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// Copyright 2015 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import "RealmRPC.h"
#import <JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "RealmJS.h"
#include "RJSObject.hpp"
#include "RJSResults.hpp"
#include "RJSList.hpp"
#include "RJSRealm.hpp"
#include "RJSUtil.hpp"
#include "object_accessor.hpp"
#include "shared_realm.hpp"
#include "results.hpp"
using RPCObjectID = u_int64_t;
using RPCRequest = std::function<NSDictionary *(NSDictionary *dictionary)>;
static const char * const RealmObjectTypesFunction = "ObjectTypesFUNCTION";
static const char * const RealmObjectTypesNotification = "ObjectTypesNOTIFICATION";
static const char * const RealmObjectTypesResults = "ObjectTypesRESULTS";
@implementation RJSRPCServer {
JSGlobalContextRef _context;
std::map<std::string, RPCRequest> _requests;
std::map<RPCObjectID, JSObjectRef> _objects;
- (void)dealloc {
for (auto item : _objects) {
JSValueUnprotect(_context, item.second);
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_context = JSGlobalContextCreate(NULL);
// JavaScriptCore crashes when trying to walk up the native stack to print the stacktrace.
// FIXME: Avoid having to do this!
static void (*setIncludesNativeCallStack)(JSGlobalContextRef, bool) = (void (*)(JSGlobalContextRef, bool))dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JSGlobalContextSetIncludesNativeCallStackWhenReportingExceptions");
if (setIncludesNativeCallStack) {
setIncludesNativeCallStack(_context, false);
id _self = self;
__weak __typeof__(self) self = _self;
_requests["/create_realm"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
NSArray *args = dict[@"arguments"];
NSUInteger argCount = args.count;
JSValueRef argValues[argCount];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
argValues[i] = [self deserializeDictionaryValue:args[i]];
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSObjectRef realmObject = RealmConstructor(_context, NULL, argCount, argValues, &exception);
if (exception) {
return @{@"error": @(RJSStringForValue(_context, exception).c_str())};
RPCObjectID realmId = [self storeObject:realmObject];
return @{@"result": @(realmId)};
_requests["/begin_transaction"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
RPCObjectID realmId = [dict[@"realmId"] unsignedLongValue];
RJSGetInternal<realm::SharedRealm *>(_objects[realmId])->get()->begin_transaction();
return nil;
_requests["/cancel_transaction"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
RPCObjectID realmId = [dict[@"realmId"] unsignedLongValue];
RJSGetInternal<realm::SharedRealm *>(_objects[realmId])->get()->cancel_transaction();
return nil;
_requests["/commit_transaction"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
RPCObjectID realmId = [dict[@"realmId"] unsignedLongValue];
RJSGetInternal<realm::SharedRealm *>(_objects[realmId])->get()->commit_transaction();
return nil;
_requests["/call_method"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
return [self performObjectMethod:dict[@"name"]
objectId:[dict[@"id"] unsignedLongValue]];
_requests["/get_property"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
RPCObjectID oid = [dict[@"id"] unsignedLongValue];
id name = dict[@"name"];
JSValueRef value = NULL;
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
if ([name isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
value = JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(_context, _objects[oid], [name unsignedIntValue], &exception);
else {
JSStringRef propString = RJSStringForString([name UTF8String]);
value = JSObjectGetProperty(_context, _objects[oid], propString, &exception);
if (exception) {
return @{@"error": @(RJSStringForValue(_context, exception).c_str())};
return @{@"result": [self resultForJSValue:value]};
_requests["/set_property"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
RPCObjectID oid = [dict[@"id"] unsignedLongValue];
id name = dict[@"name"];
JSValueRef value = [self deserializeDictionaryValue:dict[@"value"]];
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
if ([name isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
JSObjectSetPropertyAtIndex(_context, _objects[oid], [name unsignedIntValue], value, &exception);
else {
JSStringRef propString = RJSStringForString([name UTF8String]);
JSObjectSetProperty(_context, _objects[oid], propString, value, 0, &exception);
if (exception) {
return @{@"error": @(RJSStringForValue(_context, exception).c_str())};
return @{};
_requests["/dispose_object"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
RPCObjectID oid = [dict[@"id"] unsignedLongValue];
JSValueUnprotect(_context, _objects[oid]);
return nil;
_requests["/clear_test_state"] = [=](NSDictionary *dict) {
for (auto object : _objects) {
JSValueUnprotect(_context, object.second);
[RealmJS clearTestState];
return nil;
return self;
- (NSDictionary *)performRequest:(NSString *)name args:(NSDictionary *)args {
// perform all realm ops on the main thread
RPCRequest action = _requests[name.UTF8String];
__block id response;
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
try {
response = action(args);
} catch (std::exception &exception) {
response = @{@"error": [@"exception thrown: " stringByAppendingString:@(exception.what())]};
return response ?: @{};
