mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 11:48:17 +00:00
Add missing files to the xcode project
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
02F59EC51C88F17D007F774C /* shared_realm.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02F59EBD1C88F17D007F774C /* shared_realm.cpp */; };
02F59EE21C88F2BB007F774C /* realm_coordinator.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02F59EDB1C88F2BA007F774C /* realm_coordinator.cpp */; };
02F59EE31C88F2BB007F774C /* transact_log_handler.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02F59EDD1C88F2BB007F774C /* transact_log_handler.cpp */; };
3FCE2A8B1F58BDEF00D4855B /* primitive_list_notifier.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3FCE2A891F58BDE500D4855B /* primitive_list_notifier.cpp */; };
3FCE2A931F58BE0300D4855B /* uuid.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3FCE2A911F58BDFF00D4855B /* uuid.cpp */; };
3FCE2A971F58BE2200D4855B /* sync_permission.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3FCE2A951F58BE1D00D4855B /* sync_permission.cpp */; };
502B07E41E2CD201007A84ED /* object.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 502B07E31E2CD1FA007A84ED /* object.cpp */; };
504CF85E1EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* network_reachability_observer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 504CF8541EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* network_reachability_observer.cpp */; };
504CF85F1EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* system_configuration.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 504CF8561EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* system_configuration.cpp */; };
@ -177,6 +180,19 @@
02F59EDC1C88F2BB007F774C /* realm_coordinator.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = realm_coordinator.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
02F59EDD1C88F2BB007F774C /* transact_log_handler.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = transact_log_handler.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
02F59EDE1C88F2BB007F774C /* transact_log_handler.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = transact_log_handler.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A871F58BDE500D4855B /* object_accessor_impl.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = object_accessor_impl.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A881F58BDE500D4855B /* primitive_list_notifier.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = primitive_list_notifier.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A891F58BDE500D4855B /* primitive_list_notifier.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = primitive_list_notifier.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A8C1F58BDFF00D4855B /* aligned_union.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = aligned_union.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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3FCE2A911F58BDFF00D4855B /* uuid.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = uuid.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A941F58BE1D00D4855B /* sync_permission.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; name = sync_permission.hpp; path = src/sync/sync_permission.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A951F58BE1D00D4855B /* sync_permission.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = sync_permission.cpp; path = src/sync/sync_permission.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3FCE2A981F58BE3600D4855B /* descriptor_ordering.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; name = descriptor_ordering.hpp; path = "object-store/src/descriptor_ordering.hpp"; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
3FCE2A991F58BE3600D4855B /* feature_checks.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; name = feature_checks.hpp; path = "object-store/src/feature_checks.hpp"; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
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504CF8541EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* network_reachability_observer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = network_reachability_observer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -280,9 +296,9 @@
isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
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5D25F5A11D6284FD00EBBB30 /* libz.tbd in Frameworks */,
027A23131CD3E379000543AE /* libRealmJS.a in Frameworks */,
02D8D1F71B601984006DB49D /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */,
027A23131CD3E379000543AE /* libRealmJS.a in Frameworks */,
5D25F5A11D6284FD00EBBB30 /* libz.tbd in Frameworks */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@ -301,13 +317,19 @@
children = (
02022A6C1DA47EC8000F0C4F /* android */,
02022A6E1DA47EC8000F0C4F /* apple */,
02022A751DA47EC8000F0C4F /* generic */,
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3FCE2A8C1F58BDFF00D4855B /* aligned_union.hpp */,
3FCE2A8D1F58BDFF00D4855B /* any.hpp */,
02022A701DA47EC8000F0C4F /* atomic_shared_ptr.hpp */,
02022A711DA47EC8000F0C4F /* compiler.hpp */,
02022A721DA47EC8000F0C4F /* event_loop_signal.hpp */,
02022A731DA47EC8000F0C4F /* format.cpp */,
02022A741DA47EC8000F0C4F /* format.hpp */,
02022A751DA47EC8000F0C4F /* generic */,
02022A771DA47EC8000F0C4F /* uv */,
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3FCE2A8F1F58BDFF00D4855B /* time.hpp */,
3FCE2A911F58BDFF00D4855B /* uuid.cpp */,
3FCE2A901F58BDFF00D4855B /* uuid.hpp */,
name = util;
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@ -348,30 +370,30 @@
0270BC3D1B7CFBFD00010E03 /* RealmJS */ = {
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F6BCCFDF1C83809A00FE31AE /* lib */,
02879D8B1DC29D5600777A5D /* package.json */,
F62A35131C18E6E2004A917D /* iOS */,
F6874A441CAD2ACD00EEEE36 /* JSC */,
F6BCCFDF1C83809A00FE31AE /* lib */,
F62BF9001CAC72C40022BCDC /* Node */,
F62A35141C18E783004A917D /* Object Store */,
F6079B181CD3EB9000BD2401 /* concurrent_deque.hpp */,
850715AE1E32366B00E548DB /* event_loop_dispatcher.hpp */,
0290934A1CEFA9170009769E /* js_observable.hpp */,
F620F0521CAF0B600082977B /* js_class.hpp */,
F60102F71CBDA6D400EC01BA /* js_collection.hpp */,
029048041C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_list.hpp */,
029048061C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_realm_object.hpp */,
F620F0591CB7B4C80082977B /* js_object_accessor.hpp */,
0290934A1CEFA9170009769E /* js_observable.hpp */,
029048071C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_realm.cpp */,
029048081C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_realm.hpp */,
0250D9C01D7647E00012C20C /* js_sync.hpp */,
029048061C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_realm_object.hpp */,
0290480A1C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_results.hpp */,
0290480C1C0428DF00ABDED4 /* js_schema.hpp */,
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F6267BC91CADC30000AC36B1 /* js_util.hpp */,
F620F0591CB7B4C80082977B /* js_object_accessor.hpp */,
02879D8B1DC29D5600777A5D /* package.json */,
029048351C042A3C00ABDED4 /* platform.hpp */,
0290480F1C0428DF00ABDED4 /* rpc.cpp */,
029048101C0428DF00ABDED4 /* rpc.hpp */,
F6079B181CD3EB9000BD2401 /* concurrent_deque.hpp */,
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sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -380,19 +402,19 @@
isa = PBXGroup;
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02B58CCF1AE99D8C009B348C /* Frameworks */,
F6C3FBB41BF680D000E6FFD4 /* Vendor */,
02B58CB21AE99CEC009B348C /* Products */,
0270BC3D1B7CFBFD00010E03 /* RealmJS */,
02B58CC01AE99CEC009B348C /* RealmJSTests */,
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F6C3FBB41BF680D000E6FFD4 /* Vendor */,
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02B58CBC1AE99CEC009B348C /* RealmJSTests.xctest */,
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sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -400,12 +422,12 @@
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F61378781C18EAAC008BFC51 /* js */,
02D041F51CE11159000E4250 /* data */,
F61378781C18EAAC008BFC51 /* js */,
0270BC781B7D020100010E03 /* Info.plist */,
02409DC11BCF11D6005F3B3E /* RealmJSCoreTests.m */,
0270BC7A1B7D020100010E03 /* RealmJSTests.h */,
