put tests in JSON

This commit is contained in:
Ari Lazier 2015-11-19 14:36:42 -08:00
parent 0e8ca5ed05
commit 3a9137fa08
5 changed files with 252 additions and 213 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
029445981BDEDF46006D1617 /* external_commit_helper.hpp in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 029445961BDEDF46006D1617 /* external_commit_helper.hpp */; };
0294465E1BF27DE6006D1617 /* query_builder.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0294465C1BF27DE6006D1617 /* query_builder.cpp */; };
0294465F1BF27DE6006D1617 /* query_builder.hpp in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0294465D1BF27DE6006D1617 /* query_builder.hpp */; };
02AAAEF01BFE72F2002DD081 /* queryTests.json in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02AAAEEF1BFE72F2002DD081 /* queryTests.json */; };
02B29A311B7CF86D008A7E6B /* RealmJS.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02B58CB11AE99CEC009B348C /* RealmJS.framework */; };
02B58CCE1AE99D4D009B348C /* JavaScriptCore.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02B58CCD1AE99D4D009B348C /* JavaScriptCore.framework */; };
02C0864E1BCDB27000942F9C /* list.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 02C0864C1BCDB27000942F9C /* list.cpp */; };
@ -206,6 +207,7 @@
0294465D1BF27DE6006D1617 /* query_builder.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; name = query_builder.hpp; path = "src/object-store/parser/query_builder.hpp"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
02A3C7841BC4317A00B1A7BE /* GCDWebServer.xcodeproj */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.pb-project"; name = GCDWebServer.xcodeproj; path = GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
02A3C7A41BC4341500B1A7BE /* libc++.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = "libc++.tbd"; path = "usr/lib/libc++.tbd"; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
02AAAEEF1BFE72F2002DD081 /* queryTests.json */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.json; name = queryTests.json; path = tests/queryTests.json; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
02B29A161B7CF7C9008A7E6B /* RealmReact.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = RealmReact.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
02B58CB11AE99CEC009B348C /* RealmJS.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = RealmJS.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
02B58CBC1AE99CEC009B348C /* RealmJSTests.xctest */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = RealmJSTests.xctest; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
@ -361,6 +363,7 @@
02D456D91B7E59A500EE1299 /* ArrayTests.js */,
0270BC791B7D020100010E03 /* ObjectTests.js */,
02E9A9F01BFA84F100939F86 /* QueryTests.js */,
02AAAEEF1BFE72F2002DD081 /* queryTests.json */,
0270BC7C1B7D020100010E03 /* RealmTests.js */,
0270BC7D1B7D020100010E03 /* ResultsTests.js */,
0270BC7A1B7D020100010E03 /* RealmJSTests.h */,
@ -623,6 +626,7 @@
0270BC861B7D020100010E03 /* schemas.js in Resources */,
F6F405F81BCF0C1A00A1E24F /* base-test.js in Resources */,
F68A278E1BC30F0A0063D40A /* index.js in Resources */,
02AAAEF01BFE72F2002DD081 /* queryTests.json in Resources */,
0270BC831B7D020100010E03 /* RealmTests.js in Resources */,
0270BC841B7D020100010E03 /* ResultsTests.js in Resources */,