- (NSDictionary *)performObjectMethod:(NSString *)method args:(NSArray *)args objectId:(RPCObjectID)oid {
JSObjectRef object = _objects[oid];
JSStringRef methodString = RJSStringForString(method.UTF8String);
JSObjectRef function = RJSValidatedObjectProperty(_context, object, methodString);
NSUInteger argCount = args.count;
JSValueRef argValues[argCount];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
argValues[i] = [self deserializeDictionaryValue:args[i]];
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSValueRef result = JSObjectCallAsFunction(_context, function, object, argCount, argValues, &exception);
if (exception) {
return @{@"error": @(RJSStringForValue(_context, exception).c_str())};
return @{@"result": [self resultForJSValue:result]};
- (RPCObjectID)storeObject:(JSObjectRef)object {
static RPCObjectID s_next_id = 1;
RPCObjectID next_id = s_next_id++;
JSValueProtect(_context, object);
_objects[next_id] = object;
return next_id;
- (NSDictionary *)resultForJSValue:(JSValueRef)value {
switch (JSValueGetType(_context, value)) {
case kJSTypeUndefined:
return @{};
case kJSTypeNull:
return @{@"value": [NSNull null]};
case kJSTypeBoolean:
return @{@"value": @(JSValueToBoolean(_context, value))};
case kJSTypeNumber:
return @{@"value": @(JSValueToNumber(_context, value, NULL))};
case kJSTypeString:
return @{@"value": @(RJSStringForValue(_context, value).c_str())};
case kJSTypeObject:
JSObjectRef jsObject = JSValueToObject(_context, value, NULL);
if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(_context, value, RJSObjectClass())) {
realm::Object *object = RJSGetInternal<realm::Object *>(jsObject);
RPCObjectID oid = [self storeObject:jsObject];
return @{
@"type": @(RJSTypeGet(realm::PropertyTypeObject).c_str()),
@"id": @(oid),
@"schema": [self objectSchemaToJSONObject:object->object_schema]
else if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(_context, value, RJSListClass())) {
realm::List *list = RJSGetInternal<realm::List *>(jsObject);
RPCObjectID oid = [self storeObject:jsObject];
return @{
@"type": @(RJSTypeGet(realm::PropertyTypeArray).c_str()),
@"id": @(oid),
@"size": @(list->link_view->size()),
@"schema": [self objectSchemaToJSONObject:list->object_schema]
else if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(_context, value, RJSResultsClass())) {
realm::Results *results = RJSGetInternal<realm::Results *>(jsObject);
RPCObjectID oid = [self storeObject:jsObject];
return @{
@"type": @(RealmObjectTypesResults),
@"id": @(oid),
@"size": @(results->size()),
@"schema": [self objectSchemaToJSONObject:results->object_schema]
else if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(_context, value, RJSNotificationClass())) {
RPCObjectID oid = [self storeObject:jsObject];
return @{
@"type": @(RealmObjectTypesNotification),
@"id": @(oid),
else if (RJSIsValueArray(_context, value)) {
size_t length = RJSValidatedListLength(_context, jsObject);
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray new];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
[array addObject:[self resultForJSValue:JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(_context, jsObject, i, NULL)]];
return @{@"value": array};
else {
- (NSDictionary *)objectSchemaToJSONObject:(realm::ObjectSchema &)objectSchema {
NSMutableArray *properties = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (realm::Property prop : objectSchema.properties) {
NSDictionary *dict = @{
@"name": @(prop.name.c_str()),
@"type": @(RJSTypeGet(prop.type).c_str()),
[properties addObject:dict];
return @{
@"name": @(objectSchema.name.c_str()),
@"properties": properties,
- (JSValueRef)deserializeDictionaryValue:(NSDictionary *)dict {
RPCObjectID oid = [dict[@"id"] longValue];
if (oid) {
return _objects[oid];
NSString *type = dict[@"type"];
if ([type isEqualToString:@(RealmObjectTypesFunction)]) {
// FIXME: Make this actually call the function by its id once we need it to.
JSStringRef jsBody = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("");
JSObjectRef jsFunction = JSObjectMakeFunction(_context, NULL, 0, NULL, jsBody, NULL, 1, NULL);
return jsFunction;
id value = dict[@"value"];
if (!value) {
return JSValueMakeUndefined(_context);
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
return JSValueMakeNull(_context);
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[@YES class]]) {
return JSValueMakeBoolean(_context, [value boolValue]);
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
return JSValueMakeNumber(_context, [value doubleValue]);
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return RJSValueForString(_context, std::string([value UTF8String]));
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
NSUInteger count = [value count];
JSValueRef jsValues[count];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) {
jsValues[i] = [self deserializeDictionaryValue:value[i]];
return JSObjectMakeArray(_context, count, jsValues, NULL);
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
JSObjectRef jsObject = JSObjectMake(_context, NULL, NULL);
for (NSString *key in value) {
JSValueRef jsValue = [self deserializeDictionaryValue:value[key]];
JSStringRef jsKey = JSStringCreateWithCFString((__bridge CFStringRef)key);
JSObjectSetProperty(_context, jsObject, jsKey, jsValue, 0, NULL);
return jsObject;
return JSValueMakeUndefined(_context);