/* Copyright 2015 Realm Inc - All Rights Reserved * Proprietary and Confidential */ 'use strict'; var Realm = require('realm'); var BaseTest = require('./base-test'); var TestCase = require('./asserts'); var schemas = require('./schemas'); module.exports = BaseTest.extend({ testBasicTypesPropertyGetters: function() { var basicTypesValues = [true, 1, 1.1, 1.11, 'string', new Date(1), 'DATA']; var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.BasicTypes]}); var object = null; realm.write(function() { object = realm.create('BasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues); }); for (var i = 0; i < schemas.BasicTypes.properties.length; i++) { var prop = schemas.BasicTypes.properties[i]; if (prop.type == Realm.Types.FLOAT) { TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(object[prop.name], basicTypesValues[i], 0.000001); } else if (prop.type == Realm.Types.DATE) { TestCase.assertEqual(object[prop.name].getTime(), basicTypesValues[i].getTime()); } else { TestCase.assertEqual(object[prop.name], basicTypesValues[i]); } } TestCase.assertEqual(object.nonexistent, undefined); }, testNullableBasicTypesPropertyGetters: function() { var nullValues = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null]; var basicTypesValues = [true, 1, 1.1, 1.11, 'string', new Date(1), 'DATA']; var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.NullableBasicTypes]}); var nullObject = null; var object = null; realm.write(function() { nullObject = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', nullValues); object = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues); }); for (var i = 0; i < schemas.BasicTypes.properties.length; i++) { var prop = schemas.BasicTypes.properties[i]; TestCase.assertEqual(nullObject[prop.name], null); if (prop.type == Realm.Types.FLOAT) { TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(object[prop.name], basicTypesValues[i], 0.000001); } else if (prop.type == Realm.Types.DATE) { TestCase.assertEqual(object[prop.name].getTime(), basicTypesValues[i].getTime()); } else { TestCase.assertEqual(object[prop.name], basicTypesValues[i]); } } }, testBasicTypesPropertySetters: function() { var basicTypesValues = [true, 1, 1.1, 1.11, 'string', new Date(1), 'DATA']; var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.BasicTypes]}); var obj = null; realm.write(function() { obj = realm.create('BasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues); obj.boolCol = false; obj.intCol = 2; obj.floatCol = 2.2; obj.doubleCol = 2.22; obj.stringCol = 'STRING'; obj.dateCol = new Date(2); obj.dataCol = 'b'; }); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.boolCol, false, 'wrong bool value'); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.intCol, 2, 'wrong int value'); TestCase.assertEqualWithTolerance(obj.floatCol, 2.2, 0.000001, 'wrong float value'); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.doubleCol, 2.22, 'wrong double value'); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.stringCol, 'STRING', 'wrong string value'); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.dateCol.getTime(), 2, 'wrong date value'); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.dataCol, 'b', 'wrong data value'); realm.write(function() { TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.boolCol = 'cat'; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.intCol = 'dog'; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.boolCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.boolCol = undefined; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.intCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.intCol = undefined; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.floatCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.floatCol = undefined; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.doubleCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.doubleCol = undefined; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.stringCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.stringCol = undefined; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.dateCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.dateCol = undefined; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.dataCol = null; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.dataCol = undefined; }); }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.boolCol = true; }, 'can only set property values in a write transaction'); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.boolCol, false, 'bool value changed outside transaction'); }, testNullableBasicTypesPropertySetters: function() { var basicTypesValues = [true, 1, 1.1, 1.11, 'string', new Date(1), 'DATA']; var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.NullableBasicTypes]}); var obj, obj1; realm.write(function() { obj = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues); obj1 = realm.create('NullableBasicTypesObject', basicTypesValues); for (var prop of schemas.NullableBasicTypes.properties) { obj[prop.name] = null; obj1[prop.name] = undefined; } }); for (var prop of schemas.NullableBasicTypes.properties) { TestCase.assertEqual(obj[prop.name], null); TestCase.assertEqual(obj1[prop.name], null); } realm.write(function() { TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.boolCol = 'cat'; }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.intCol = 'dog'; }); }); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.boolCol = null; }, 'can only set property values in a write transaction'); }, testLinkTypesPropertyGetters: function() { var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.LinkTypes, schemas.TestObject]}); var obj = null; realm.write(function() { obj = realm.create('LinkTypesObject', [[1], null, [[3]]]); }); var objVal = obj.objectCol; TestCase.assertEqual(typeof objVal, 'object'); TestCase.assertNotEqual(objVal, null); TestCase.assertEqual(objVal.doubleCol, 1); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol1, null); var arrayVal = obj.arrayCol; TestCase.assertEqual(typeof arrayVal, 'object'); TestCase.assertNotEqual(arrayVal, null); TestCase.assertEqual(arrayVal.length, 1); TestCase.assertEqual(arrayVal[0].doubleCol, 3); }, testLinkTypesPropertySetters: function() { var realm = new Realm({schema: [schemas.LinkTypes, schemas.TestObject]}); var objects = realm.objects('TestObject'); var obj = null; realm.write(function() { obj = realm.create('LinkTypesObject', [[1], null, [[3]]]); }); TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2); TestCase.assertThrows(function() { obj.objectCol1 = obj.objectCol; }, 'can only set property values in a write transaction'); // set/reuse object property realm.write(function() { obj.objectCol1 = obj.objectCol; }); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol1.doubleCol, 1); //TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol, obj.objectCol1); TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 2); realm.write(function() { obj.objectCol = null; obj.objectCol1 = null; }); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol, null); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol1, null); // set object as JSON realm.write(function() { obj.objectCol = { doubleCol: 1 }; }); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.objectCol.doubleCol, 1); TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 3); // set array property realm.write(function() { obj.arrayCol = [obj.arrayCol[0], obj.objectCol, realm.create('TestObject', [2])]; }); TestCase.assertEqual(objects.length, 4); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol.length, 3); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[0].doubleCol, 3); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[1].doubleCol, 1); TestCase.assertEqual(obj.arrayCol[2].doubleCol, 2); }, });