mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 21:56:35 +00:00
Use a single AsyncQuery per Results regardless of number of callbacks added
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,59 +19,74 @@
#include "impl/async_query.hpp"
#include "impl/realm_coordinator.hpp"
#include "results.hpp"
using namespace realm;
using namespace realm::_impl;
AsyncQuery::AsyncQuery(SortOrder sort,
std::unique_ptr<SharedGroup::Handover<Query>> handover,
std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> callback,
RealmCoordinator& parent)
: parent(parent.shared_from_this())
, m_sort(std::move(sort))
, m_query_handover(std::move(handover))
, m_callback(std::move(callback))
AsyncQuery::AsyncQuery(Results& target)
: m_target_results(&target)
, m_realm(target.get_realm())
, m_sort(target.get_sort())
, m_version(m_realm->m_shared_group->get_version_of_current_transaction())
Query q = target.get_query();
m_query_handover = m_realm->m_shared_group->export_for_handover(q, MutableSourcePayload::Move);
void AsyncQuery::get_results(const SharedRealm& realm, SharedGroup& sg, std::vector<std::function<void()>>& ret)
size_t AsyncQuery::add_callback(std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)> callback)
if (!m_callback->is_for_current_thread()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_callback_mutex);
size_t token = 0;
for (auto& callback : m_callbacks) {
if (token <= callback.token) {
token = callback.token + 1;
return token;
if (m_error) {
ret.emplace_back([self = shared_from_this()] {
if (!m_tv_handover) {
if (m_tv_handover->version < sg.get_version_of_current_transaction()) {
// async results are stale; ignore
// auto r = Results(realm,
// m_sort,
// std::move(*sg.import_from_handover(std::move(m_tv_handover))));
Results r;
auto version = sg.get_version_of_current_transaction();
ret.emplace_back([r = std::move(r), version, &sg, self = shared_from_this()] {
if (sg.get_version_of_current_transaction() == version) {
void AsyncQuery::prepare_update()
void AsyncQuery::remove_callback(size_t token)
// This function must not touch m_tv_handover as it is called without the
// relevant lock held (so that another thread can consume m_tv_handover
// while this is running)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_callback_mutex);
if (is_for_current_thread() && m_calling_callbacks) {
// Schedule the removal for after we're done calling callbacks
void AsyncQuery::do_remove_callback(size_t token) noexcept
REALM_ASSERT(m_error || m_callbacks.size() > 0);
auto it = find_if(begin(m_callbacks), end(m_callbacks),
[=](const auto& c) { return c.token == token; });
// We should only fail to find the callback if it was removed due to an error
REALM_ASSERT(m_error || it != end(m_callbacks));
if (it != end(m_callbacks)) {
if (it != prev(end(m_callbacks))) {
*it = std::move(m_callbacks.back());
void AsyncQuery::unregister() noexcept
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_target_mutex);
m_target_results = nullptr;
m_realm = nullptr;
void AsyncQuery::run()
// This function must not touch any members touched in deliver(), as they
// may be called concurrently (as it'd be pretty bad for a running query to
// block the main thread trying to pick up the previous results)
@ -80,6 +95,7 @@ void AsyncQuery::prepare_update()
else {
m_tv = m_query->find_all();
m_query = nullptr;
if (m_sort) {
m_tv.sort(m_sort.columnIndices, m_sort.ascending);
@ -89,33 +105,103 @@ void AsyncQuery::prepare_update()
void AsyncQuery::prepare_handover()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_callback_mutex);
m_version = m_sg->get_version_of_current_transaction();
m_initial_run_complete = true;
// Even if the TV didn't change, we need to re-export it if the previous
// export has not been consumed yet, as the old handover object is no longer
// usable due to the version not matching
if (m_did_update || (m_tv_handover && m_tv_handover->version != m_sg->get_version_of_current_transaction())) {
if (m_did_update || (m_tv_handover && m_tv_handover->version != m_version)) {
m_tv_handover = m_sg->export_for_handover(m_tv, ConstSourcePayload::Copy);
void AsyncQuery::set_error(std::exception_ptr err)
void AsyncQuery::deliver(SharedGroup& sg, std::exception_ptr err)
if (!m_error) {
m_error = err;
if (!is_for_current_thread()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> callback_lock(m_callback_mutex);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> target_lock(m_target_mutex);
// Target results being null here indicates that it was destroyed while we