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ var Realm = require('realm');
var BaseTest = require('./base-test');
var TestCase = require('./asserts');
var schemas = require('./schemas');
var testCases = require('./queryTests.json');
var typeConverters = {};
typeConverters[Realm.Types.DATE] = function(value) { return new Date(value); };
@ -57,218 +58,12 @@ function runQuerySuite(suite) {
realm.objects.apply(realm, args);
}, "Expected exception not thrown for query: " + JSON.stringify(args));
else {
else if (test[0] != "Disabled") {
throw "Invalid query test '" + test[0] + "'";
var testCases = {
"dateTests": {
"schema" : [{
"name": "DateObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "date", "type": Realm.Types.DATE }],
"objects": [
{ "type": "DateObject", "value": [10000] },
{ "type": "DateObject", "value": [10001] },
{ "type": "DateObject", "value": [10002] },
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 2, "DateObject", "date < $0", [2, 0]],
["QueryCount", 3, "DateObject", "date <= $0", [2, 0]],
["QueryCount", 2, "DateObject", "date > $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryCount", 3, "DateObject", "date >= $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryCount", 1, "DateObject", "date == $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryCount", 2, "DateObject", "date != $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryThrows", "DateObject", "date == 'not a date'"],
["QueryThrows", "DateObject", "date == 1"],
["QueryThrows", "DateObject", "date == $0", 1],
"boolTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "BoolObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "boolCol", "type": Realm.Types.BOOL }],
"objects": [
{ "type": "BoolObject", "value": [false] },
{ "type": "BoolObject", "value": [true] },
{ "type": "BoolObject", "value": [true] },
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "boolCol == true"],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol==false"],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol != true"],
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "true == boolCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "boolCol == TRUE"],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol == FALSE"],
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "boolCol == $0", true],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol == $0", false],
["QueryCount", 0, "BoolObject", "boolCol == true && boolCol == false"],
["QueryCount", 3, "BoolObject", "boolCol == true || boolCol == false"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == 0"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == 1"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == 'not a bool'"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == $0", "not a bool"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol > true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol >= true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol < true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol <= true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol BEGINSWITH true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol CONTAINS true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol ENDSWITH true"],
"intTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "IntObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "intCol", "type": Realm.Types.INT }],
"objects": [
{ "type": "IntObject", "value": [-1] },
{ "type": "IntObject", "value": [0] },
{ "type": "IntObject", "value": [100] },
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol == -1"],
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol==0"],
["QueryCount", 0, "IntObject", "1 == intCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "IntObject", "intCol != 0"],
["QueryCount", 2, "IntObject", "intCol > -1"],
["QueryCount", 3, "IntObject", "intCol >= -1"],
["QueryCount", 2, "IntObject", "intCol < 100"],
["QueryCount", 3, "IntObject", "intCol <= 100"],
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol > 0x1F"],
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol == $0", 100],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol == 'not an int'"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol == $0", "not an int"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol BEGINSWITH 1"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol CONTAINS 1"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol ENDSWITH 1"],
"floatTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "FloatObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "floatCol", "type": Realm.Types.FLOAT }],
"objects": [
{ "type": "FloatObject", "value": [-1.001] },
{ "type": "FloatObject", "value": [0.0] },
{ "type": "FloatObject", "value": [100.2] },
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol == -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol = 0"],
["QueryCount", 0, "FloatObject", "1 == floatCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "FloatObject", "floatCol != 0"],
["QueryCount", 2, "FloatObject", "floatCol > -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 3, "FloatObject", "floatCol >= -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 2, "FloatObject", "floatCol < 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 3, "FloatObject", "floatCol <= 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol > 0x1F"],
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol == $0", 100.2],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol == 'not a float'"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol == $0", "not a float"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol BEGINSWITH 1"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol CONTAINS 1"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol ENDSWITH 1"],
//XCTAssertThrows(([[realm objects:[FloatObject className] where:@"floatCol = 3.5e+38"] count]), @"Too large to be a float");
//XCTAssertThrows(([[realm objects:[FloatObject className] where:@"floatCol = -3.5e+38"] count]), @"Too small to be a float");
"doubleTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "DoubleObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "doubleCol", "type": Realm.Types.DOUBLE }],
"objects": [
{ "type": "DoubleObject", "value": [-1.001] },
{ "type": "DoubleObject", "value": [0.0] },
{ "type": "DoubleObject", "value": [100.2] },
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == 0"],
["QueryCount", 0, "DoubleObject", "1 == doubleCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol != 0"],
["QueryCount", 2, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol > -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 3, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol >= -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 2, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol < 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 3, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol <= 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol > 0x1F"],
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == $0", 100.2],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == 'not a double'"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == $0", "not a double"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol BEGINSWITH 1"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol CONTAINS 1"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol ENDSWITH 1"],
"stringTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "StringObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "stringCol", "type": Realm.Types.STRING }],
"objects": [
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["A"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["a"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["a"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["C"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["c"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["abc"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["ABC"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": [""] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["\\\"\\n\\0\\r\\\\'"] },
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol == 'a'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "'c' == stringCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol == \"a\""],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol=='abc'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol == ''"],
["QueryCount", 8, "StringObject", "stringCol != ''"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol == \"\\\"\\n\\0\\r\\\\'\""],
["QueryCount", 3, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH 'a'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol beginswith 'ab'"],
["QueryCount", 0, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH 'abcd'"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH 'A'"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH 'c'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol endswith 'bc'"],
["QueryCount", 9, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH ''"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS 'b'"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol contains 'c'"],
["QueryCount", 9, "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS ''"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol == $0", "a"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH $0", "c"],
["QueryThrows", "StringObject", "stringCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "StringObject", "stringCol == 123"],
["QueryThrows", "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS $0", 1],
// ["QueryCount", 3, "StringObject", "stringCol ==[c] 'a'"],
// ["QueryCount", 5, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH[c] 'A'"],
// ["QueryCount", 4, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH[c] 'c'"],
// ["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS[c] 'B'"],
module.exports = BaseTest.extend({
testDateQueries: function() {

