#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail set -e while pgrep -q Simulator; do # Kill all the current simulator processes as they may be from a # different Xcode version pkill Simulator 2>/dev/null || true # CoreSimulatorService doesn't exit when sent SIGTERM pkill -9 Simulator 2>/dev/null || true done DESTINATION="-destination id=$(xcrun simctl list devices | grep -v unavailable | grep -m 1 -o '[0-9A-F\-]\{36\}')" TARGET=$1 CONFIGURATION=${2:-"Debug"} PACKAGER_OUT="packager_out.txt" function start_packager() { rm -f $PACKAGER_OUT sh ./node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh | tee $PACKAGER_OUT & while :; do if grep -Fxq "React packager ready." $PACKAGER_OUT then break else echo "Waiting for packager." sleep 2 fi done } function kill_packager() { rm -f $PACKAGER_OUT pkill node || true } kill_packager if [ "$TARGET" = "realmjs" ]; then xcodebuild -scheme RealmJS -configuration "$CONFIGURATION" -sdk iphonesimulator $DESTINATION build test elif [ "$TARGET" = "react-tests" ]; then pushd tests/react-test-app if [ -d ~/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app ]; then open ~/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app fi if [ -f ../../target=node_modules/react_tests_node_modules.zip ]; then unzip -q ../../target=node_modules/react_tests_node_modules.zip fi npm update react-native start_packager popd xcodebuild -scheme RealmReact -configuration "$CONFIGURATION" -sdk iphonesimulator $DESTINATION build test elif [ "$TARGET" = "react-example" ]; then pushd examples/ReactExample if [ -f ../../target=node_modules/react_example_node_modules.zip ]; then unzip -q ../../target=node_modules/react_example_node_modules.zip fi npm update react-native start_packager xcodebuild -scheme ReactExample -configuration "$CONFIGURATION" -sdk iphonesimulator build $DESTINATION popd elif [ "$TARGET" = "react-tests-android" ]; then pushd react-native/android ./gradlew installarchives popd pushd tests/react-test-app if [ -d ~/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app ]; then open ~/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app fi npm install start_packager sh run-android.sh LOGCAT_OUT="logcat_out.txt" rm -f $LOGCAT_OUT adb logcat | tee $LOGCAT_OUT & while :; do if grep -q "FILE WRITTEN!!" $LOGCAT_OUT then break else echo "Waiting for tests." sleep 2 fi done adb pull /data/data/com.demo/files/tests.xml . else echo "Invalid target '${TARGET}'" fi kill_packager