// were in the process of advancing the Realm version and preparing for
// delivery, i.e. it was destroyed from the "wrong" thread
if (!m_target_results) {
// We can get called before the query has actually had the chance to run if
// we're added immediately before a different set of async results are
// delivered
if (!m_initial_run_complete && !err) {
// Tell remove_callback() to defer actually removing them, so that calling it
// in the callback block works
m_calling_callbacks = true;
if (err) {
m_error = true;
for (auto& callback : m_callbacks) {
// Remove all the callbacks as we never need to call anything ever again
// after delivering an error
m_calling_callbacks = false;
auto realm_version = m_realm->m_shared_group->get_version_of_current_transaction();
if (m_version != realm_version) {
// Realm version can be newer if a commit was made on our thread or the
// user manually called refresh(), or older if a commit was made on a
// different thread and we ran *really* fast in between the check for
// if the shared group has changed and when we pick up async results
// Cannot use m_did_update here as it is used unlocked in run()
bool did_update = false;
if (m_tv_handover) {
did_update = true;
for (auto& callback : m_callbacks) {
if (did_update || callback.first_run) {
callback.first_run = false;
SharedGroup::VersionID AsyncQuery::version() const noexcept
if (m_tv_handover)
return m_tv_handover->version;
if (m_query_handover)
return m_query_handover->version;
return SharedGroup::VersionID{};
m_calling_callbacks = false;
// Actually remove any callbacks whose removal was requested during iteration
for (auto token : m_callbacks_to_remove) {
void AsyncQuery::attach_to(realm::SharedGroup& sg)
m_query = sg.import_from_handover(std::move(m_query_handover));
m_sg = &sg;
@ -124,7 +210,10 @@ void AsyncQuery::attach_to(realm::SharedGroup& sg)
void AsyncQuery::detatch()
m_query_handover = m_sg->export_for_handover(*m_query, MutableSourcePayload::Move);
m_sg = nullptr;
m_query = nullptr;
@ -23,50 +23,88 @@
#include <realm/group_shared.hpp>
#include <exception>
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
namespace realm {
namespace _impl {
class AsyncQuery : public std::enable_shared_from_this<AsyncQuery> {
class AsyncQuery {
AsyncQuery(SortOrder sort,
std::unique_ptr<SharedGroup::Handover<Query>> handover,
std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> callback,
RealmCoordinator& parent);
AsyncQuery(Results& target);
void get_results(const SharedRealm& realm, SharedGroup& sg, std::vector<std::function<void()>>& ret);
size_t add_callback(std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)>);
void remove_callback(size_t token);
void set_error(std::exception_ptr err);
void unregister() noexcept;
// Run/rerun the query if needed
void prepare_update();
// Update the handover object with the new data produced in prepare_update()
void run();
// Prepare the handover object if run() did update the TableView
void prepare_handover();
// Update the target results from the handover and call callbacks
void deliver(SharedGroup& sg, std::exception_ptr err);
// Get the version of the current handover object
SharedGroup::VersionID version() const noexcept;
// Attach the handed-over query to `sg`
void attach_to(SharedGroup& sg);
// Create a new query handover object and stop using the previously attached
// SharedGroup
void detatch();
std::shared_ptr<RealmCoordinator> parent;
Realm& get_realm() { return *m_target_results->get_realm(); }
// Get the version of the current handover object
SharedGroup::VersionID version() const noexcept { return m_version; }
const SortOrder m_sort;
// Target Results to update and a mutex which guards it
std::mutex m_target_mutex;
Results* m_target_results;
std::shared_ptr<Realm> m_realm;
const SortOrder m_sort;
const std::thread::id m_thread_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
// The source Query, in handover from iff m_sg is null
// Only used until the first time the query is actually run, after which
// both will be null
std::unique_ptr<SharedGroup::Handover<Query>> m_query_handover;
std::unique_ptr<Query> m_query;
std::unique_ptr<SharedGroup::Handover<TableView>> m_tv_handover;
// The TableView resulting from running the query. Will be detached if the
// Query has not yet been run, in which case m_query or m_query_handover will
// be non-null
TableView m_tv;
std::unique_ptr<SharedGroup::Handover<TableView>> m_tv_handover;
SharedGroup::VersionID m_version;
const std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> m_callback;
