/* Copyright 2016 Realm Inc - All Rights Reserved * Proprietary and Confidential */ 'use strict'; import React from 'react-native'; const rootComponentPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { // Require internal module here so the promise is rejected if there is an error. let Mount = require('react-native/Libraries/ReactNative/ReactNativeMount'); let renderComponent = Mount.renderComponent; Mount.renderComponent = function() { let component = renderComponent.apply(this, arguments); resolve(component); return component; }; }); export function getRootComponent() { return rootComponentPromise; } export function assertChildExists(component, name) { if (!findChildComponent(component, name)) { throw new Error(name + ' not rendered'); } } export function findChildComponent(component, name) { for (let child of traverseChildren(component)) { if (child.type.name == name) { return child; } } return null; } export function* traverseChildren(component) { let props = component.props; // The hacky TopLevelWrapper has its props set to the root element. if (props.props) { props = props.props; } let children = props.children; if (!children) { return; } // ReactNative is missing React.Children.toArray() for (let child of React.Children.map(children, (x) => x)) { yield child; yield* traverseChildren(child); } }