#!groovy @Library('realm-ci') _ import groovy.json.JsonOutput repoName = 'realm-js' // This is a global variable gitTag = null gitSha = null dependencies = null version = null // == Stages stage('check') { node('docker') { rlmCheckout scm dependencies = readProperties file: 'dependencies.list' gitTag = readGitTag() gitSha = readGitSha() version = getVersion() echo "tag: ${gitTag}" if (gitTag == "") { echo "No tag given for this build" setBuildName("${gitSha}") } else { if (gitTag != "v${dependencies.VERSION}") { echo "Git tag '${gitTag}' does not match v${dependencies.VERSION}" } else { echo "Building release: '${gitTag}'" setBuildName("Tag ${gitTag}") } } echo "version: ${version}" if (['master'].contains(env.BRANCH_NAME)) { // If we're on master, instruct the docker image builds to push to the // cache registry env.DOCKER_PUSH = "1" } } } stage('build') { parallel( eslint: doDockerBuild('eslint-ci', { step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher', canComputeNew: false, canRunOnFailed: true, defaultEncoding: '', healthy: '', pattern: 'eslint.xml', unHealthy: '']) }), jsdoc: doDockerBuild('jsdoc', { publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: false, reportDir: 'docs/output', reportFiles: 'index.html', reportName: 'Docs']) }), linux_node_debug: doDockerBuild('node-cover Debug', { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'codecov-token-js', variable: 'CODECOV_TOKEN')]) { sh 'tests/node_modules/codecov/bin/codecov' } }), linux_node_release: doDockerBuild('node Release'), linux_test_runners: doDockerBuild('test-runners'), macos_node_debug: doMacBuild('node Debug'), macos_node_release: doMacBuild('node Release'), //macos_realmjs_debug: doMacBuild('realmjs Debug'), //macos_realmjs_release: doMacBuild('realmjs Release'), macos_react_tests_debug: doMacBuild('react-tests Debug'), macos_react_tests_release: doMacBuild('react-tests Release'), macos_react_example_debug: doMacBuild('react-example Debug'), macos_react_example_release: doMacBuild('react-example Release'), //android_react_tests: doAndroidBuild('react-tests-android', { // junit 'tests/react-test-app/tests.xml' //}), windows_node: doWindowsBuild() ) } // == Methods def readGitTag() { sh "git describe --exact-match --tags HEAD | tail -n 1 > tag.txt 2>&1 || true" def tag = readFile('tag.txt').trim() return tag } def readGitSha() { sh "git rev-parse HEAD | cut -b1-8 > sha.txt" def sha = readFile('sha.txt').readLines().last().trim() return sha } def getVersion() { def dependencies = readProperties file: 'dependencies.list' def gitTag = readGitTag() def gitSha = readGitSha() if (gitTag == "") { return "${dependencies.VERSION}-g${gitSha}" } else { return dependencies.VERSION } } def setBuildName(newBuildName) { currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.displayName} - ${newBuildName}" } def reportStatus(target, state, String message) { echo "Reporting Status ${state} to GitHub: ${message}" if (message && message.length() > 140) { message = message.take(137) + '...' // GitHub API only allows for 140 characters } try { step([ $class: 'GitHubCommitStatusSetter', contextSource: [$class: 'ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource', context: target], statusResultSource: [$class: 'ConditionalStatusResultSource', results: [[ $class: 'AnyBuildResult', message: message, state: state]] ], reposSource: [$class: 'ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource', url: 'https://github.com/realm/realm-js'] ]) } catch(Exception err) { echo "Error posting to GitHub: ${err}" } } def doInside(script, target, postStep = null) { try { reportStatus(target, 'PENDING', 'Build has started') rlmCheckout scm wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper']) { sh "bash ${script} ${target}" } if(postStep) { postStep.call() } dir(env.WORKSPACE) { deleteDir() // solving realm/realm-js#734 } reportStatus(target, 'SUCCESS', 'Success!') } catch(Exception e) { reportStatus(target, 'FAILURE', e.toString()) currentBuild.rawBuild.setResult(Result.FAILURE) e.printStackTrace() throw e } } def doDockerInside(script, target, postStep = null) { docker.withRegistry("https://${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}", "ecr:eu-west-1:aws-ci-user") { doInside(script, target, postStep) } } def doAndroidBuild(target, postStep = null) { return { node('docker && android') { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') { doDockerInside("./scripts/docker-android-wrapper.sh ./scripts/test.sh", target, postStep) } } } } def doDockerBuild(target, postStep = null) { return { node('docker') { rlmCheckout scm try { reportStatus(target, 'PENDING', 'Build has started') docker.image('node:6').inside('-e HOME=/tmp') { sh 'ls -la' sh "scripts/test.sh ${target}" if(postStep) { postStep.call() } deleteDir() reportStatus(target, 'SUCCESS', 'Success!') } } catch(Exception e) { reportStatus(target, 'FAILURE', e.toString()) throw e } } } } def doMacBuild(target, postStep = null) { return { node('osx_vegas') { doInside("./scripts/test.sh", target, postStep) } } } def doWindowsBuild() { return { node('windows && nodejs') { rlmCheckout scm try { bat 'npm install --build-from-source=realm' dir('tests') { bat 'npm install' bat 'npm run test' junit 'junitresults-*.xml' } } finally { deleteDir() } } } }