//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* eslint-env es6, node */ 'use strict'; const Realm = require('realm'); const TestCase = require('./asserts'); const schemas = require('./schemas'); const Worker = require('./worker'); function createNotificationTest(config, getObservable, addListener, removeListener, messages, expectedCount) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let realm = new Realm(config); let observable = getObservable(realm); let worker = new Worker(__dirname + '/worker-tests-script.js', [REALM_MODULE_PATH]); // eslint-disable-line no-undef // Test will fail if it does not receive a change event within a second. let timer = setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('Timed out waiting for change notification')); }, 5000); let cleanup = () => { clearTimeout(timer); worker.terminate(); }; var count = 0; var listener = addListener(observable, () => count++, resolve, reject, cleanup); messages.push(['echo', 'resolve']); var messageIndex = 0; worker.onmessage = (message) => { if (message.error) { reject(message.error); cleanup(); } else if (message.result == 'resolve') { if (count != expectedCount) { reject('Notification count ' + count + ' not equal to expected count ' + expectedCount); } else { resolve(); } cleanup(); } else { if (message.result == 'removeListener') { removeListener(observable, listener); } worker.postMessage(messages[messageIndex++]); } }; worker.postMessage(messages[messageIndex++]); }); } function createCollectionChangeTest(config, createCollection, messages, expected, removeAll) { return createNotificationTest( config, createCollection, (collection, increment, resolve, reject, cleanup) => { var listener = (object, changes) => { try { var notificationCount = increment(); TestCase.assertArraysEqual(changes.insertions, expected[notificationCount][0]); TestCase.assertArraysEqual(changes.deletions, expected[notificationCount][1]); TestCase.assertArraysEqual(changes.modifications, expected[notificationCount][2]); } catch (e) { reject(e); cleanup(); } }; collection.addListener(listener); return listener; }, removeAll ? (observable) => observable.removeAllListeners() : (observable, listener) => observable.removeListener(listener), messages, expected.length ); } const ListObject = { name: 'ListObject', properties: { list: {type: 'list', objectType: 'TestObject'}, } }; const PrimaryListObject = { name: 'PrimaryListObject', properties: { list: {type: 'list', objectType: 'IntPrimaryObject'}, } }; module.exports = { testChangeNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject] }; return createNotificationTest( config, (realm) => realm, (realm, increment, resolve, reject, cleanup) => realm.addListener('change', () => { try { var objects = realm.objects('TestObject'); TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 1); TestCase.assertEqual(objects[0].doubleCol, 42); increment(); } catch (e) { reject(e); cleanup(); } }), undefined, [[config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{doubleCol: 42}]]], 1 ); }, testResultsAddNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, (realm) => realm.objects('TestObject'), [ [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{ doubleCol: 1 }]], [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{ doubleCol: 2 }, { doubleCol: 3 }]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[0], [], []], [[1, 2], [], []], ] ); }, testResultsRemoveNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, (realm) => realm.objects('TestObject'), [ [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{ doubleCol: 1 }]], ['echo', 'removeListener'], [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{ doubleCol: 2 }, { doubleCol: 3 }]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[0], [], []], ] ); }, testResultsRemoveAllNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, (realm) => realm.objects('TestObject'), [ [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{ doubleCol: 1 }]], ['echo', 'removeListener'], [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [{ doubleCol: 2 }, { doubleCol: 3 }]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[0], [], []], ], true ); }, testResultsDeleteNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { return realm.objects('TestObject'); }, [ [config, 'create', 'TestObject', [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]]], [config, 'delete', 'TestObject', [4]], [config, 'delete', 'TestObject', [0, 2]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [], []], [[], [4], []], [[0], [0, 2, 3], []] ] ); }, testResultsUpdateNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.IntPrimary] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, (realm) => realm.objects('IntPrimaryObject'), [ [config, 'create', 'IntPrimaryObject', [[0, '0'], [1, '1'], [2, '2']]], [config, 'update', 'IntPrimaryObject', [[0, '00'], [2, '22']]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[0, 1, 2], [], []], [[], [], [0, 2]] ] ); }, testListAddNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject, ListObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { let listObject; realm.write(() => { listObject = realm.create('ListObject', {list: []}) }); return listObject.list; }, [ [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'push', {doubleCol: 0}, {doubleCol: 1}] ], [ [[], [], []], [[0, 1], [], []] ] ); }, testListRemoveNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject, ListObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { let listObject; realm.write(() => { listObject = realm.create('ListObject', {list: []}) }); return listObject.list; }, [ [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'push', {doubleCol: 0}, {doubleCol: 1}], ['echo', 'removeListener'], [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'push', {doubleCol: 0}, {doubleCol: 1}], ], [ [[], [], []], [[0, 1], [], []] ] ); }, testListRemoveAllNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject, ListObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { let listObject; realm.write(() => { listObject = realm.create('ListObject', {list: []}) }); return listObject.list; }, [ [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'push', {doubleCol: 0}, {doubleCol: 1}], ['echo', 'removeListener'], [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'push', {doubleCol: 0}, {doubleCol: 1}], ], [ [[], [], []], [[0, 1], [], []] ], true ); }, testListDeleteNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject, ListObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { let listObject; realm.write(() => { listObject = realm.create('ListObject', {list: [[0], [1], [2]]}) }); return listObject.list; }, [ [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'splice', 1, 2] ], [ [[], [], []], [[], [1, 2], []] ] ); }, testListSpliceNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.TestObject, ListObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { let listObject; realm.write(() => { listObject = realm.create('ListObject', {list: [[0], [1], [2]]}) }); return listObject.list; }, [ [config, 'list_method', 'ListObject', 'list', 'splice', 1, 1, [2]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[1], [1], []] ] ); }, testListUpdateNotifications() { var config = { schema: [schemas.IntPrimary, PrimaryListObject] }; return createCollectionChangeTest( config, function(realm) { let listObject; realm.write(() => { listObject = realm.create('PrimaryListObject', {list: [[0, '0'], [1, '1']]}) }); return listObject.list; }, [ [config, 'update', 'IntPrimaryObject', [[1, '11']]] ], [ [[], [], []], [[], [], [1]] ] ); }, };