//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'use strict'; const URL = require('url-parse'); let getOwnPropertyDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors || function(obj) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).reduce(function (descriptors, name) { descriptors[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name); return descriptors; }, {}); }; function setConstructorOnPrototype(klass) { if (klass.prototype.constructor !== klass) { Object.defineProperty(klass.prototype, 'constructor', { value: klass, configurable: true, writable: true }); } } // Return a configuration usable by `Realm.open` when waiting for a download. // It must have caching disabled, and no schema or schema version specified. function waitForDownloadConfig(config) { if (!config) { return {_cache: false}; } if (typeof config == 'string') { return {path: config, _cache: false}; } if (typeof config == 'object') { return Object.assign({}, config, {schema: undefined, schemaVersion: undefined, _cache: false}); } // Unknown type. Pass the config through. return config; } module.exports = function(realmConstructor) { // Add the specified Array methods to the Collection prototype. Object.defineProperties(realmConstructor.Collection.prototype, require('./collection-methods')); setConstructorOnPrototype(realmConstructor.Collection); setConstructorOnPrototype(realmConstructor.List); setConstructorOnPrototype(realmConstructor.Results); setConstructorOnPrototype(realmConstructor.Object); //Add async open API Object.defineProperties(realmConstructor, getOwnPropertyDescriptors({ open(config) { // If no config is defined, we should just open the default realm if (config === undefined) { config = {}; } // For local Realms we open the Realm and return it in a resolved Promise. if (!("sync" in config)) { let promise = Promise.resolve(new realmConstructor(config)); promise.progress = (callback) => { }; return promise; } // For synced Realms we open the Realm without specifying the schema and then wait until // the Realm has finished its initial sync with the server. We then reopen it with the correct // schema. This avoids writing the schema to a potentially read-only Realm file, which would // result in sync rejecting the writes. `_waitForDownload` ensures that the session is kept // alive until our callback has returned, which prevents it from being torn down and recreated // when we close the schemaless Realm and open it with the correct schema. if (config.sync.fullSynchronization === false && config.schema === undefined) { throw new Error('Query-based sync requires a schema.'); } let syncSession; let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let realm = new realmConstructor(waitForDownloadConfig(config)); realm._waitForDownload( (session) => { syncSession = session; }, (error) => { realm.close(); if (error) { setTimeout(() => { reject(error); }, 1); } else { try { let syncedRealm = new realmConstructor(config); setTimeout(() => { resolve(syncedRealm); }, 1); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } }); }); promise.progress = (callback) => { if (syncSession) { syncSession.addProgressNotification('download', 'forCurrentlyOutstandingWork', callback); } return promise; }; return promise; }, openAsync(config, callback, progressCallback) { const message = "Realm.openAsync is now deprecated in favor of Realm.open. This function will be removed in future versions."; (console.warn || console.log).call(console, message); let promise = this.open(config) if (progressCallback) { promise.progress(progressCallback) } promise.then(realm => { callback(null, realm) }).catch(error => { callback(error); }); }, createTemplateObject(objectSchema) { let obj = {}; for (let key in objectSchema.properties) { let type; if (typeof objectSchema.properties[key] === 'string' || objectSchema.properties[key] instanceof String) { // Simple declaration of the type type = objectSchema.properties[key]; } else { // Advanced property setup const property = objectSchema.properties[key]; // if optional is set, it wil take precedence over any `?` set on the type parameter if (property.optional === true) { continue; } // If a default value is explicitly set, always set the property if (property.default !