//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #import "RealmReact.h" #import "RealmAnalytics.h" #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "jsc_init.h" #import "shared_realm.hpp" #import "realm_coordinator.hpp" #import #import #import #import #if DEBUG #import "GCDWebServer.h" #import "GCDWebServerDataRequest.h" #import "GCDWebServerDataResponse.h" #import "GCDWebServerErrorResponse.h" #import "rpc.hpp" #define WEB_SERVER_PORT 8082 using namespace realm::rpc; #endif @interface NSObject () - (instancetype)initWithJSContext:(JSContext *)context; - (instancetype)initWithJSContext:(JSContext *)context onThread:(NSThread *)thread; - (JSGlobalContextRef)ctx; @end extern "C" JSGlobalContextRef RealmReactGetJSGlobalContextForExecutor(id executor, bool create) { Ivar contextIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([executor class], "_context"); if (!contextIvar) { return NULL; } id rctJSContext = object_getIvar(executor, contextIvar); if (!rctJSContext && create) { Class RCTJavaScriptContext = NSClassFromString(@"RCTJavaScriptContext"); NSMethodSignature *signature = [RCTJavaScriptContext instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(initWithJSContext:onThread:)]; if (signature) { // for RN 0.28.0+ rctJSContext = [[RCTJavaScriptContext alloc] initWithJSContext:[JSContext new] onThread:[NSThread currentThread]]; } else { // for RN < 0.28.0 NSMethodSignature *oldSignature = [RCTJavaScriptContext instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(initWithJSContext:)]; assert(oldSignature); rctJSContext = [[RCTJavaScriptContext alloc] initWithJSContext:[JSContext new]]; } object_setIvar(executor, contextIvar, rctJSContext); } return [rctJSContext ctx]; } @interface RealmReact () @end @implementation RealmReact { NSMutableDictionary *_eventHandlers; #if DEBUG GCDWebServer *_webServer; std::unique_ptr _rpcServer; #endif } @synthesize bridge = _bridge; RCT_EXPORT_MODULE(Realm) + (void)initialize { if (self != [RealmReact class]) { return; } RLMSendAnalytics(); } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _eventHandlers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } return self; } - (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue { return dispatch_get_main_queue(); } - (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport { #if DEBUG #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR NSArray *hosts = @[@"localhost"]; #else NSArray *hosts = [self getIPAddresses]; #endif return @{ @"debugHosts": hosts, @"debugPort": @(WEB_SERVER_PORT), }; #else return @{}; #endif } - (void)addListenerForEvent:(NSString *)eventName handler:(RealmReactEventHandler)handler { NSMutableOrderedSet *handlers = _eventHandlers[eventName]; if (!handlers) { handlers = _eventHandlers[eventName] = [[NSMutableOrderedSet alloc] init]; } [handlers addObject:handler]; } - (void)removeListenerForEvent:(NSString *)eventName handler:(RealmReactEventHandler)handler { NSMutableOrderedSet *handlers = _eventHandlers[eventName]; [handlers removeObject:handler]; } RCT_REMAP_METHOD(emit, emitEvent:(NSString *)eventName withObject:(id)object) { for (RealmReactEventHandler handler in [_eventHandlers[eventName] copy]) { handler(object); } } #if DEBUG - (NSArray *)getIPAddresses { static const char * const wifiInterface = "en0"; struct ifaddrs *ifaddrs; if (getifaddrs(&ifaddrs)) { NSLog(@"Failed to get interface addresses: %s", strerror(errno)); return @[]; } NSMutableArray *ipAddresses = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; for (struct ifaddrs *ifaddr = ifaddrs; ifaddr; ifaddr = ifaddr->ifa_next) { if ((ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) || !(ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_UP)) { // Ignore loopbacks and interfaces that aren't up. continue; } struct sockaddr *addr = ifaddr->ifa_addr; if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { // Ignore link-local ipv4 addresses. in_addr_t sin_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; if (IN_LOOPBACK(sin_addr) || IN_LINKLOCAL(sin_addr) || IN_ZERONET(sin_addr)) { continue; } } else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { // Ignore link-local ipv6 addresses. struct in6_addr *sin6_addr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr)->sin6_addr; if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(sin6_addr)) { continue; } } else { // Ignore addresses that are not ipv4 or ipv6. continue; } if (strcmp(ifaddr->ifa_name, wifiInterface)) { // Ignore non-wifi addresses. continue; } if (int error = getnameinfo(addr, addr->sa_len, host, sizeof(host), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { NSLog(@"Couldn't resolve host name for address: %s", gai_strerror(error)); continue; } [ipAddresses addObject:@(host)]; } freeifaddrs(ifaddrs); return [ipAddresses copy]; } - (void)startRPC { [GCDWebServer setLogLevel:3]; _webServer = [[GCDWebServer alloc] init]; _rpcServer = std::make_unique(); __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self; // Add a handler to respond to POST requests on any URL [_webServer addDefaultHandlerForMethod:@"POST" requestClass:[GCDWebServerDataRequest class] processBlock:^GCDWebServerResponse *(GCDWebServerRequest* request) { __typeof__(self) self = weakSelf; RPCServer *rpcServer = self ? self->_rpcServer.get() : nullptr; GCDWebServerResponse *response; try { NSData *responseData; if (rpcServer) { json args = json::parse([[(GCDWebServerDataRequest *)request text] UTF8String]); std::string responseText = rpcServer->perform_request(request.path.UTF8String, args).dump(); responseData = [NSData dataWithBytes:responseText.c_str() length:responseText.length()]; } else { // we have been deallocated responseData = [NSData data]; } response = [[GCDWebServerDataResponse alloc] initWithData:responseData contentType:@"application/json"]; } catch(std::exception &ex) { NSLog(@"Invalid RPC request - %@", [(GCDWebServerDataRequest *)request text]); response = [GCDWebServerErrorResponse responseWithClientError:kGCDWebServerHTTPStatusCode_UnprocessableEntity underlyingError:nil message:@"Invalid RPC request"]; } [response setValue:@"http://localhost:8081" forAdditionalHeader:@"Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]; return response; }]; [_webServer startWithPort:WEB_SERVER_PORT bonjourName:nil]; return; } - (void)shutdownRPC { [_webServer stop]; [_webServer removeAllHandlers]; _webServer = nil; _rpcServer.reset(); } #endif - (void)invalidate { #if DEBUG // shutdown rpc if in chrome debug mode [self shutdownRPC]; #endif } - (void)dealloc { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(invalidate) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]; } - (void)setBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { _bridge = bridge; static __weak RealmReact *s_currentModule = nil; [s_currentModule invalidate]; s_currentModule = self; id executor = [bridge valueForKey:@"javaScriptExecutor"]; if ([executor isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"RCTWebSocketExecutor")]) { #if DEBUG [self startRPC]; #else @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Invalid Executor" reason:@"Chrome debug mode not supported in Release builds" userInfo:nil]; #endif } else { __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self; __weak __typeof__(executor) weakExecutor = executor; [executor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ __typeof__(self) self = weakSelf; __typeof__(executor) executor = weakExecutor; if (!self || !executor) { return; } // Make sure the previous JS thread is completely finished before continuing. static __weak NSThread *s_currentJSThread; while (s_currentJSThread && !s_currentJSThread.finished) { [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1]; } s_currentJSThread = [NSThread currentThread]; // Close all cached Realms from the previous JS thread. realm::_impl::RealmCoordinator::clear_all_caches(); JSGlobalContextRef ctx = RealmReactGetJSGlobalContextForExecutor(executor, true); RJSInitializeInContext(ctx); }]; } } @end