struct Callback {
std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)> fn;
std::unique_ptr<SharedGroup::Handover<TableView>> handover;
size_t token;
bool first_run;
// Currently registered callbacks and a mutex which must always be held
// while doing anything with them
std::mutex m_callback_mutex;
std::vector<Callback> m_callbacks;
// Callbacks which the user has asked to have removed whose removal has been
// deferred until after we're done looping over m_callbacks
std::vector<size_t> m_callbacks_to_remove;
SharedGroup* m_sg = nullptr;
std::exception_ptr m_error;
bool m_did_update = false;
bool m_initial_run_complete = false;
bool m_calling_callbacks = false;
bool m_error = false;
void do_remove_callback(size_t token) noexcept;
bool is_for_current_thread() const { return m_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id(); }
} // namespace _impl
@ -239,48 +239,25 @@ void RealmCoordinator::pin_version(uint_fast64_t version, uint_fast32_t index)
AsyncQueryCancelationToken RealmCoordinator::register_query(const Results& r, std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> target)
void RealmCoordinator::register_query(std::shared_ptr<AsyncQuery> query)
return r.get_realm()->m_coordinator->do_register_query(r, std::move(target));
AsyncQueryCancelationToken RealmCoordinator::do_register_query(const Results& r, std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> target)
auto version = query->version();
auto& self = *query->get_realm().m_coordinator;
if (m_config.read_only) {
throw InvalidTransactionException("Cannot create asynchronous query for read-only Realms");
if (r.get_realm()->is_in_transaction()) {
throw InvalidTransactionException("Cannot create asynchronous query while in a write transaction");
auto handover = r.get_realm()->m_shared_group->export_for_handover(r.get_query(), ConstSourcePayload::Copy);
auto version = handover->version;
auto query = std::make_shared<AsyncQuery>(r.get_sort(),
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_query_mutex);
pin_version(version.version, version.index);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(self.m_query_mutex);
self.pin_version(version.version, version.index);
// Wake up the background worker threads by pretending we made a commit
return query;
void RealmCoordinator::unregister_query(AsyncQuery& registration)
void RealmCoordinator::do_unregister_query(AsyncQuery& registration)
void RealmCoordinator::unregister_query(AsyncQuery& query)
auto swap_remove = [&](auto& container) {
auto it = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(),
[&](auto const& ptr) { return ptr.get() == ®istration; });
[&](auto const& ptr) { return ptr.get() == &query; });
if (it != container.end()) {
std::iter_swap(--container.end(), it);
@ -289,18 +266,19 @@ void RealmCoordinator::do_unregister_query(AsyncQuery& registration)
return false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_query_mutex);
if (swap_remove(m_queries)) {
auto& self = *query.get_realm().m_coordinator;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(self.m_query_mutex);
if (swap_remove(self.m_queries)) {
// Make sure we aren't holding on to read versions needlessly if there
// are no queries left, but don't close them entirely as opening shared
// groups is expensive
if (!m_running_queries && m_queries.empty() && m_query_sg) {
if (!self.m_running_queries && self.m_queries.empty() && self.m_query_sg) {
else if (swap_remove(m_new_queries)) {
if (m_new_queries.empty() && m_advancer_sg) {
else if (swap_remove(self.m_new_queries)) {
if (self.m_new_queries.empty() && self.m_advancer_sg) {
@ -329,9 +307,6 @@ void RealmCoordinator::run_async_queries()
if (m_async_error) {
for (auto& query : m_queries) {
@ -347,15 +322,19 @@ void RealmCoordinator::run_async_queries()
for (auto& query : queries_to_run) {
// Reacquire the lock while updating the fields that are actually read on
// other threads
// Make sure we don't change the version while another thread is delivering
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> version_lock(m_query_version_mutex);
for (auto& query : queries_to_run) {
// Check if all queries were removed while we were running them, as if so
// the shared group didn't get closed by do_unregister_query()
@ -431,8 +410,9 @@ void RealmCoordinator::advance_helper_shared_group_to_latest()
void RealmCoordinator::advance_to_ready(Realm& realm)
std::vector<std::function<void()>> async_results;
decltype(m_queries) queries;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_query_version_mutex);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_query_mutex);
