/* Copyright 2015 Realm Inc - All Rights Reserved * Proprietary and Confidential */ #import "RealmJSTests.h" #import "RJSModuleLoader.h" @interface RealmJSCoreTests : RealmJSTests @property (nonatomic, strong) JSValue *testObject; @end @implementation RealmJSCoreTests + (XCTestSuite *)defaultTestSuite { XCTestSuite *suite = [super defaultTestSuite]; JSContext *context = [[JSContext alloc] init]; RJSModuleLoader *moduleLoader = [[RJSModuleLoader alloc] initWithContext:context]; NSURL *scriptURL = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:self] URLForResource:@"index" withExtension:@"js"]; RJSInitializeInContext(context.JSGlobalContextRef); // Expose the global Realm object as a global 'realm' CommonJS module. [moduleLoader addGlobalModuleObject:context[@"Realm"] forName:@"realm"]; NSError *error; JSValue *testObjects = [moduleLoader loadModuleFromURL:scriptURL error:&error]; if (!testObjects) { NSLog(@"%@", error); exit(1); } NSDictionary *testCaseNames = [[testObjects invokeMethod:@"getTestNames" withArguments:nil] toDictionary]; if (!testCaseNames.count) { NSLog(@"No test case names from getTestNames() JS method!"); exit(1); } for (XCTestSuite *testSuite in [self testSuitesFromDictionary:testCaseNames]) { for (RealmJSCoreTests *test in testSuite.tests) { test.testObject = testObjects[testSuite.name]; } [suite addTest:testSuite]; } return suite; } - (JSContext *)context { return self.testObject.context; } - (void)invokeMethod:(NSString *)method { JSValue *testObject = self.testObject; if (![testObject hasProperty:method]) { return; } JSContext *context = testObject.context; context.exception = nil; [testObject invokeMethod:method withArguments:nil]; JSValue *exception = context.exception; if (exception) { JSValue *message = [exception hasProperty:@"message"] ? exception[@"message"] : exception; NSString *source = [exception hasProperty:@"sourceURL"] ? [exception[@"sourceURL"] toString] : nil; NSUInteger line = [exception hasProperty:@"line"] ? [exception[@"line"] toUInt32] - 1 : 0; NSURL *sourceURL = source ? [NSURL URLWithString:source.lastPathComponent relativeToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@(__FILE__)]] : nil; [self recordFailureWithDescription:message.description inFile:sourceURL ? sourceURL.absoluteString : @(__FILE__) atLine:sourceURL ? line : __LINE__ expected:YES]; } } @end