//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2015 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef REALM_OBJECT_ACCESSOR_HPP #define REALM_OBJECT_ACCESSOR_HPP #include #include "shared_realm.hpp" namespace realm { template class NativeAccessor { public: // // Value converters - template specializations must be implemented for each platform // static ValueType dict_value_for_key(ContextType ctx, ValueType dict, const std::string &prop_name); static bool to_bool(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static long long to_long(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static float to_float(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static double to_double(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static std::string to_string(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static DateTime to_datetime(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static bool is_null(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); // convert value to persisted object // for existing objects return the existing row index // for new/updated objects return the row index static size_t to_object_index(ContextType ctx, SharedRealm &realm, ValueType &val, Property &prop, bool try_update); // array value acessors static size_t array_size(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val); static ValueType array_value_at_index(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val, size_t index); // // Deprecated // static Mixed to_mixed(ContextType ctx, ValueType &val) { throw std::runtime_error("'Any' type is unsupported"); } }; class Object { public: Object(SharedRealm &r, ObjectSchema &s, Row o) : realm(r), object_schema(s), row(o) {} // FIXME - all should be const SharedRealm realm; ObjectSchema &object_schema; Row row; // property setter template inline void set_property_value(ContextType ctx, std::string prop_name, ValueType value, bool try_update); // create an Object from a native representation template static inline Object create(ContextType ctx, SharedRealm realm, ObjectSchema &object_schema, ValueType value, bool try_update); private: template inline void set_property_value_impl(ContextType ctx, Property &property, ValueType value, bool try_update); }; // // template method implementations // template inline void Object::set_property_value(ContextType ctx, std::string prop_name, ValueType value, bool try_update) { Property *prop = object_schema.property_for_name(prop_name); if (!prop) { throw std::runtime_error("Setting invalid property '" + prop_name + "' on object '" + object_schema.name + "'."); } set_property_value_impl(ctx, *prop, value, try_update); }; template inline void Object::set_property_value_impl(ContextType ctx, Property &property, ValueType value, bool try_update) { using Accessor = NativeAccessor; size_t column = property.table_column; switch (property.type) { case PropertyTypeBool: row.set_bool(column, Accessor::to_bool(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeInt: row.set_int(column, Accessor::to_long(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeFloat: row.set_float(column, Accessor::to_float(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeDouble: row.set_double(column, Accessor::to_double(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeString: row.set_string(column, Accessor::to_string(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeData: row.set_binary(column, BinaryData(Accessor::to_string(ctx, value))); break; case PropertyTypeAny: row.set_mixed(column, Accessor::to_mixed(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeDate: row.set_datetime(column, Accessor::to_datetime(ctx, value)); break; case PropertyTypeObject: { if (Accessor::is_null(ctx, value)) { row.nullify_link(column); } else { row.set_link(column, Accessor::to_object_index(ctx, realm, value, property, try_update)); } break; } case PropertyTypeArray: { realm::LinkViewRef link_view = row.get_linklist(column); link_view->clear(); size_t count = Accessor::array_size(ctx, value); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { ValueType element = Accessor::array_value_at_index(ctx, value, i); link_view->add(Accessor::to_object_index(ctx, realm, element, property, try_update)); } break; } } } template inline Object Object::create(ContextType ctx, SharedRealm realm, ObjectSchema &object_schema, ValueType value, bool try_update) { using Accessor = NativeAccessor; if (!realm->is_in_transaction()) { throw std::runtime_error("Can only create objects within a transaction."); } // get or create our accessor bool created; // try to get existing row if updating size_t row_index = realm::not_found; realm::TableRef table = ObjectStore::table_for_object_type(realm->read_group(), object_schema.name); Property *primary_prop = object_schema.primary_key_property(); if (try_update && primary_prop) { // search for existing object based on primary key type ValueType primary_value = Accessor::dict_value_for_key(ctx, value, object_schema.primary_key); if (primary_prop->type == PropertyTypeString) { row_index = table->find_first_string(primary_prop->table_column, Accessor::to_string(ctx, primary_value)); } else { row_index = table->find_first_int(primary_prop->table_column, Accessor::to_long(ctx, primary_value)); } } // if no existing, create row created = false; if (row_index == realm::not_found) { row_index = table->add_empty_row(); created = true; } // populate Object object(realm, object_schema, table->get(row_index)); for (Property &prop : object_schema.properties) { ValueType prop_value = Accessor::dict_value_for_key(ctx, value, prop.name); if (prop_value) { if (created || !prop.is_primary) { object.set_property_value_impl(ctx, prop, prop_value, try_update); } } else if (created) { throw std::runtime_error("Missing property value for property " + prop.name); } } return object; } } #endif /* defined(REALM_OBJECT_ACCESSOR_HPP) */