#include "catch.hpp" #include "util/test_file.hpp" #include "util/index_helpers.hpp" #include "binding_context.hpp" #include "list.hpp" #include "object_schema.hpp" #include "property.hpp" #include "results.hpp" #include "schema.hpp" #include "impl/realm_coordinator.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace realm; TEST_CASE("list") { InMemoryTestFile config; config.automatic_change_notifications = false; config.cache = false; config.schema = std::make_unique(Schema{ {"origin", "", { {"array", PropertyTypeArray, "target"} }}, {"target", "", { {"value", PropertyTypeInt} }}, }); auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto& coordinator = *_impl::RealmCoordinator::get_existing_coordinator(config.path); auto origin = r->read_group()->get_table("class_origin"); auto target = r->read_group()->get_table("class_target"); r->begin_transaction(); target->add_empty_row(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) target->set_int(0, i, i); origin->add_empty_row(2); LinkViewRef lv = origin->get_linklist(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) lv->add(i); LinkViewRef lv2 = origin->get_linklist(0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) lv2->add(i); r->commit_transaction(); SECTION("add_notification_block()") { CollectionChangeIndices change; List lst(r, *r->config().schema->find("origin"), lv); auto write = [&](auto&& f) { r->begin_transaction(); f(); r->commit_transaction(); advance_and_notify(*r); }; auto require_change = [&] { return lst.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeIndices c, std::exception_ptr err) { change = c; }); }; auto require_no_change = [&] { return lst.add_notification_callback([&](CollectionChangeIndices c, std::exception_ptr err) { REQUIRE(false); }); }; SECTION("modifying the list sends a change notifications") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { lst.remove(5); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 5); } SECTION("modifying a different list doesn't send a change notification") { auto token = require_no_change(); write([&] { lv2->remove(5); }); } SECTION("deleting the list sends a change notification") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { origin->move_last_over(0); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); } SECTION("modifying one of the target rows sends a change notification") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { lst.get(5).set_int(0, 6); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 5); } SECTION("deleting a target row sends a change notification") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { target->move_last_over(5); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 5); } SECTION("adding a row and then modifying the target row does not mark the row as modified") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { lst.add(5); target->set_int(0, 5, 10); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 10); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 5); } SECTION("modifying and then moving a row reports move/insert but not modification") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { target->set_int(0, 5, 10); lst.move(5, 8); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.insertions, 8); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 5); REQUIRE_MOVES(change, {5, 8}); REQUIRE(change.modifications.empty()); } SECTION("modifying a row which appears multiple times in a list marks them all as modified") { r->begin_transaction(); lst.add(5); r->commit_transaction(); auto token = require_change(); write([&] { target->set_int(0, 5, 10); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.modifications, 5, 10); } SECTION("deleting a row which appears multiple times in a list marks them all as modified") { r->begin_transaction(); lst.add(5); r->commit_transaction(); auto token = require_change(); write([&] { target->move_last_over(5); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 5, 10); } SECTION("clearing the target table sends a change notification") { auto token = require_change(); write([&] { target->clear(); }); REQUIRE_INDICES(change.deletions, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); } SECTION("moving a target row does not send a change notification") { // Remove a row from the LV so that we have one to delete that's not in the list r->begin_transaction(); lv->remove(2); r->commit_transaction(); auto token = require_no_change(); write([&] { target->move_last_over(2); }); } SECTION("multiple LinkViws for the same LinkList can get notifications") { r->begin_transaction(); target->clear(); target->add_empty_row(5); r->commit_transaction(); auto get_list = [&] { auto r = Realm::get_shared_realm(config); auto lv = r->read_group()->get_table("class_origin")->get_linklist(0, 0); return List(r, *r->config().schema->find("origin"), lv); }; auto change_list = [&] { r->begin_transaction(); if (lv->size()) { target->set_int(0, lv->size() - 1, lv->size()); } lv->add(lv->size()); r->commit_transaction(); }; List lists[3]; NotificationToken tokens[3]; CollectionChangeIndices changes[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { lists[i] = get_list(); tokens[i] = lists[i].add_notification_callback([i, &changes](CollectionChangeIndices c, std::exception_ptr) { changes[i] = std::move(c); }); change_list(); } // Each of the Lists now has a different source version and state at // that version, so they should all see different changes despite // being for the same LinkList advance_and_notify(*r); REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[0].insertions, 0, 1, 2); REQUIRE(changes[0].modifications.empty()); REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[1].insertions, 1, 2); REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[1].modifications, 0); REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[2].insertions, 2); REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[2].modifications, 1); // After making another change, they should all get the same notification change_list(); advance_and_notify(*r); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[i].insertions, 3); REQUIRE_INDICES(changes[i].modifications, 2); } } } SECTION("sort()") { auto objectschema = &*r->config().schema->find("origin"); List list(r, *objectschema, lv); auto results = list.sort({{0}, {false}}); REQUIRE(&results.get_object_schema() == objectschema); REQUIRE(results.get_mode() == Results::Mode::LinkView); REQUIRE(results.size() == 10); REQUIRE(results.sum(0) == 45); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { REQUIRE(results.get(i).get_index() == 9 - i); } } SECTION("filter()") { auto objectschema = &*r->config().schema->find("origin"); List list(r, *objectschema, lv); auto results = list.filter(target->where().greater(0, 5)); REQUIRE(&results.get_object_schema() == objectschema); REQUIRE(results.get_mode() == Results::Mode::Query); REQUIRE(results.size() == 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { REQUIRE(results.get(i).get_index() == i + 6); } } }