//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* eslint-env es6, node */ 'use strict'; const Realm = require('realm'); const TestCase = require('./asserts'); const isNodeProcess = typeof process === 'object' && process + '' === '[object process]'; function uuid() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); } function assertIsUser(user, isAdmin) { TestCase.assertType(user, 'object'); TestCase.assertType(user.token, 'string'); TestCase.assertType(user.identity, 'string'); TestCase.assertInstanceOf(user, Realm.Sync.User); if (isAdmin !== undefined) { TestCase.assertEqual(user.isAdmin, isAdmin); } } function assertIsSameUser(value, user) { assertIsUser(value); TestCase.assertEqual(value.token, user.token); TestCase.assertEqual(value.identity, user.identity); TestCase.assertEqual(value.isAdmin, user.isAdmin); } function assertIsError(error, message) { TestCase.assertInstanceOf(error, Error, 'The API should return an Error'); if (message) { TestCase.assertEqual(error.message, message); } } function assertIsAuthError(error, code, title) { TestCase.assertInstanceOf(error, Realm.Sync.AuthError, 'The API should return an AuthError'); if (code) { TestCase.assertEqual(error.code, code); } if (title) { TestCase.assertEqual(error.title, title); } } module.exports = { testLogout() { const username = uuid(); return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password').then((user) => { assertIsUser(user); assertIsSameUser(user, Realm.Sync.User.current); user.logout(); // Is now logged out. TestCase.assertUndefined(Realm.Sync.User.current); // Can we open a realm with the registered user? TestCase.assertThrows(() => new Realm({sync: {user: user, url: 'realm://localhost:9080/~/test'}})); }); }, testRegisterUser() { const username = uuid(); return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password').then((user) => { // Can we open a realm with the registered user? const realm = new Realm({sync: {user: user, url: 'realm://localhost:9080/~/test'}}); TestCase.assertInstanceOf(realm, Realm); }); }, testRegisterExistingUser() { const username = uuid(); return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password').then((user) => { assertIsUser(user); return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password') .then((user) => { throw new Error(user); }) .catch((e) => { assertIsAuthError(e, 611, "The provided credentials are invalid or the user does not exist."); }) }); }, testRegisterMissingUsername() { TestCase.assertThrows(() => Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', undefined, 'password')); }, testRegisterMissingPassword() { const username = uuid(); TestCase.assertThrows(() => Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, undefined)); }, testRegisterServerOffline() { const username = uuid(); // Because it waits for answer this takes some time.. return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://fake_host.local', username, 'password') .catch((e) => {}) .then((user) => { if (user) { throw new Error('should not have been able to register'); }}) }, testLogin() { const username = uuid(); // Create user, logout the new user, then login return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password').then((user) => { user.logout(); return Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password'); }).then((user => { assertIsUser(user); // Can we open a realm with the logged-in user? const realm = new Realm({ sync: { user: user, url: 'realm://localhost:9080/~/test' } }); TestCase.assertInstanceOf(realm, Realm); realm.close(); })) }, testAuthenticateWithPassword() { const username = uuid(); return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password').then((user) => { user.logout(); return Realm.Sync.User.authenticate('http://localhost:9080', 'password', { username: username, password: 'password' }); }).then((user => { assertIsUser(user); const realm = new Realm({ sync: { user: user, url: 'realm://localhost:9080/~/test' } }); TestCase.assertInstanceOf(realm, Realm); realm.close(); })) }, testLoginMissingUsername() { TestCase.assertThrows(() => Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', undefined, 'password')); }, testLoginMissingPassword() { const username = uuid(); TestCase.assertThrows(() => Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', username, undefined)); }, testLoginNonExistingUser() { return Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', 'does_not', 'exist') .then((user) => { throw new Error(user); }) .catch((e) => assertIsAuthError(e, 611, "The provided credentials are invalid or the user does not exist.")) }, testLoginServerOffline() { const username = uuid(); // Because it waits for answer this takes some time.. return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://fake_host.local', username, 'password') .then((user) => { throw new Error(user); }) .catch((e) => assertIsError(e)); }, testLoginTowardsMisbehavingServer() { const username = uuid(); // Try authenticating towards a server thats clearly not ROS return Realm.Sync.User.register('https://github.com/realm/realm-js', username, 'user') .catch((e) => { assertIsError(e); TestCase.assertEqual( e.message, "Could not authenticate: Realm Object Server didn't respond with valid JSON" ); }); }, testAuthenticateInvalidProvider() { return Realm.Sync.User.authenticate('http://localhost:9080', 'FooBar', {}) .then((user) => { Promise.reject() } ) .catch((e) => { Promise.resolve() } ) }, testAuthenticateJWT() { let token = 