mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 17:47:32 +00:00
* master: Fix typo in README Improve clarity of schema parsing and serialization Add test that checks schema validation Update README with new Schema API Cleanup some code and comments to make it consistent Convert tests to create objects with property objects Update example apps with new schema API Remove confusion between propTypes and objectTypes Simplify object schema info returned from RPC RPC now keeps object keys in the same order Change schema API to take properties as an object Add method to clear mutation listeners in RPC client Plug small leak from not releasing a JSStringRef Make RJSStringForValue use consistent exception style Improve error messages inside RJSUtil
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260 lines
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/* Copyright 2015 Realm Inc - All Rights Reserved
* Proprietary and Confidential
#include "js_util.hpp"
#include "js_object.hpp"
#include "js_results.hpp"
#include "js_schema.hpp"
#include "js_list.hpp"
#include "js_realm.hpp"
#include "object_store.hpp"
#include "object_accessor.hpp"
using RJSAccessor = realm::NativeAccessor<JSValueRef, JSContextRef>;
using namespace realm;
JSValueRef ObjectGetProperty(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef jsObject, JSStringRef jsPropertyName, JSValueRef* exception) {
try {
Object *obj = RJSGetInternal<Object *>(jsObject);
return obj->get_property_value<JSValueRef>(ctx, RJSStringForJSString(jsPropertyName));
} catch (InvalidPropertyException &ex) {
// getters for nonexistent properties in JS should always return undefined
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
if (exception) {
*exception = RJSMakeError(ctx, ex);
return NULL;
bool ObjectSetProperty(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef jsObject, JSStringRef jsPropertyName, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception) {
try {
Object *obj = RJSGetInternal<Object *>(jsObject);
obj->set_property_value(ctx, RJSStringForJSString(jsPropertyName), value, true);
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
if (exception) {
*exception = RJSMakeError(ctx, ex);
return false;
return true;
void ObjectPropertyNames(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef jsObject, JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef propertyNames) {
Object *obj = RJSGetInternal<Object *>(jsObject);
for (auto &prop : obj->get_object_schema().properties) {
JSStringRef propertyName = RJSStringForString(prop.name);
JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName(propertyNames, propertyName);
JSClassRef RJSObjectClass() {
static JSClassRef s_objectClass = RJSCreateWrapperClass<Object *>("RealmObject", ObjectGetProperty, ObjectSetProperty, NULL, ObjectPropertyNames);
return s_objectClass;
JSObjectRef RJSObjectCreate(JSContextRef ctx, Object object) {
JSValueRef prototype = RJSPrototypes(object.realm().get())[object.get_object_schema().name];
JSObjectRef jsObject = RJSWrapObject(ctx, RJSObjectClass(), new Object(object), prototype);
return jsObject;
extern JSObjectRef RJSDictForPropertyArray(JSContextRef ctx, const ObjectSchema &object_schema, JSObjectRef array);
namespace realm {
template<> bool RJSAccessor::dict_has_value_for_key(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef dict, const std::string &prop_name) {
JSObjectRef object = RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, dict);
JSStringRef propStr = RJSStringForString(prop_name);
bool ret = JSObjectHasProperty(ctx, object, propStr);
return ret;
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::dict_value_for_key(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef dict, const std::string &prop_name) {
JSObjectRef object = RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, dict);
JSStringRef propStr = RJSStringForString(prop_name);
JSValueRef ex = NULL;
JSValueRef ret = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, propStr, &ex);
if (ex) {
throw RJSException(ctx, ex);
return ret;
template<> bool RJSAccessor::has_default_value_for_property(JSContextRef ctx, Realm *realm, const ObjectSchema &object_schema, const std::string &prop_name) {
ObjectDefaults &defaults = RJSDefaults(realm)[object_schema.name];
return defaults.find(prop_name) != defaults.end();
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::default_value_for_property(JSContextRef ctx, Realm *realm, const ObjectSchema &object_schema, const std::string &prop_name) {
ObjectDefaults &defaults = RJSDefaults(realm)[object_schema.name];
return defaults[prop_name];
template<> bool RJSAccessor::is_null(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
return JSValueIsNull(ctx, val) || JSValueIsUndefined(ctx, val);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::null_value(JSContextRef ctx) {
return JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
template<> bool RJSAccessor::to_bool(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
if (!JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, val)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Property expected to be of type boolean");
return JSValueToBoolean(ctx, val);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_bool(JSContextRef ctx, bool b) {
return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, b);
template<> long long RJSAccessor::to_long(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
return RJSValidatedValueToNumber(ctx, val);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_long(JSContextRef ctx, long long l) {
return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, l);
template<> float RJSAccessor::to_float(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
return RJSValidatedValueToNumber(ctx, val);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_float(JSContextRef ctx, float f) {
return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, f);
template<> double RJSAccessor::to_double(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
return RJSValidatedValueToNumber(ctx, val);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_double(JSContextRef ctx, double d) {
return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, d);
template<> std::string RJSAccessor::to_string(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
return RJSValidatedStringForValue(ctx, val);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_string(JSContextRef ctx, StringData s) {
return RJSValueForString(ctx, s);
template<> std::string RJSAccessor::to_binary(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
static JSStringRef arrayBufferString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("ArrayBuffer");
static JSStringRef bufferString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("buffer");
static JSStringRef byteLengthString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("byteLength");
static JSStringRef byteOffsetString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("byteOffset");
static JSStringRef isViewString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("isView");
static JSStringRef uint8ArrayString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Uint8Array");
JSObjectRef arrayBufferConstructor = RJSValidatedObjectProperty(ctx, JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx), arrayBufferString);
JSObjectRef uint8ArrayContructor = RJSValidatedObjectProperty(ctx, JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx), uint8ArrayString);
JSValueRef uint8ArrayArguments[3];
size_t uint8ArrayArgumentsCount = 0;
// Value should either be an ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView (i.e. TypedArray or DataView).
