/** * Sample React Native App * https://github.com/facebook/react-native */ 'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, NavigatorIOS, AlertIOS, ListView, TouchableHighlight, Text, TextInput, View, } = React; var TodoItemSchema = { name: 'Todo', properties: [ {name: 'text', type: RealmType.String}, ] }; var TodoListSchmea = { name: 'TodoList', properties: [ {name: 'name', type: RealmType.String}, {name: 'items', type: RealmType.Array, objectType: 'Todo'} ] }; console.log(Realm.defaultPath); var realm = new Realm({schema: [TodoItemSchema, TodoListSchmea]}); class Edit extends React.Component { componentWillMount() { this.setState({text: this.props.text}); } save() { realm.write(function () { if (this.props.todoId == this.props.list.items.length) { this.props.list.items.push({text: this.state.text}); } else { var todoItem = this.props.list.items[this.props.todoId]; todoItem.text = this.state.text; } }.bind(this)); // should not be needed once we have notifications this.props.parent.updateDataSource(); this.props.navigator.pop(); } render() { return ( this.setState({text})} value={this.state.text}/> Save ) } }; class TodoList extends React.Component { componentWillMount() { this.lists = realm.objects('TodoList'); if (this.lists.length < 1) { realm.write(function() { realm.create('TodoList', ['List', []]); }); } this.list = this.lists[0]; this.menu = this.menu.bind(this); this.delete = this.delete.bind(this); var dataSource = new ListView.DataSource({ rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2 }); this.updateDataSource(dataSource); } updateDataSource(oldDataSource) { if (!oldDataSource) { oldDataSource = this.state.dataSource; } this.setState({dataSource: oldDataSource.cloneWithRows(this.list.items)}); } menu(todo, todoID) { AlertIOS.alert( todo.text, todoID, [ {text: 'Complete', onPress: () => this.delete(todoID)}, {text: 'Edit', onPress: () => this.edit(todoID, todo.text)}, {text: 'Cancel'} ] ) } delete(todoID) { var item = this.list.items[todoID]; realm.write(function() { realm.delete(item); }) this.updateDataSource(); } edit(todoId, text) { this.props.navigator.push({ title: text, component: Edit, passProps: {list: this.list, todoId: todoId, text: text, parent: this} }); } render() { return ( this.menu(rowData, rowID)}> {rowData.text} }/> this.edit(this.list.items.length, "")}> + Press Cmd+R to reload,{'\n'} Cmd+Control+Z for dev menu ); } }; class Navigator extends React.Component { render() { return ( ); } }; AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactExample', () => Navigator); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'stretch', backgroundColor: '#ffffff', }, listItem: { marginTop: 3, padding: 6, backgroundColor:'#ACACAC', alignSelf: 'stretch', flexDirection: 'row', flex:1, }, textInput: { alignSelf: 'stretch', borderWidth: 0.5, borderColor: '#0f0f0f', height: 200, fontSize: 13, margin: 6, marginTop: 70, padding: 4, }, button: { height: 36, backgroundColor: '#48BBEC', alignSelf: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center' }, buttonText: { alignSelf: 'center', }, instructions: { textAlign: 'center', color: '#333333', marginBottom: 5, } });