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJhdXN0aW5femhlbmciLCJpc0FkbWluIjp0cnVlLCJpYXQiOjE1MTI2OTI3NDl9.klca-3wYLe5mGdVk7N7dE9YRIlB1el1Dv6BxZNAKMsJ3Ms4vBTweu4-65kVJftiMrYhmSGY6QtTzqQ-xlLH4XzPd3jYIXlPQ45lxO7PW7EkJNs9m83VdcsJmHRHQ3PRP8V_mx0f2Ks4ga3xZ9IycAQB4q5NXLei_HJk8tRRJccZ6qB5nnAoD48Qu8JOEfhO596Mdoi-QCbH51iJZjgXo4gSRZ4KKK8jU0S6twLj_lf9jehENTqHDdtsRHdyCnICcPcz4AjFrNHEvUrsPkGxXSZ2BCGgDcvsSTVgGNV7rWU4IjH4FaDssenumi50R1QcZh8kiO35s9H6MngQsEm-zApRgd0V9_L3A6Ys47_crmKbunYRsATfMNBn2fKm5tS6RXvM2RN2G_Y9AkGgh2boY42CRy7HOcHby2vQ8IoQ-fZfE5xn_YYktNlKeNiCv3_-i86lANFbmB3tcdScrbjsgO6Tfg3u71VmJ_ZW1_vyMi5vCTEysLXfHG-OA85c3o8-25vcfuX5gIpbU-nMLgPagyn5w7Uazd27uhFfwepP9OMc8jz2JTlQICInLCUdESu8aG5d1F_IPUA5NU_ryPmebqUmyaRVDS8cGChxp0gZDNSiIvaggw8N2JCDGvk-s_PSG2pFGq0f4veYyWGBTHD_iX4a0UrhB471QZplRpMwvu7o' return Realm.Sync.User.authenticate('http://localhost:9080', 'jwt', { token: token }) .then((user) => { TestCase.assertEqual(user.identity, 'austin_zheng') Promise.resolve() }) .catch((e) => { Promise.reject(e) } ) }, testAll() { const all = Realm.Sync.User.all; TestCase.assertArrayLength(Object.keys(all), 0); let user1; return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', uuid(), 'password').then((user) => { const all = Realm.Sync.User.all; TestCase.assertArrayLength(Object.keys(all), 1); assertIsSameUser(all[user.identity], user); user1 = user; return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', uuid(), 'password'); }).then((user2) => { let all = Realm.Sync.User.all; TestCase.assertArrayLength(Object.keys(all), 2); // NOTE: the list of users is in latest-first order. assertIsSameUser(all[user2.identity], user2); assertIsSameUser(all[user1.identity], user1); user2.logout(); all = Realm.Sync.User.all; TestCase.assertArrayLength(Object.keys(all), 1); assertIsSameUser(all[user1.identity], user1); user1.logout(); all = Realm.Sync.User.all; TestCase.assertArrayLength(Object.keys(all), 0); }); }, testCurrent() { TestCase.assertUndefined(Realm.Sync.User.current); let user1; return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', uuid(), 'password').then((user) => { user1 = user; assertIsSameUser(Realm.Sync.User.current, user1); return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', uuid(), 'password'); }).then((user2) => { TestCase.assertThrows(() => Realm.Sync.User.current, 'We expect Realm.Sync.User.current to throw if > 1 user.'); user2.logout(); assertIsSameUser(Realm.Sync.User.current, user1); user1.logout(); TestCase.assertUndefined(Realm.Sync.User.current); }); }, testManagementRealm() { return Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', uuid(), 'password').then((user) => { let realm = user.openManagementRealm(); TestCase.assertInstanceOf(realm, Realm); TestCase.assertArraysEqual(realm.schema.map(o => o.name), ['PermissionChange', 'PermissionOffer', 'PermissionOfferResponse']); }); }, testRetrieveAccount() { if (!isNodeProcess) { return; } if (!global.testAdminUserInfo) { throw new Error("Test requires an admin user"); } return Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', global.testAdminUserInfo.username, global.testAdminUserInfo.password).then((user) => { TestCase.assertTrue(user.isAdmin, "Test requires an admin user"); return user.retrieveAccount('password', global.testAdminUserInfo.username) }).then((account) => { TestCase.assertEqual(account.accounts[0].provider_id, global.testAdminUserInfo.username); TestCase.assertEqual(account.accounts[0].provider, 'password'); TestCase.assertTrue(account.is_admin); TestCase.assertTrue(account.user_id); }); }, testRetrieveNotExistingAccount() { if (!isNodeProcess) { return; } if (!global.testAdminUserInfo) { throw new Error("Test requires an admin user"); } return Realm.Sync.User.login('http://localhost:9080', global.testAdminUserInfo.username, global.testAdminUserInfo.password).then((user) => { TestCase.assertTrue(user.isAdmin, "Test requires an admin user"); let notExistingUsername = uuid(); return user.retrieveAccount('password', notExistingUsername) }).catch(e => { TestCase.assertEqual(e.status, 404); TestCase.assertEqual(e.code, 612); TestCase.assertEqual(e.message, "The account does not exist."); TestCase.assertEqual(e.type, "https://realm.io/docs/object-server/problems/unknown-account"); }).then(account => { if (account) { throw new Error("Retrieving nonexistent account should fail"); }}); }, /* This test fails because of realm-object-store #243 . We should use 2 users. testSynchronizeChangesWithTwoClientsAndOneUser() { // Test Schema class Foo {} Foo.schema = { name: 'Foo', properties: { string: 'string', bars: { type: 'list', objectType: 'Bar' }, }, }; class Bar {} Bar.schema = { name: 'Bar', properties: { integer: 'int' }, }; const schema = [Foo.schema, Bar.schema]; // Create a user, open two clients at different local paths, synchronize changes const username = uuid(); return new Promise((resolve) => { Realm.Sync.User.register('http://localhost:9080', username, 'password', (error ,user) => { failOnError(error); const clientA = new Realm({ path: 'testSynchronizeChangesWithTwoClientsAndOneUser_clientA.realm', schema: schema, sync: { user: user, url: 'http://localhost:9080/~/test', }, }); const clientB = new Realm({ path: 'testSynchronizeChangesWithTwoClientsAndOneUser_clientB.realm', schema: schema, sync: { user: user, url: 'http://localhost:9080/~/test', }, }); clientB.addListener('change', () => { const foos = clientB.objects('Foo'); if (foos.length > 0) { TestCase.assertEqual(foos.length, 1); TestCase.assertEqual(foos[0].string, 'Hello, World!'); resolve(); } }); clientA.write(() => { clientA.create('Foo', { string: 'Hello, World!' }); }); }); }); }, */ };