mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 20:55:40 +00:00
No longer leave this up to the test. All testing passes through the runTest() function, so we use that spot to delete the Realms. It also now deletes them beforehand too since a crash in a previous run could leave a Realm in place.
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509 lines
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// Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var Realm = require('realm');
var TestCase = require('./asserts');
var schemas = require('./schemas');
var RANDOM_DATA = new Uint8Array([
0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15, 0x77, 0x30, 0xac, 0x77, 0x96, 0xd9,
0x67, 0x1e, 0x40, 0xa7, 0x6d, 0x52, 0x83, 0xda, 0x07, 0x29, 0x9c, 0x70, 0x38, 0x48, 0x4e, 0xff,
module.exports = {
testBasicTypesPropertyGetters: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.BasicTypes]});
var object;
var basicTypesValues = {
boolCol: true,
intCol: 1,
floatCol: 1.1,
doubleCol: 1.11,
stringCol: 'string',
dateCol: new Date(1),
realm.write(function() {
object = realm.create('BasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues);
for (var name in schemas.BasicTypes.properties) {
var prop = schemas.BasicTypes.properties[name];
var type = typeof prop == 'object' ? prop.type : prop;
if (type == Realm.Types.FLOAT || type == Realm.Types.DOUBLE) {
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(object[name], basicTypesValues[name], 0.000001);
else if (type == Realm.Types.DATA) {
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(object[name]), RANDOM_DATA);
else if (type == Realm.Types.DATE) {
TestCase.assertEqual(object[name].getTime(), basicTypesValues[name].getTime());
else {
TestCase.assertEqual(object[name], basicTypesValues[name]);
TestCase.assertEqual(object.nonexistent, undefined);
testNullableBasicTypesPropertyGetters: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.NullableBasicTypes]});
var object, nullObject;
var basicTypesValues = {
boolCol: true,
intCol: 1,
floatCol: 1.1,
doubleCol: 1.11,
stringCol: 'string',
dateCol: new Date(1),
realm.write(function() {
object = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues);
nullObject = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', {
boolCol: null,
intCol: null,
floatCol: null,
doubleCol: null,
stringCol: null,
dateCol: null,
dataCol: null,
for (var name in schemas.BasicTypes.properties) {
var prop = schemas.BasicTypes.properties[name];
var type = typeof prop == 'object' ? prop.type : prop;
TestCase.assertEqual(nullObject[name], null);
if (type == Realm.Types.FLOAT || type == Realm.Types.DOUBLE) {
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(object[name], basicTypesValues[name], 0.000001);
else if (type == Realm.Types.DATA) {
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(object[name]), RANDOM_DATA);
else if (type == Realm.Types.DATE) {
TestCase.assertEqual(object[name].getTime(), basicTypesValues[name].getTime());
else {
TestCase.assertEqual(object[name], basicTypesValues[name]);
testBasicTypesPropertySetters: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.BasicTypes]});
var obj;
var basicTypesValues = {
boolCol: true,
intCol: 1,
floatCol: 1.1,
doubleCol: 1.11,
stringCol: 'string',
dateCol: new Date(1),
dataCol: new ArrayBuffer(),
realm.write(function() {
obj = realm.create('BasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues);
obj.boolCol = false;
obj.intCol = 2;
obj.floatCol = 2.2;
obj.doubleCol = 2.22;
obj.stringCol = 'STRING';
obj.dateCol = new Date(2);
obj.dataCol = RANDOM_DATA;
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.boolCol, false, 'wrong bool value');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.intCol, 2, 'wrong int value');
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj.floatCol, 2.2, 0.000001, 'wrong float value');
TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj.doubleCol, 2.22, 0.000001, 'wrong double value');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.stringCol, 'STRING', 'wrong string value');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.dateCol.getTime(), 2, 'wrong date value');
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(obj.dataCol), RANDOM_DATA, 'wrong data value');
realm.write(function() {
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.boolCol = 'cat';
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.intCol = 'dog';
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.boolCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.boolCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.intCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.intCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.floatCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.floatCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.doubleCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.doubleCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.stringCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.stringCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.dateCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.dateCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.dataCol = null;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.dataCol = undefined;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.boolCol = true;
}, 'can only set property values in a write transaction');
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.boolCol, false, 'bool value changed outside transaction');
testNullableBasicTypesPropertySetters: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.NullableBasicTypes]});
var obj, obj1;
var basicTypesValues = {
boolCol: true,
intCol: 1,
floatCol: 1.1,
doubleCol: 1.11,
stringCol: 'string',
dateCol: new Date(1),
realm.write(function() {
obj = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues);
obj1 = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues);
for (var name in schemas.NullableBasicTypes.properties) {
obj[name] = null;
obj1[name] = undefined;
for (var name in schemas.NullableBasicTypes.properties) {
TestCase.assertEqual(obj[name], null);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj1[name], null);
realm.write(function() {
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.boolCol = 'cat';
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.intCol = 'dog';
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.boolCol = null;
}, 'can only set property values in a write transaction');
testLinkTypesPropertyGetters: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.LinkTypes, schemas.TestObject]});
var obj = null;
realm.write(function() {
obj = realm.create('LinkTypesObject', {
objectCol: {doubleCol: 1},
objectCol1: null,
arrayCol: [{doubleCol: 3}],
var objVal = obj.objectCol;
TestCase.assertEqual(typeof objVal, 'object');
TestCase.assertNotEqual(objVal, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(objVal.doubleCol, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol1, null);
var arrayVal = obj.arrayCol;
TestCase.assertEqual(typeof arrayVal, 'object');
TestCase.assertNotEqual(arrayVal, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(arrayVal.length, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(arrayVal[0].doubleCol, 3);
