#include "catch.hpp" #include "collection_notifications.hpp" #include "util/index_helpers.hpp" TEST_CASE("collection change indices") { using namespace realm; _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder c; SECTION("basic mutation functions") { SECTION("insert() adds the row to the insertions set") { c.insert(5); c.insert(8); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 5, 8); } SECTION("insert() shifts previous insertions and modifications") { c.insert(5); c.modify(8); c.insert(1); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1, 6); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 9); } SECTION("insert() does not shift previous deletions") { c.erase(8); c.erase(3); c.insert(5); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 5); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 3, 8); } SECTION("modify() adds the row to the modifications set") { c.modify(3); c.modify(4); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 3, 4); } SECTION("modify() on an inserted row marks it as both inserted and modified") { c.insert(3); c.modify(3); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 3); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 3); } SECTION("modify() doesn't interact with deleted rows") { c.erase(5); c.erase(4); c.erase(3); c.modify(4); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 4); } SECTION("erase() adds the row to the deletions set") { c.erase(5); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5); } SECTION("erase() is shifted for previous deletions") { c.erase(5); c.erase(6); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5, 7); } SECTION("erase() is shifted for previous insertions") { c.insert(5); c.erase(6); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5); } SECTION("erase() removes previous insertions") { c.insert(5); c.erase(5); REQUIRE(c.insertions.empty()); REQUIRE(c.deletions.empty()); } SECTION("erase() removes previous modifications") { c.modify(5); c.erase(5); REQUIRE(c.modifications.empty()); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5); } SECTION("erase() shifts previous modifications") { c.modify(5); c.erase(4); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 4); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 4); } SECTION("move() adds the move to the list of moves") { c.move(5, 6); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {5, 6}); } SECTION("move() updates previous moves to the source of this move") { c.move(5, 6); c.move(6, 7); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {5, 7}); } SECTION("move() shifts previous moves and is shifted by them") { c.move(5, 10); c.move(6, 12); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {5, 9}, {7, 12}); c.move(10, 0); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {5, 10}, {7, 12}, {11, 0}); } SECTION("moving a newly inserted row is not reported as a move") { c.insert(5); c.move(5, 10); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 10); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); } SECTION("move() shifts previous insertions and modifications") { c.insert(5); c.modify(6); c.move(10, 0); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 0, 6); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 7); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {9, 0}); } SECTION("move_over() marks the old last row as moved") { c.move_over(5, 8); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {8, 5}); } SECTION("move_over() does not mark the old last row as moved if it was newly inserted") { c.insert(8); c.move_over(5, 8); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); } SECTION("move_over() removes previous modifications for the removed row") { c.modify(5); c.move_over(5, 8); REQUIRE(c.modifications.empty()); } SECTION("move_over() updates previous insertions for the old last row") { c.insert(5); c.move_over(3, 5); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 3); } SECTION("move_over() updates previous modifications for the old last row") { c.modify(5); c.move_over(3, 5); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 3); } SECTION("move_over() removes moves to the target") { c.move(3, 5); c.move_over(5, 8); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {8, 5}); } SECTION("move_over() updates moves to the source") { c.move(3, 8); c.move_over(5, 8); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {3, 5}); } SECTION("move_over() is not shifted by previous calls to move_over()") { c.move_over(5, 10); c.move_over(6, 9); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5, 6, 9, 10); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 5, 6); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {10, 5}, {9, 6}); } } SECTION("calculate") { auto all_modified = [](size_t) { return true; }; auto none_modified = [](size_t) { return false; }; SECTION("no changes") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}, none_modified, false); REQUIRE(c.empty()); } SECTION("inserting from empty") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({}, {1, 2, 3}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 0, 1, 2); } SECTION("deleting all existing") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, {}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 0, 1, 2); } SECTION("all rows modified without changing order") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 0, 1, 2); } SECTION("single insertion in middle") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1); } SECTION("single deletion in middle") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, {1, 3}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 1); } SECTION("mixed insert and delete") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({3, 5}, {0, 3}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 1); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 0); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); } SECTION("modifications are reported for moved rows") { c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({3, 5}, {5, 3}, all_modified, false); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {1, 0}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 0, 1); } SECTION("unsorted reordering") { auto calc = [&](std::vector values) { return _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, values, none_modified, false); }; // The commented-out permutations are not possible with // move_last_over() and so are unhandled by unsorted mode REQUIRE(calc({1, 2, 3}).empty()); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({1, 3, 2}), {2, 1}); // REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({2, 1, 3}), {1, 0}); // REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({2, 3, 1}), {1, 0}, {2, 1}); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({3, 1, 2}), {2, 0}); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({3, 2, 1}), {2, 0}, {1, 1}); } SECTION("sorted reordering") { auto calc = [&](std::vector values) { return _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, values, all_modified, true); }; REQUIRE(calc({1, 2, 3}).moves.empty()); return; // none of these actually work since it just does insert+delete REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({1, 3, 2}), {2, 1}); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({2, 1, 3}), {1, 0}); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({2, 3, 1}), {1, 0}, {2, 1}); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({3, 1, 2}), {2, 0}); REQUIRE_MOVES(calc({3, 2, 1}), {2, 0}, {1, 1}); } SECTION("merge can collapse insert -> move -> delete to no-op") { auto four_modified = [](size_t ndx) { return ndx == 4; }; for (int insert_pos = 0; insert_pos < 4; ++insert_pos) { for (int move_to_pos = 0; move_to_pos < 4; ++move_to_pos) { if (insert_pos == move_to_pos) continue; CAPTURE(insert_pos); CAPTURE(move_to_pos); std::vector after_insert = {1, 2, 