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// Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* Abstract base class containing methods shared by {@link Realm.List} and {@link Realm.Results}.
* @memberof Realm
* @since 0.11.0
class Collection {
* The number of objects in the collection.
* @type {number}
* @readonly
get length() {}
* Checks if this collection has not been deleted and is part of a valid Realm.
* @returns {boolean} indicating if the collection can be safely accessed.
* @since 0.14.0
isValid() {}
* Returns new _Results_ that represent this collection being filtered by the provided query.
* @param {string} query - Query used to filter objects from the collection.
* @param {...any} [arg] - Each subsequent argument is used by the placeholders
* (e.g. `$0`, `$1`, `$2`, …) in the query.
* @throws {Error} If the query or any other argument passed into this method is invalid.
* @returns {Realm.Results} filtered according to the provided query.
* See {@tutorial query-language} for details about the query language.
* @example
* let merlots = wines.filtered('variety == "Merlot" && vintage <= $0', maxYear);
filtered(query, ...arg) {}
* Returns new _Results_ that represent this collection being sorted by the provided property
* (or properties) of each object.
* @param {string|Realm.Results~SortDescriptor[]} descriptor - The property name(s) to sort
* the objects in the collection.
* @param {boolean} [reverse=false] - May only be provided if `descriptor` is a string.
* @throws {Error} If a specified property does not exist.
* @returns {Realm.Results} sorted according to the arguments passed in
sorted(descriptor, reverse) {}
* Create a frozen snapshot of the collection. This means objects added to and removed from the
* original collection will not be reflected in the _Results_ returned by this method.
* However, objects deleted from the Realm will become `null` at their respective indices.
* This is **not** a _deep_ snapshot, meaning the objects contained in this snapshot will
* continue to update as changes are made to them.
* @returns {Realm.Results} which will **not** live update.
snapshot() {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/entries Array.prototype.entries}
* @returns {Realm.Collection~Iterator} of each `[index, object]` pair in the collection
* @since 0.11.0
entries() {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/keys Array.prototype.keys}
* @returns {Realm.Collection~Iterator} of each index in the collection
* @since 0.11.0
keys() {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/values Array.prototype.values}
* @returns {Realm.Collection~Iterator} of each Realm object in the collection
* @since 0.11.0
values() {}
* This is the same method as the {@link Realm.Collection#values values()} method.
* Its presence makes collections _iterable_, thus able to be used with ES6
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of `for-of`}
* loops,
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_operator `...`}
* spread operators, and more.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol/iterator Symbol.iterator}
* and the {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#iterable iterable protocol}
* @returns {Realm.Collection~Iterator} of each Realm object in the collection
* @since 0.11.0
* @example
* for (let object of collection) {
* // do something with each object
* }
[Symbol.iterator]() {}
* Joins all objects in the collection into a string.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/join Array.prototype.join}
* @param {string} [separator=","] - A string to separate the return values of the
* `toString()` method being called on each object in the collection.
* @returns {string}
* @since 0.11.0
join(separator) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/slice Array.prototype.slice}
* @param {number} [start=0] - The start index. If negative, then the start index will be
* counted from the end of the collection.
* @param {number} [end] - The end index. The objects up to, but not including, the end
* index will be include in the return value. If negative, then the end index will be
* counted from the end of the collection. If omitted, then all objects from the start
* index will be included in the return value.
* @returns {Realm.Object[]} containing the objects from the start index up to, but not
* including, the end index.
* @since 0.11.0
slice(start, end) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find Array.prototype.find}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* If this function returns `true`, then that object will be returned by this method.
* This function takes three arguments:
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [thisArg] - The value of `this` when `callback` is called.
* @returns {Realm.Object|undefined} if the `callback` did not return `true` for any object
* in the collection.
* @since 0.11.0
find(callback, thisArg) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/findIndex Array.prototype.findIndex}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* If this function returns `true`, then the index of that object will be returned
* by this method. This function takes three arguments:
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [thisArg] - The value of `this` when `callback` is called.
* @returns {number} representing the index where the `callback` returned `true`, or `-1`
* if `true` was never returned.
* @since 0.11.0
findIndex(callback, thisArg) {}
Finds the index of the given object in the collection.
* @param {Realm.Object} [object] - The object to search for in the collection.
* @throws {Error} If the argument does not belong to the realm.
* @returns {number} representing the index where the object was found, or `-1`
* if not in collection.