0270BC7B1B7D020100010E03 /* RealmJSTests.mm */,
02409DC11BCF11D6005F3B3E /* RealmJSCoreTests.m */,
F68A278A1BC2722A0063D40A /* RJSModuleLoader.h */,
F68A278B1BC2722A0063D40A /* RJSModuleLoader.m */,
@ -416,14 +438,14 @@
02B58CCF1AE99D8C009B348C /* Frameworks */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
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F620F0741CB9F60C0082977B /* CoreFoundation.framework */,
02A3C7A41BC4341500B1A7BE /* libc++.tbd */,
F63FF3301C16434400B3B8E0 /* libz.tbd */,
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F63FF32C1C16432E00B3B8E0 /* CFNetwork.framework */,
F620F0741CB9F60C0082977B /* CoreFoundation.framework */,
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02A3C7A41BC4341500B1A7BE /* libc++.tbd */,
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F63FF3301C16434400B3B8E0 /* libz.tbd */,
F63FF32A1C16432700B3B8E0 /* MobileCoreServices.framework */,
F63FF3281C16430C00B3B8E0 /* UIKit.framework */,
02B58CCD1AE99D4D009B348C /* JavaScriptCore.framework */,
name = Frameworks;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -442,13 +464,15 @@
children = (
504CF8521EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* impl */,
02E315CD1DB80DF200555337 /* sync_client.hpp */,
02E315C21DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_config.hpp */,
02E315CE1DB80DF200555337 /* sync_file.cpp */,
02E315CF1DB80DF200555337 /* sync_file.hpp */,
02E315D01DB80DF200555337 /* sync_metadata.cpp */,
02E315D11DB80DF200555337 /* sync_metadata.hpp */,
02E315C21DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_config.hpp */,
02E315C31DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_manager.cpp */,
02E315C41DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_manager.hpp */,
02E315D01DB80DF200555337 /* sync_metadata.cpp */,
02E315D11DB80DF200555337 /* sync_metadata.hpp */,
3FCE2A951F58BE1D00D4855B /* sync_permission.cpp */,
3FCE2A941F58BE1D00D4855B /* sync_permission.hpp */,
02E315C51DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_session.cpp */,
02E315C61DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_session.hpp */,
02E315C71DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_user.cpp */,
@ -486,8 +510,8 @@
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029048381C042A8F00ABDED4 /* platform.mm */,
0270BC5A1B7CFC1300010E03 /* Info.plist */,
029048381C042A8F00ABDED4 /* platform.mm */,
name = iOS;
path = ios;
@ -496,16 +520,18 @@
F62A35141C18E783004A917D /* Object Store */ = {
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children = (
02E315CC1DB80DE000555337 /* sync */,
02022A6B1DA47EC8000F0C4F /* util */,
F63117EA1CEB0BFA00ECB2DE /* impl */,
F63117EC1CEB0C8100ECB2DE /* parser */,
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02E315CC1DB80DE000555337 /* sync */,
02022A6B1DA47EC8000F0C4F /* util */,
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022BF1001E7266C800F382F1 /* binding_callback_thread_observer.hpp */,
02F59EAE1C88F17D007F774C /* binding_context.hpp */,
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02F59EB01C88F17D007F774C /* index_set.hpp */,
02F59EB11C88F17D007F774C /* list.cpp */,
@ -535,19 +561,19 @@
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F60102CF1CBB814A00EC01BA /* node_init.hpp */,
F620F0571CB766DA0082977B /* node_init.cpp */,
F620F0551CB655A50082977B /* node_class.hpp */,
F6874A351CAC792D00EEEE36 /* node_types.hpp */,
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F601030E1CC4B7C900EC01BA /* node_object.hpp */,
F60103101CC4B86000EC01BA /* node_function.hpp */,
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F60103121CC4CBF000EC01BA /* node_exception.hpp */,
F60103101CC4B86000EC01BA /* node_function.hpp */,
F620F0571CB766DA0082977B /* node_init.cpp */,
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F601030E1CC4B7C900EC01BA /* node_object.hpp */,
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F601030C1CC4B72B00EC01BA /* node_value.hpp */,
F67478481CC81F1300F9273C /* platform.cpp */,
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@ -564,19 +590,22 @@
02414B9A1CE6AAEF00A8669F /* collection_change_builder.hpp */,
