//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import { Navigator, Platform, StatusBar, Text, TouchableOpacity, View, } from 'react-native'; import TodoItem from './todo-item'; import TodoListView from './todo-listview'; import realm from './realm'; import styles from './styles'; export default class TodoApp extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); let todoLists = realm.objects('TodoList'); if (todoLists.length < 1) { realm.write(() => { realm.create('TodoList', {name: 'Todo List'}); }); } // This is a Results object, which will live-update. this.todoLists = todoLists; // Bind all the methods that we will be passing as props. this.renderScene = this.renderScene.bind(this); this._addNewTodoList = this._addNewTodoList.bind(this); this._onPressTodoList = this._onPressTodoList.bind(this); this.state = {}; } get currentListView() { let refs = this.refs.nav.refs; return refs.listItemView || refs.listView; } componentWillMount() { if (Platform.OS == 'ios') { StatusBar.setBarStyle('light-content'); } } render() { let objects = realm.objects('Todo'); let extraItems = [ {name: 'Complete', items: objects.filtered('done = true')}, {name: 'Incomplete', items: objects.filtered('done = false')}, ]; let route = { title: 'My Todo Lists', component: TodoListView, passProps: { ref: 'listView', items: this.todoLists, extraItems: extraItems, onPressItem: this._onPressTodoList, }, backButtonTitle: 'Lists', rightButtonTitle: 'Add', onRightButtonPress: this._addNewTodoList, }; let navigationBar = ( ); return ( ); } renderScene(route) { return } _addNewTodoItem(list) { let items = list.items; if (!this._shouldAddNewItem(items)) { return; } realm.write(() => { items.push({text: ''}); }); this._setEditingRow(items.length - 1); } _addNewTodoList() { let items = this.todoLists; if (!this._shouldAddNewItem(items)) { return; } realm.write(() => { realm.create('TodoList', {name: ''}); }); this._setEditingRow(items.length - 1); } _onPressTodoList(list) { let items = list.items; let route = { title: list.name, component: TodoListView, passProps: { ref: 'listItemView', items: items, rowClass: TodoItem, }, }; // Check if the items are mutable (i.e. List rather than Results). if (items.push) { Object.assign(route, { rightButtonTitle: 'Add', onRightButtonPress: () => this._addNewTodoItem(list), }); } this.refs.nav.push(route); } _shouldAddNewItem(items) { let editingRow = this.currentListView.state.editingRow; let editingItem = editingRow != null && items[editingRow]; // Don't allow adding a new item if the one being edited is empty. return !editingItem || !!editingItem.text || !!editingItem.name; } _setEditingRow(rowIndex) { let listView = this.currentListView; // Update the state on the currently displayed TodoList to edit this new item. listView.setState({editingRow: rowIndex}); listView.updateDataSource(); } } const RouteMapper = { LeftButton(route, navigator, index, navState) { if (index == 0) { return null; } let prevRoute = navState.routeStack[index - 1]; return ( navigator.pop()}> {prevRoute.backButtonTitle || prevRoute.title || 'Back'} ); }, RightButton(route) { if (!route.rightButtonTitle) { return null; } return ( {route.rightButtonTitle} ); }, Title(route) { return ( {route.title} ); }, };