
* @returns void
close(): void;
* @param {string|Realm.ObjectClass|Function} type
* @param {T&Realm.ObjectPropsType} properties
* @param {boolean} update?
* @returns T
create<T>(type: string | Realm.ObjectClass | Function, properties: T | Realm.ObjectPropsType, update?: boolean): T;
* @param {Realm.Object|Realm.Object[]|Realm.List<any>|Realm.Results<any>|any} object
* @returns void
delete(object: Realm.Object | Realm.Object[] | Realm.List<any> | Realm.Results<any> | any): void;
* @returns void
deleteModel(name: string): void;
* @returns void
deleteAll(): void;
* @param {string|Realm.ObjectSchema|Function} type
* @param {number|string} key
* @returns {T | undefined}
objectForPrimaryKey<T>(type: string | Realm.ObjectSchema | Function, key: number | string): T | undefined;
* @param {string|Realm.ObjectType|Function} type
* @returns Realm
objects<T>(type: string | Realm.ObjectSchema | Function): Realm.Results<T>;
* @param {string} name
* @param {()=>void} callback
* @returns void
addListener(name: string, callback: (sender: Realm, event: 'change') => void): void;
* @param {string} name
* @param {()=>void} callback
* @returns void
removeListener(name: string, callback: (sender: Realm, event: 'change') => void): void;
* @param {string} name?
* @returns void
removeAllListeners(name?: string): void;
* @param {()=>void} callback
* @returns void
write(callback: () => void): void;
* @returns void
beginTransaction(): void;
* @returns void
commitTransaction(): void;
* @returns void
cancelTransaction(): void;
* @returns boolean
compact(): boolean;
privileges() : Realm.Permissions.Realm;
privileges(objectType: string | Realm.ObjectSchema | Function) : Realm.Permissions.Class;
privileges(obj: Realm.Object) : Realm.Permissions.Class;
declare module 'realm' {
export = Realm