02414B9B1CE6AAEF00A8669F /* collection_notifier.cpp */,
02414B9C1CE6AAEF00A8669F /* collection_notifier.hpp */,
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02F59EDA1C88F2BA007F774C /* external_commit_helper.hpp */,
3FCE2A891F58BDE500D4855B /* primitive_list_notifier.cpp */,
3FCE2A881F58BDE500D4855B /* primitive_list_notifier.hpp */,
02F59EDB1C88F2BA007F774C /* realm_coordinator.cpp */,
02F59EDC1C88F2BB007F774C /* realm_coordinator.hpp */,
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02414BA01CE6AAEF00A8669F /* results_notifier.hpp */,
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02022A481DA474A7000F0C4F /* weak_realm_notifier.hpp */,
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path = src/impl;
@ -585,10 +614,10 @@
F63117EB1CEB0C1B00ECB2DE /* apple */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
02E315DE1DB8233E00555337 /* keychain_helper.cpp */,
02E315DF1DB8233E00555337 /* keychain_helper.hpp */,
02022A411DA47489000F0C4F /* external_commit_helper.cpp */,
02022A421DA47489000F0C4F /* external_commit_helper.hpp */,
02E315DE1DB8233E00555337 /* keychain_helper.cpp */,
02E315DF1DB8233E00555337 /* keychain_helper.hpp */,
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sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -686,20 +715,20 @@
F6874A441CAD2ACD00EEEE36 /* JSC */ = {
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F60103091CC4B5E800EC01BA /* jsc_context.hpp */,
F60103111CC4BA6500EC01BA /* jsc_exception.hpp */,
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5D1BF0561EF1DB4800B7DC87 /* jsc_value.cpp */,
F601030B1CC4B6C900EC01BA /* jsc_value.hpp */,
name = JSC;
path = jsc;
@ -709,8 +738,8 @@
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
F63FF2FB1C1642BB00B3B8E0 /* GCDWebServer */,
F6BB7DF01BF681BC00D0A69E /* base64.hpp */,
F6BB7DEF1BF681BC00D0A69E /* base64.cpp */,
F6BB7DF01BF681BC00D0A69E /* base64.hpp */,
F6C3FBBC1BF680EC00E6FFD4 /* json.hpp */,
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@ -816,9 +845,9 @@
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02D041F71CE11159000E4250 /* dates-v3.realm in Resources */,
F6BCCFE21C8380A400FE31AE /* lib in Resources */,
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F61378791C18EAC5008BFC51 /* js in Resources */,
F6BCCFE21C8380A400FE31AE /* lib in Resources */,
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@ -861,9 +890,9 @@
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buildActionMask = 2147483647;
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0270BC821B7D020100010E03 /* RealmJSTests.mm in Sources */,
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0270BC821B7D020100010E03 /* RealmJSTests.mm in Sources */,
F68A278C1BC2722A0063D40A /* RJSModuleLoader.m in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@ -871,46 +900,49 @@
isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
02E315C91DB80DDD00555337 /* sync_manager.cpp in Sources */,
02022A671DA47BD7000F0C4F /* parser.cpp in Sources */,
02022A681DA47BD7000F0C4F /* query_builder.cpp in Sources */,
02E315E01DB8233E00555337 /* keychain_helper.cpp in Sources */,
02022A581DA476CD000F0C4F /* external_commit_helper.cpp in Sources */,
02022A5A1DA476CD000F0C4F /* weak_realm_notifier.cpp in Sources */,
02022A5B1DA476CD000F0C4F /* placeholder.cpp in Sources */,
504CF8611EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* sync_metadata.cpp in Sources */,
502B07E41E2CD201007A84ED /* object.cpp in Sources */,
02414BA51CE6ABCF00A8669F /* collection_change_builder.cpp in Sources */,
02414BA61CE6ABCF00A8669F /* collection_notifier.cpp in Sources */,
504CF85F1EBCAE3600A9A4B6 /* system_configuration.cpp in Sources */,
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02E315D31DB80DF200555337 /* sync_metadata.cpp in Sources */,
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02022A5A1DA476CD000F0C4F /* weak_realm_notifier.cpp in Sources */,
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@ -918,19 +950,19 @@
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@ -377,6 +377,14 @@
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@ -442,6 +450,7 @@
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user