@ -455,29 +435,24 @@ void RealmCoordinator::advance_to_ready(Realm& realm)
transaction::advance(*realm.m_shared_group, *realm.m_history, realm.m_binding_context.get(), version);
for (auto& query : m_queries) {
query->get_results(realm.shared_from_this(), *realm.m_shared_group, async_results);
queries = m_queries;
for (auto& results : async_results) {
for (auto& query : queries) {
query->deliver(*realm.m_shared_group, m_async_error);
void RealmCoordinator::process_available_async(Realm& realm)
std::vector<std::function<void()>> async_results;
decltype(m_queries) queries;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_query_mutex);
for (auto& query : m_queries) {
query->get_results(realm.shared_from_this(), *realm.m_shared_group, async_results);
queries = m_queries;
for (auto& results : async_results) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_query_version_mutex);
for (auto& query : queries) {
query->deliver(*realm.m_shared_group, m_async_error);
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ public:
// Update the schema in the cached config
void update_schema(Schema const& new_schema);
static AsyncQueryCancelationToken register_query(const Results& r, std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback>);
static void unregister_query(AsyncQuery& registration);
static void register_query(std::shared_ptr<AsyncQuery> query);
static void unregister_query(AsyncQuery& query);
// Advance the Realm to the most recent transaction version which all async
// work is complete for
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ private:
std::vector<CachedRealm> m_cached_realms;
std::mutex m_query_mutex;
std::mutex m_query_version_mutex;
bool m_running_queries = false;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery>> m_new_queries;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery>> m_queries;
@ -113,9 +114,6 @@ private:
std::unique_ptr<_impl::ExternalCommitHelper> m_notifier;
AsyncQueryCancelationToken do_register_query(const Results& r, std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback>);
void do_unregister_query(AsyncQuery& registration);
// must be called with m_query_mutex locked
void pin_version(uint_fast64_t version, uint_fast32_t index);
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
#include "results.hpp"
#include "object_store.hpp"
#include "impl/async_query.hpp"
#include "impl/realm_coordinator.hpp"
#include "object_store.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
@ -55,6 +56,13 @@ Results::Results(SharedRealm r, const ObjectSchema &o, Table& table)
if (m_background_query) {
void Results::validate_read() const
if (m_realm)
@ -344,6 +352,29 @@ Results Results::filter(Query&& q) const
return Results(m_realm, get_object_schema(), get_query().and_query(std::move(q)), get_sort());
AsyncQueryCancelationToken Results::async(std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)> target)
if (m_realm->config().read_only) {
throw InvalidTransactionException("Cannot create asynchronous query for read-only Realms");
if (m_realm->is_in_transaction()) {
throw InvalidTransactionException("Cannot create asynchronous query while in a write transaction");
if (!m_background_query) {
m_background_query = std::make_shared<_impl::AsyncQuery>(*this);
return {m_background_query, m_background_query->add_callback(std::move(target))};
void Results::AsyncFriend::set_table_view(Results& results, realm::TableView &&tv)
results.m_table_view = std::move(tv);
results.m_mode = Mode::TableView;
Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException::UnsupportedColumnTypeException(size_t column, const Table* table)
: std::runtime_error((std::string)"Operation not supported on '" + table->get_column_name(column).data() + "' columns")
, column_index(column)
@ -352,30 +383,37 @@ Results::UnsupportedColumnTypeException::UnsupportedColumnTypeException(size_t c
AsyncQueryCancelationToken Results::async(std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> target)
AsyncQueryCancelationToken::AsyncQueryCancelationToken(std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery> query, size_t token)
: m_query(std::move(query)), m_token(token)
return _impl::RealmCoordinator::register_query(*this, std::move(target));
if (m_registration) {
// m_query itself (and not just the pointed-to thing) needs to be accessed
// atomically to ensure that there are no data races when the token is
// destroyed after being modified on a different thread.
