//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma once #include #include #include #include "platform.hpp" #include "js_class.hpp" #include "js_collection.hpp" #include "sync/sync_manager.hpp" #include "sync/sync_config.hpp" #include "sync/sync_session.hpp" #include "sync/sync_user.hpp" #include "realm/util/logger.hpp" #include "realm/util/uri.hpp" namespace realm { namespace js { using SharedUser = std::shared_ptr; template class UserClass : public ClassDefinition { using GlobalContextType = typename T::GlobalContext; using ContextType = typename T::Context; using FunctionType = typename T::Function; using ObjectType = typename T::Object; using ValueType = typename T::Value; using String = js::String; using Object = js::Object; using Value = js::Value; using Function = js::Function; using ReturnValue = js::ReturnValue; using NativeAccessor = realm::NativeAccessor; public: std::string const name = "User"; static FunctionType create_constructor(ContextType); static void get_server(ContextType, ObjectType, ReturnValue &); static void get_identity(ContextType, ObjectType, ReturnValue &); static void get_token(ContextType, ObjectType, ReturnValue &); static void is_admin(ContextType, ObjectType, ReturnValue &); PropertyMap const properties = { {"server", {wrap, nullptr}}, {"identity", {wrap, nullptr}}, {"token", {wrap, nullptr}}, {"isAdmin", {wrap, nullptr}}, }; static void create_user(ContextType, ObjectType, size_t, const ValueType[], ReturnValue &); MethodMap const static_methods = { {"createUser", wrap} }; static void current_user(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value); static void all_users(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value); PropertyMap const static_properties = { {"current", {wrap, nullptr}}, {"all", {wrap, nullptr}}, }; static void logout(ContextType, ObjectType, size_t, const ValueType[], ReturnValue &); MethodMap const methods = { {"logout", wrap} }; }; template void UserClass::get_server(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value) { std::string server = get_internal>(object)->get()->server_url(); return_value.set(server); } template void UserClass::get_identity(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value) { std::string identity = get_internal>(object)->get()->identity(); return_value.set(identity); } template void UserClass::get_token(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value) { std::string token = get_internal>(object)->get()->refresh_token(); return_value.set(token); } template void UserClass::is_admin(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value) { return_value.set(get_internal>(object)->get()->is_admin()); } template void UserClass::create_user(ContextType ctx, ObjectType this_object, size_t argc, const ValueType arguments[], ReturnValue &return_value) { validate_argument_count(argc, 3, 4); SharedUser *user = new SharedUser(SyncManager::shared().get_user( Value::validated_to_string(ctx, arguments[1]), Value::validated_to_string(ctx, arguments[2]), (std::string)Value::validated_to_string(ctx, arguments[0]), Value::validated_to_boolean(ctx, arguments[3]))); return_value.set(create_object>(ctx, user)); } template void UserClass::all_users(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value) { std::vector user_vector; // TODO: This method should return a dictionary of shape {userid->user} for (auto user : SyncManager::shared().all_users()) { if (user->state() == SyncUser::State::Active) { user_vector.push_back(create_object>(ctx, new SharedUser(user))); } } return_value.set(Object::create_array(ctx, user_vector)); } template void UserClass::current_user(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, ReturnValue &return_value) { SharedUser *current = nullptr; for (auto user : SyncManager::shared().all_users()) { if (user->state() == SyncUser::State::Active) { if (current != nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error("More than one user logged in currently."); } current = new SharedUser(user); } } if (current != nullptr) { return_value.set(create_object>(ctx, current)); } else { return_value.set_undefined(); } } template void UserClass::logout(ContextType ctx, ObjectType object, size_t, const ValueType[], ReturnValue &) { get_internal>(object)->get()->log_out(); } template class SyncClass : public ClassDefinition { using GlobalContextType = typename T::GlobalContext; using ContextType = typename T::Context; using FunctionType = typename T::Function; using ObjectType = typename T::Object; using ValueType = typename T::Value; using String = js::String; using Object = js::Object; using Value = js::Value; using Function = js::Function; using ReturnValue = js::ReturnValue; using NativeAccessor = realm::NativeAccessor; public: std::string const name = "Sync"; static FunctionType create_constructor(ContextType); static void set_sync_log_level(ContextType, ObjectType, size_t, const ValueType[], ReturnValue &); static void set_verify_servers_ssl_certificate(ContextType, ObjectType, size_t, const ValueType[], ReturnValue &); // private static void refresh_access_token(ContextType, ObjectType, size_t, const ValueType[], ReturnValue &); static void populate_sync_config(ContextType, FunctionType realm_constructor, ObjectType