* @since 1.8.2
indexOf(object) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/forEach Array.prototype.forEach}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* This function takes three arguments:
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [thisArg] - The value of `this` when `callback` is called.
* @since 0.11.0
forEach(callback, thisArg) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every Array.prototype.every}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* If this function returns `true` for every object, then this method will return `true`.
* This function takes three arguments:
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [thisArg] - The value of `this` when `callback` is called.
* @returns {boolean} representing if `callback` returned `true` for every object in the
* collection.
* @since 0.11.0
every(callback, thisArg) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some Array.prototype.some}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* If this function ever returns `true`, then this method will return `true`.
* This function takes three arguments:
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [thisArg] - The value of `this` when `callback` is called.
* @returns {boolean} – `true` when `callback` returns `true` for an object in the collection,
* otherwise `false`.
* @since 0.11.0
some(callback, thisArg) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map Array.prototype.map}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* This function takes three arguments:
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [thisArg] - The value of `this` when `callback` is called.
* @returns {any[]} – the return values of `callback` after being called on every object
* in the collection.
* @since 0.11.0
map(callback, thisArg) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce Array.prototype.reduce}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object in the collection.
* This function takes four arguments:
* - `previousValue` – The value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback,
* or `initialValue`, if supplied.
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [initialValue] - The value to use as the first argument to the first call
* of the `callback`.
* @throws {TypeError} If the collection is empty and no `initialValue` was supplied.
* @returns {any} – the value returned by the final invocation of `callback`, _except_ for
* the following special cases:
* - If collection consists of a single object, and no `initalValue` was supplied, then
* that object will be returned.
* - If the collection is empty, then `initialValue` _must_ be supplied and will be returned.
* @since 0.11.0
reduce(callback, initialValue) {}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduceRight Array.prototype.reduceRight}
* @param {function} callback - Function to execute on each object, from **right to left**,
* in the collection. This function takes four arguments:
* - `previousValue` – The value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback,
* or `initialValue`, if supplied.
* - `object` – The current object being processed in the collection.
* - `index` – The index of the object being processed in the collection.
* - `collection` – The collection itself.
* @param {object} [initialValue] - The value to use as the first argument to the first call
* of the `callback`.
* @throws {TypeError} If the collection is empty and no `initialValue` was supplied.
* @returns {any} – the value returned by the final invocation of `callback`, _except_ for
* the following special cases:
* - If collection consists of a single object, and no `initalValue` was supplied, then
* that object will be returned.
* - If the collection is empty, then `initialValue` _must_ be supplied and will be returned.
* @since 0.11.0
reduceRight(callback, initialValue) {}
* Add a listener `callback` which will be called when a **live** collection instance changes.
* @param {function(collection, changes)} callback - A function to be called when changes occur.
* The callback function is called with two arguments:
* - `collection`: the collection instance that changed,
* - `changes`: a dictionary with keys `insertions`, `modifications` and `deletions`,
* each containing a list of indices that were inserted, updated or deleted respectively.
* @throws {Error} If `callback` is not a function.
* @example
* wines.addListener((collection, changes) => {
* // collection === wines
* console.log(`${changes.insertions.length} insertions`);
* console.log(`${changes.modifications.length} modifications`);
* console.log(`${changes.deletions.length} deletions`);
* console.log(`new size of collection: ${collection.length}`);
* });
addListener(callback) {}
* Remove the listener `callback` from the collection instance.
* @param {function(collection, changes)} callback - Callback function that was previously
* added as a listener through the {@link Collection#addListener addListener} method.
* @throws {Error} If `callback` is not a function.
removeListener(callback) {}
* Remove all `callback` listeners from the collection instance.
removeAllListeners(name) {}
* This is an ES6 iterator.
* @typedef Realm.Collection~Iterator
* @property {function} next - Returns an object with two properties:
* - `done` – `true` if the iterator is done iterating through items in the collection,
* otherwise `false`
* - `value` – the next item being iterated through in the collection, or `undefined` when
* `done` is `true`
* @property {function} Symbol.iterator - This method simply returns `this`, thus making this
* iterator itself _iterable_ (i.e. usable in
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...of `for-of`}
* loops, with the
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_operator `...`}
* spread operator, and more).
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#iterator iterator protocol}
* The sort descriptors may either just be a string representing the property name, **or** an
* array with two items: `[propertyName, reverse]`
* @typedef Realm.Collection~SortDescriptor
* @type {string|Array}