// This is needed despite the token not being thread-safe in general as
// users find it very surpringing for obj-c objects to care about what
// thread they are deallocated on.
if (auto query = std::atomic_load(&m_query)) {
AsyncQueryCancelationToken::AsyncQueryCancelationToken(AsyncQueryCancelationToken&& rgt)
: m_registration(std::move(rgt.m_registration))
: m_query(std::atomic_exchange(&rgt.m_query, {})), m_token(rgt.m_token)
AsyncQueryCancelationToken& AsyncQueryCancelationToken::operator=(realm::AsyncQueryCancelationToken&& rgt)
if (this != &rgt) {
if (m_registration) {
if (auto query = std::atomic_load(&m_query)) {
m_registration = std::move(rgt.m_registration);
std::atomic_store(&m_query, std::atomic_exchange(&rgt.m_query, {}));
m_token = rgt.m_token;
return *this;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace _impl {
// A token which keeps an asynchronous query alive
struct AsyncQueryCancelationToken {
AsyncQueryCancelationToken() = default;
AsyncQueryCancelationToken(std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery> registration) : m_registration(std::move(registration)) { }
AsyncQueryCancelationToken(std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery> query, size_t token);
@ -49,25 +49,8 @@ struct AsyncQueryCancelationToken {
AsyncQueryCancelationToken& operator=(AsyncQueryCancelationToken const&) = delete;
std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery> m_registration;
// Subclass to get notifications about async query things
class AsyncQueryCallback {
virtual ~AsyncQueryCallback() = default;
// Called with the Results object generated by the query on a thread where
// is_for_current_thread() returned true
virtual void deliver(Results) = 0;
// If an error occured while running the query on the worker thread, this is
// called with an exception on a thread where is_for_current_thread()
// returned true
virtual void error(std::exception_ptr) = 0;
// Return whether or not this query is associated with the current thread
virtual bool is_for_current_thread() { return true; }
std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery> m_query;
size_t m_token;
struct SortOrder {
@ -88,6 +71,7 @@ public:
Results() = default;
Results(SharedRealm r, const ObjectSchema& o, Table& table);
Results(SharedRealm r, const ObjectSchema& o, Query q, SortOrder s = {});
// Results is copyable and moveable
Results(Results const&) = default;
@ -210,7 +194,14 @@ public:
// Create an async query from this Results
// The query will be run on a background thread and delivered to the callback,
// and then rerun after each commit (if needed) and redelivered if it changed
AsyncQueryCancelationToken async(std::unique_ptr<AsyncQueryCallback> target);
AsyncQueryCancelationToken async(std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)> target);
// Helper type to let AsyncQuery update the tableview without giving access
// to any other privates or letting anyone else do so
class AsyncFriend {
friend class _impl::AsyncQuery;
static void set_table_view(Results& results, TableView&& tv);
SharedRealm m_realm;
@ -221,6 +212,8 @@ private:
SortOrder m_sort;
bool m_live = true;
std::shared_ptr<_impl::AsyncQuery> m_background_query;
Mode m_mode = Mode::Empty;
void validate_read() const;
@ -230,6 +223,8 @@ private:
util::Optional<Mixed> aggregate(size_t column, bool return_none_for_empty,
Int agg_int, Float agg_float,
Double agg_double, DateTime agg_datetime);
void set_table_view(TableView&& tv);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace realm {
typedef std::weak_ptr<Realm> WeakRealm;
namespace _impl {
class ExternalCommitHelper;
class AsyncQuery;
class RealmCoordinator;
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ namespace realm {
// FIXME private
Group *read_group();
friend class _impl::AsyncQuery;
friend class _impl::RealmCoordinator;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user