config_object, Realm::Config&); // static properties static void get_is_developer_edition(ContextType, ObjectType, ReturnValue &); MethodMap const static_methods = { {"refreshAccessToken", wrap}, {"setLogLevel", wrap}, {"setVerifyServersSslCertificate", wrap} }; }; template inline typename T::Function SyncClass::create_constructor(ContextType ctx) { // setup synced realmFile paths ensure_directory_exists_for_file(default_realm_file_directory()); SyncManager::shared().configure_file_system(default_realm_file_directory(), SyncManager::MetadataMode::NoEncryption); FunctionType sync_constructor = ObjectWrap>::create_constructor(ctx); PropertyAttributes attributes = ReadOnly | DontEnum | DontDelete; Object::set_property(ctx, sync_constructor, "User", ObjectWrap>::create_constructor(ctx), attributes); realm::SyncManager::shared().set_error_handler([=](int error_code, std::string message) { std::cout << error_code << " " << message << std::endl; }); return sync_constructor; } template void SyncClass::set_sync_log_level(ContextType ctx, ObjectType this_object, size_t argc, const ValueType arguments[], ReturnValue &return_value) { validate_argument_count(argc, 1); std::string log_level = Value::validated_to_string(ctx, arguments[0]); std::istringstream in(log_level); // Throws in.imbue(std::locale::classic()); // Throws in.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); util::Logger::Level log_level_2 = util::Logger::Level(); in >> log_level_2; // Throws if (!in || !in.eof()) throw std::runtime_error("Bad log level"); realm::SyncManager::shared().set_log_level(log_level_2); } template void SyncClass::set_verify_servers_ssl_certificate(ContextType ctx, ObjectType this_object, size_t argc, const ValueType arguments[], ReturnValue &return_value) { validate_argument_count(argc, 1); bool verify_servers_ssl_certificate = Value::validated_to_boolean(ctx, arguments[0]); realm::SyncManager::shared().set_client_should_validate_ssl(verify_servers_ssl_certificate); } template void SyncClass::refresh_access_token(ContextType ctx, ObjectType this_object, size_t argc, const ValueType arguments[], ReturnValue &return_value) { validate_argument_count(argc, 2); static const String token_string = "token"; static const String file_url_string = "file_url"; static const String realm_url_string = "resolved_realm_url"; ObjectType json_arguments = Value::validated_to_object(ctx, arguments[1]); std::string token = Object::validated_get_string(ctx, json_arguments, token_string); std::string file_url = Object::validated_get_string(ctx, json_arguments, file_url_string); std::string realm_url = Object::validated_get_string(ctx, json_arguments, realm_url_string); if (auto session = SyncManager::shared().get_existing_active_session(file_url)) { session->refresh_access_token(token, realm_url); return_value.set(true); } else { return_value.set(false); } } template void SyncClass::populate_sync_config(ContextType ctx, FunctionType realm_constructor, ObjectType config_object, Realm::Config& config) { ValueType sync_config_value = Object::get_property(ctx, config_object, "sync"); if (!Value::is_undefined(ctx, sync_config_value)) { auto sync_config_object = Value::validated_to_object(ctx, sync_config_value); ObjectType sync_constructor = Object::validated_get_object(ctx, realm_constructor, std::string("Sync")); Protected refresh(ctx, Object::validated_get_function(ctx, sync_constructor, std::string("refreshAccessToken"))); Protected protected_sync(ctx, sync_constructor); Protected protected_ctx(Context::get_global_context(ctx)); auto handler = [=](const std::string& path, const realm::SyncConfig& config, std::shared_ptr) { typename T::HandleScope handle_scope; if (config.user->is_admin()) { // FIXME: This log-in callback is called while the object store still holds some sync-related locks. // Notify the object store of the access token asynchronously to avoid the deadlock that would result // from reentering the object store here. auto thread = std::thread([path, config]{ auto session = SyncManager::shared().get_existing_active_session(path); session->refresh_access_token(config.user->refresh_token(), config.realm_url); }); thread.detach(); } else { ObjectType user_constructor = Object::validated_get_object(ctx, protected_sync, std::string("User")); FunctionType authenticate = Object::validated_get_function(ctx, user_constructor, std::string("_authenticateRealm")); ValueType arguments[3]; arguments[0] = Value::from_string(protected_ctx, path.c_str()); arguments[1] = Value::from_string(protected_ctx, config.realm_url.c_str()); arguments[2] = refresh; ObjectType user = create_object>(ctx, new SharedUser(config.user)); Function::call(protected_ctx, authenticate, user, 3, arguments); } }; ObjectType user = Object::validated_get_object(ctx, sync_config_object, "user"); SharedUser shared_user = *get_internal>(user); std::string raw_realm_url = Object::validated_get_string(ctx, sync_config_object, "url"); // FIXME - use make_shared config.sync_config = std::shared_ptr( new SyncConfig(shared_user, raw_realm_url, SyncSessionStopPolicy::AfterChangesUploaded, handler) ); config.schema_mode = SchemaMode::Additive; config.path = realm::SyncManager::shared().path_for_realm(shared_user->identity(), raw_realm_url); } } } // js } // realm