testLinkTypesPropertySetters: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.LinkTypes, schemas.TestObject]});
var objects = realm.objects('TestObject');
var obj;
realm.write(function() {
obj = realm.create('LinkTypesObject', {
objectCol: {doubleCol: 1},
objectCol1: null,
arrayCol: [{doubleCol: 3}],
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2);
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
obj.objectCol1 = obj.objectCol;
}, 'can only set property values in a write transaction');
// set/reuse object property
realm.write(function() {
obj.objectCol1 = obj.objectCol;
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol1.doubleCol, 1);
//TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol, obj.objectCol1);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2);
realm.write(function() {
obj.objectCol = null;
obj.objectCol1 = null;
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol, null);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol1, null);
// set object as JSON
realm.write(function() {
obj.objectCol = {doubleCol: 1};
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol.doubleCol, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 3);
// set array property
realm.write(function() {
obj.arrayCol = [
realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 2}),
TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 4);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol.length, 3);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[0].doubleCol, 3);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[1].doubleCol, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[2].doubleCol, 2);
testEnumerablePropertyNames: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.BasicTypes]});
var object;
realm.write(function() {
object = realm.create('BasicTypesObject', {
boolCol: true,
intCol: 1,
floatCol: 1.1,
doubleCol: 1.11,
stringCol: 'string',
dateCol: new Date(1),
var propNames = Object.keys(schemas.BasicTypes.properties);
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(Object.keys(object), propNames, 'Object.keys');
for (var key in object) {
TestCase.assertEqual(key, propNames.shift());
TestCase.assertEqual(propNames.length, 0);
testDataProperties: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.DefaultValues, schemas.TestObject]});
var object;
// Should be be able to set a data property with a typed array.
realm.write(function() {
object = realm.create('DefaultValuesObject', {dataCol: RANDOM_DATA});
// Data properties should return an instance of an ArrayBuffer.
TestCase.assertTrue(object.dataCol instanceof ArrayBuffer);
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(object.dataCol), RANDOM_DATA);
// Should be able to also set a data property to an ArrayBuffer.
realm.write(function() {
object.dataCol = RANDOM_DATA.buffer;
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(object.dataCol), RANDOM_DATA);
// Should be to set a data property to a DataView.
realm.write(function() {
object.dataCol = new DataView(RANDOM_DATA.buffer);
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(object.dataCol), RANDOM_DATA);
// Test that a variety of size and slices of data still work.
[0, -1],
[0, -2],
[1, 0],
[1, -1],
[1, -2],
[2, 0],
[2, -1],
[2, -2],
].forEach(function(range) {
var array = RANDOM_DATA.subarray(range[0], range[1]);
realm.write(function() {
// Use a partial "view" of the underlying ArrayBuffer.
object.dataCol = new Uint8Array(RANDOM_DATA.buffer, range[0], array.length);
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new Uint8Array(object.dataCol), array, range.join('...'));
// Test other TypedArrays to make sure they all work for setting data properties.
].forEach(function(TypedArray) {
var array = new TypedArray(RANDOM_DATA.buffer);
realm.write(function() {
object.dataCol = array;
TestCase.assertArraysEqual(new TypedArray(object.dataCol), array, TypedArray.name);
realm.write(function() {
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
object.dataCol = true;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
object.dataCol = 1;
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
object.dataCol = 'data';
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
object.dataCol = [1];
testObjectConstructor: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
realm.write(function() {
var obj = realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
TestCase.assertTrue(obj instanceof Realm.Object);
TestCase.assertEqual(typeof Realm.Object, 'function');
TestCase.assertTrue(Realm.Object instanceof Function);
testIsValid: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
var obj;
realm.write(function() {
obj = realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1});
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.isValid(), true);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.isValid(), false);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.isValid(), false);
TestCase.assertThrows(function() {
testIgnoredProperties: function() {
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.TestObject]});
var obj;
realm.write(function() {
obj = realm.create('TestObject', {doubleCol: 1, ignored: true});
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.doubleCol, 1);
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.ignored, undefined);
obj.ignored = true;
TestCase.assertEqual(obj.ignored, true);
testDates: function() {
// test file format upgrade
var realm_v3 = new Realm({path: 'dates-v3.realm', schema: [schemas.DateObject]});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date').length, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[0].currentDate.getTime(), 1462500087955);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[0].nullDate.getTime(), 1462500087955);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[1].currentDate.getTime(), -10000);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[1].nullDate, null);
// get new file format is not upgraded
var realm_v5 = new Realm({path: 'dates-v5.realm', schema: [schemas.DateObject]});
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v5.objects('Date').length, 2);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[0].currentDate.getTime(), 1462500087955);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[0].nullDate.getTime(), 1462500087955);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[1].currentDate.getTime(), -10000);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm_v3.objects('Date')[1].nullDate, null);
// test different dates
var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.DateObject]});
realm.write(function() {
realm.create('Date', { currentDate: new Date(10000) });
realm.create('Date', { currentDate: new Date(-10000) });
realm.create('Date', { currentDate: new Date(1000000000000) });
realm.create('Date', { currentDate: new Date(-1000000000000) });
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date')[0].currentDate.getTime(), 10000);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date')[1].currentDate.getTime(), -10000);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date')[2].currentDate.getTime(), 1000000000000);
TestCase.assertEqual(realm.objects('Date')[3].currentDate.getTime(), -1000000000000);