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2015-08-13 10:29:37 -07:00
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RealmJS contains Realm bindings for integrating with mobile apps built using javascript frameworks such as ReactNative and PhoneGap.

ReactNative Setup

  • Create a new ReactNative project react-native init <project-name> and open the generated XCode project.
  • Drag RealmJS.xcodeproj into the Libraries folder in your project.
  • In the target for your application, add libRealmReact.a in the Link Binary with Library build phase.
  • Use Realm in your app.
Realm is a mobile database: an alternative to SQLite & key-value stores
Readme Pixar
JavaScript 45.9%
C++ 38.4%
Objective-C 3.9%
Shell 3.3%
Objective-C++ 3.2%
Other 5.3%