== undefined) { obj[key] = property.default; continue; } type = property.type; } // Set the default value for all required primitive types. // Lists are always treated as empty if not specified and references to objects are always optional switch (type) { case 'bool': obj[key] = false; break; case 'int': obj[key] = 0; break; case 'float': obj[key] = 0.0; break; case 'double': obj[key] = 0.0; break; case 'string': obj[key] = ""; break; case 'data': obj[key] = new ArrayBuffer(0); break; case 'date': obj[key] = new Date(0); break; } } return obj; } })); // Add sync methods if (realmConstructor.Sync) { let userMethods = require('./user-methods'); Object.defineProperties(realmConstructor.Sync.User, getOwnPropertyDescriptors(userMethods.static)); Object.defineProperties(realmConstructor.Sync.User.prototype, getOwnPropertyDescriptors(userMethods.instance)); Object.defineProperty(realmConstructor.Sync.User, '_realmConstructor', { value: realmConstructor }); realmConstructor.Sync.AuthError = require('./errors').AuthError; if (realmConstructor.Sync.removeAllListeners) { process.on('exit', realmConstructor.Sync.removeAllListeners); process.on('SIGINT', function () { realmConstructor.Sync.removeAllListeners(); process.exit(2); }); process.on('uncaughtException', function(e) { realmConstructor.Sync.removeAllListeners(); /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(e.stack); process.exit(99); }); } setConstructorOnPrototype(realmConstructor.Sync.User); setConstructorOnPrototype(realmConstructor.Sync.Session); // A configuration for a default Realm realmConstructor.automaticSyncConfiguration = function() { let user; if (arguments.length === 0) { let users = this.Sync.User.all; let identities = Object.keys(users); if (identities.length === 1) { user = users[identities[0]]; } else { new Error(`One and only one user should be logged in but found ${users.length} users.`); } } else if (arguments.length === 1) { user = arguments[0]; } else { new Error(`Zero or one argument expected.`); } let url = new URL(user.server); let secure = (url.protocol === 'https:')?'s':''; let port = (url.port === undefined)?'9080':url.port let realmUrl = `realm${secure}://${url.hostname}:${port}/default`; let config = { sync: { user: user, url: realmUrl, } }; return config; } if (realmConstructor.Sync._setFeatureToken) { realmConstructor.Sync.setFeatureToken = function(featureToken) { console.log('Realm.Sync.setFeatureToken() is deprecated and you can remove any calls to it.'); } } // Keep these value in sync with subscription_state.hpp realmConstructor.Sync.SubscriptionState = { Error: -1, // An error occurred while creating or processing the partial sync subscription. Creating: 2, // The subscription is being created. Pending: 0, // The subscription was created, but has not yet been processed by the sync server. Complete: 1, // The subscription has been processed by the sync server and data is being synced to the device. Invalidated: 3, // The subscription has been removed. }; realmConstructor.Sync.ConnectionState = { Disconnected: "disconnected", Connecting: "connecting", Connected: "connected", } // Define the permission schemas as constructors so that they can be // passed into directly to functions which want object type names const permissionsSchema = Object.freeze({ Class: function() {}, Permission: function() {}, Realm: function() {}, Role: function() {}, User: function() {}, }); permissionsSchema.Permission.schema = Object.freeze({ name: '__Permission', properties: { role: '__Role', canRead: {type: 'bool', default: false}, canUpdate: {type: 'bool', default: false}, canDelete: {type: 'bool', default: false}, canSetPermissions: {type: 'bool', default: false}, canQuery: {type: 'bool', default: false}, canCreate: {type: 'bool', default: false}, canModifySchema: {type: 'bool', default: false}, } }); permissionsSchema.User.schema = Object.freeze({ name: '__User', primaryKey: 'id', properties: { id: 'string', role: '__Role' } }); permissionsSchema.Role.schema = Object.freeze({ name: '__Role', primaryKey: 'name', properties: { name: 'string', members: '__User[]' } }); permissionsSchema.Class.schema = Object.freeze({ name: '__Class', primaryKey: 'name', properties: { name: 'string', permissions: '__Permission[]' } }); permissionsSchema.Realm.schema = Object.freeze({ name: '__Realm', primaryKey: 'id', properties: { id: 'int', permissions: '__Permission[]' } }); if (!realmConstructor.Permissions) { Object.defineProperty(realmConstructor, 'Permissions', { value: permissionsSchema, configurable: false }); } } // TODO: Remove this now useless object. var types = Object.freeze({ 'BOOL': 'bool', 'INT': 'int', 'FLOAT': 'float', 'DOUBLE': 'double', 'STRING': 'string', 'DATE': 'date', 'DATA': 'data', 'OBJECT': 'object', 'LIST': 'list', }); Object.defineProperty(realmConstructor, 'Types', { get: function() { if (typeof console != 'undefined') { /* global console */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ var stack = new Error().stack.split("\n").slice(2).join("\n"); var msg = '`Realm.Types` is deprecated! Please specify the type name as lowercase string instead!\n'+stack; if (console.warn != undefined) { console.warn(msg); } else { console.log(msg); } /* eslint-enable no-console */ } return types; }, configurable: true }); }