/* This script creates 3 new objects into a new realm. These are objects are validated to exists by the download api tests. */ 'use strict'; console.log("download-api-helper started"); const username = process.argv[2]; const realmName = process.argv[3]; const realmModule = process.argv[4]; const Realm = require(realmModule); function createObjects(user) { const config = { sync: { user, url: `realm://localhost:9080/~/${realmName}`, error: err => console.log(err) }, schema: [{ name: 'Dog', properties: { name: 'string' } }] }; const realm = new Realm(config); realm.write(() => { for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { realm.create('Dog', { name: `Lassy ${i}` }); } }); console.log("Dogs count " + realm.objects('Dog').length); let session = realm.syncSession; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let callback = (transferred, total) => { if (transferred === total) { session.removeProgressNotification(callback); resolve(realm); } } session.addProgressNotification('upload', 'forCurrentlyOutstandingWork', callback); }); } let registrationError; Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password') .catch((error) => { registrationError = JSON.stringify(error); return Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password') }) .catch((error) => { const loginError = JSON.stringify(error); console.error(`download-api-helper failed:\n User.register() error:\n${registrationError}\n User.login() error:\n${registrationError}`); process.exit(-2); }) .then((user) => createObjects(user)) .then(() => process.exit(0));