if (JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor(ctx, val, arrayBufferConstructor, NULL)) {
uint8ArrayArguments[0] = val;
uint8ArrayArgumentsCount = 1;
else if (JSObjectRef object = JSValueToObject(ctx, val, NULL)) {
// Check if value is an ArrayBufferView by calling ArrayBuffer.isView(val).
JSObjectRef isViewMethod = RJSValidatedObjectProperty(ctx, arrayBufferConstructor, isViewString);
JSValueRef isView = JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, isViewMethod, arrayBufferConstructor, 1, &val, NULL);
if (isView && JSValueToBoolean(ctx, isView)) {
uint8ArrayArguments[0] = RJSValidatedObjectProperty(ctx, object, bufferString);
uint8ArrayArguments[1] = RJSValidatedPropertyValue(ctx, object, byteOffsetString);
uint8ArrayArguments[2] = RJSValidatedPropertyValue(ctx, object, byteLengthString);
uint8ArrayArgumentsCount = 3;
if (!uint8ArrayArgumentsCount) {
throw std::runtime_error("Can only convert ArrayBuffer and TypedArray objects to binary");
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSObjectRef uint8Array = JSObjectCallAsConstructor(ctx, uint8ArrayContructor, uint8ArrayArgumentsCount, uint8ArrayArguments, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
size_t byteCount = RJSValidatedListLength(ctx, uint8Array);
std::string bytes(byteCount, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {
JSValueRef byteValue = JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(ctx, uint8Array, (unsigned)i, NULL);
bytes[i] = JSValueToNumber(ctx, byteValue, NULL);
return bytes;
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_binary(JSContextRef ctx, BinaryData data) {
static JSStringRef bufferString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("buffer");
static JSStringRef uint8ArrayString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Uint8Array");
size_t byteCount = data.size();
JSValueRef byteCountValue = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, byteCount);
JSObjectRef uint8ArrayContructor = RJSValidatedObjectProperty(ctx, JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx), uint8ArrayString);
JSObjectRef uint8Array = JSObjectCallAsConstructor(ctx, uint8ArrayContructor, 1, &byteCountValue, NULL);
for (size_t i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {
JSValueRef num = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, data[i]);
JSObjectSetPropertyAtIndex(ctx, uint8Array, (unsigned)i, num, NULL);
return RJSValidatedObjectProperty(ctx, uint8Array, bufferString);
template<> DateTime RJSAccessor::to_datetime(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
JSObjectRef object = RJSValidatedValueToDate(ctx, val);
double utc = RJSValidatedValueToNumber(ctx, object);
return DateTime(utc);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_datetime(JSContextRef ctx, DateTime dt) {
JSValueRef time = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, dt.get_datetime());
return JSObjectMakeDate(ctx, 1, &time, NULL);
template<> size_t RJSAccessor::to_existing_object_index(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
JSObjectRef object = RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, val);
if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(ctx, val, RJSObjectClass())) {
return RJSGetInternal<Object *>(object)->row().get_index();
throw std::runtime_error("object is not a Realm Object");
template<> size_t RJSAccessor::to_object_index(JSContextRef ctx, SharedRealm realm, JSValueRef &val, const std::string &type, bool try_update) {
JSObjectRef object = RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, val);
if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(ctx, val, RJSObjectClass())) {
return RJSGetInternal<Object *>(object)->row().get_index();
auto object_schema = realm->config().schema->find(type);
if (RJSIsValueArray(ctx, object)) {
object = RJSDictForPropertyArray(ctx, *object_schema, object);
Object child = Object::create<JSValueRef>(ctx, realm, *object_schema, (JSValueRef)object, try_update);
return child.row().get_index();
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_object(JSContextRef ctx, Object object) {
return RJSObjectCreate(ctx, object);
template<> size_t RJSAccessor::list_size(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val) {
return RJSValidatedListLength(ctx, RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, val));
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::list_value_at_index(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &val, size_t index) {
return RJSValidatedObjectAtIndex(ctx, RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, val), (unsigned int)index);
template<> JSValueRef RJSAccessor::from_list(JSContextRef ctx, List list) {
return RJSListCreate(ctx, list);
} |