3}; after_insert.insert(after_insert.begin() + insert_pos, 4); c = _impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate({1, 2, 3}, after_insert, four_modified, true); std::vector after_move = {1, 2, 3}; after_move.insert(after_move.begin() + move_to_pos, 4); c.merge(_impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate(after_insert, after_move, four_modified, true)); c.merge(_impl::CollectionChangeBuilder::calculate(after_move, {1, 2, 3}, four_modified, true)); REQUIRE(c.empty()); } } } } SECTION("merge") { SECTION("deletions are shifted by previous deletions") { c = {{5}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{3}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 3, 5); c = {{5}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{4}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 4, 5); c = {{5}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{5}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5, 6); c = {{5}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{6}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5, 7); } SECTION("deletions are shifted by previous insertions") { c = {{}, {5}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{4}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 4); c = {{}, {5}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{6}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 5); } SECTION("deletions shift previous insertions") { c = {{}, {2, 3}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{1}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1, 2); } SECTION("deletions remove previous insertions") { c = {{}, {1, 2}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{2}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1); } SECTION("deletions remove previous modifications") { c = {{}, {}, {2, 3}, {}}; c.merge({{2}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 2); } SECTION("deletions shift previous modifications") { c = {{}, {}, {2, 3}, {}}; c.merge({{1}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 1, 2); } SECTION("deletions remove previous moves to deleted row") { c = {{}, {}, {}, {{2, 3}}}; c.merge({{3}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); } SECTION("deletions shift destination of previous moves to after the deleted row") { c = {{}, {}, {}, {{2, 5}}}; c.merge({{3}, {}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {2, 4}); } SECTION("insertions do not interact with previous deletions") { c = {{1, 3}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {1, 2, 3}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 1, 3); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1, 2, 3); } SECTION("insertions shift previous insertions") { c = {{}, {1, 5}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {1, 4}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1, 2, 4, 7); } SECTION("insertions shift previous modifications") { c = {{}, {}, {1, 5}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {1, 4}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 2, 7); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1, 4); } SECTION("insertions shift destination of previous moves") { c = {{}, {}, {}, {{2, 5}}}; c.merge({{}, {3}, {}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {2, 6}); } SECTION("modifications do not interact with previous deletions") { c = {{1, 2, 3}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {2}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 1, 2, 3); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 2); } SECTION("modifications are not discarded for previous insertions") { c = {{}, {2}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {1, 2, 3}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 2); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 1, 2, 3); } SECTION("modifications are merged with previous modifications") { c = {{}, {}, {2}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {1, 2, 3}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 1, 2, 3); } SECTION("modifications are tracked for the destination of previous moves") { c = {{}, {}, {}, {{1, 2}}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {2, 3}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 2, 3); } SECTION("move sources are shifted for previous deletes and insertions") { c = {{1}, {}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 3}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {3, 3}); c = {{}, {1}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 3}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {1, 3}); c = {{2}, {4}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{5, 10}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {5, 10}); } SECTION("moves update previous modifications to source") { c = {{}, {}, {1}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{1, 3}}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 3); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {1, 3}); } SECTION("moves update insertion position for previous inserts of source") { c = {{}, {1}, {}, {}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{1, 3}}}); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 3); } SECTION("moves update previous moves to the source") { c = {{}, {}, {}, {{1, 3}}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{3, 5}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {1, 5}); } SECTION("moves shift destination of previous moves like an insert/delete pair would") { c = {{}, {}, {}, {{1, 3}}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 5}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {1, 2}, {3, 5}); c = {{}, {}, {}, {{1, 10}}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 5}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {1, 10}, {3, 5}); c = {{}, {}, {}, {{5, 10}}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{12, 2}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {5, 11}, {12, 2}); } SECTION("moves shift previous inserts like an insert/delete pair would") { c = {{}, {5}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 6}}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 4, 6); } SECTION("moves shift previous modifications like an insert/delete pair would") { c = {{}, {}, {5}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 6}}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 4); } SECTION("moves are shifted by previous deletions like an insert/delete pair would") { c = {{5}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{2, 6}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {2, 6}); c = {{5}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {}, {{6, 2}}}); REQUIRE_MOVES(c, {7, 2}); } SECTION("leapfrogging rows collapse to an empty changeset") { c = {{1}, {0}, {}, {{1, 0}}}; c.merge({{1}, {0}, {}, {{1, 0}}}); REQUIRE(c.empty()); } SECTION("modify -> move -> unmove leaves row marked as modified") { c = {{}, {}, {1}}; c.merge({{1}, {2}, {}, {{1, 2}}}); c.merge({{1}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 2); REQUIRE(c.insertions.empty()); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 1); } SECTION("modifying a previously moved row which stops being a move due to more deletions") { // Make it stop being a move in the same transaction as the modify c = {{1, 2}, {0, 1}, {}, {{1, 0}, {2, 1}}}; c.merge({{0, 2}, {1}, {0}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 0, 1); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 0); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); // Same net change, but make it no longer a move in the transaction after the modify c = {{1, 2}, {0, 1}, {}, {{1, 0}, {2, 1}}}; c.merge({{}, {}, {1}, {}}); c.merge({{0, 2}, {0}, {}, {{2, 0}}}); c.merge({{0}, {1}, {}, {}}); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.deletions, 0, 1); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.insertions, 1); REQUIRE_INDICES(c.modifications, 0); REQUIRE(c.moves.empty()); } } }