/* Copyright 2015 Realm Inc - All Rights Reserved * Proprietary and Confidential */ #include "list.hpp" #import using namespace realm; size_t List::size() { return m_link_view->size(); } Row List::get(std::size_t row_ndx) { verify_valid_row(row_ndx); return m_link_view->get(row_ndx); } void List::set(std::size_t row_ndx, std::size_t target_row_ndx) { verify_valid_row(row_ndx); m_link_view->set(row_ndx, target_row_ndx); } void List::verify_valid_row(std::size_t row_ndx) { size_t size = m_link_view->size(); if (row_ndx >= size) { throw std::out_of_range(std::string("Index ") + std::to_string(row_ndx) + " is outside of range 0..." + std::to_string(size) + "."); } } void List::verify_attached() { if (!m_link_view->is_attached()) { throw std::runtime_error("Tableview is not attached"); } m_link_view->sync_if_needed(); }