View File

@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
- (void)addGlobalModuleObject:(id)object forName:(NSString *)name;
- (JSValue *)loadModuleFromURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)error;
- (JSValue *)loadJSONFromURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)error;

View File

@ -42,15 +42,19 @@ static NSString * const RJSModuleLoaderErrorDomain = @"RJSModuleLoaderErrorDomai
NSURL *url = [[NSURL URLWithString:name relativeToURL:baseURL] absoluteURL];
BOOL isDirectory;
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:url.path isDirectory:&isDirectory]) {
if (!isDirectory) {
return nil;
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:url.path isDirectory:&isDirectory] && isDirectory) {
url = [url URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"index.js"];
} else {
if ([[url pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"json"]) {
return [self loadJSONFromURL:url error:error];
else if ([[url pathExtension] length] == 0) {
url = [url URLByAppendingPathExtension:@"js"];
else {
return nil;
return [self loadModuleFromURL:url error:error];
@ -136,6 +140,34 @@ static NSString * const RJSModuleLoaderErrorDomain = @"RJSModuleLoaderErrorDomai
return exports;
- (JSValue *)loadJSONFromURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)error {
url = url.absoluteURL;
url = url.standardizedURL ?: url;
NSString *path = url.path;
JSValue *exports = self.modules[path];
if (exports) {
return exports;
NSString *source = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url usedEncoding:NULL error:error];
if (!source) {
return nil;
JSContext *context = self.context;
JSValueRef json = JSValueMakeFromJSONString(context.JSGlobalContextRef, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(source.UTF8String));
if (!json) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:RJSModuleLoaderErrorDomain code:1 userInfo:@{
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Invalid JSON"
return nil;
self.modules[path] = [JSValue valueWithJSValueRef:json inContext:context];
return self.modules[path];
- (JSValue *)loadGlobalModule:(NSString *)name relativeToURL:(NSURL *)baseURL error:(NSError **)error {
JSValue *exports = self.globalModules[name];
if (exports || !baseURL) {

tests/queryTests.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
"dateTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "DateObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "date", "type": "date" }]
"objects": [
{ "type": "DateObject", "value": [10000] },
{ "type": "DateObject", "value": [10001] },
{ "type": "DateObject", "value": [10002] }
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 2, "DateObject", "date < $0", [2, 0]],
["QueryCount", 3, "DateObject", "date <= $0", [2, 0]],
["QueryCount", 2, "DateObject", "date > $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryCount", 3, "DateObject", "date >= $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryCount", 1, "DateObject", "date == $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryCount", 2, "DateObject", "date != $0", [0, 0]],
["QueryThrows", "DateObject", "date == 'not a date'"],
["QueryThrows", "DateObject", "date == 1"],
["QueryThrows", "DateObject", "date == $0", 1]
"boolTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "BoolObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "boolCol", "type": "bool" }]
"objects": [
{ "type": "BoolObject", "value": [false] },
{ "type": "BoolObject", "value": [true] },
{ "type": "BoolObject", "value": [true] }
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "boolCol == true"],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol==false"],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol != true"],
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "true == boolCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "boolCol == TRUE"],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol == FALSE"],
["QueryCount", 2, "BoolObject", "boolCol == $0", true],
["QueryCount", 1, "BoolObject", "boolCol == $0", false],
["QueryCount", 0, "BoolObject", "boolCol == true && boolCol == false"],
["QueryCount", 3, "BoolObject", "boolCol == true || boolCol == false"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == 0"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == 1"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == 'not a bool'"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol == $0", "not a bool"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol > true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol >= true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol < true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol <= true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol BEGINSWITH true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol CONTAINS true"],
["QueryThrows", "BoolObject", "boolCol ENDSWITH true"]
"intTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "IntObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "intCol", "type": "int" }]
"objects": [
{ "type": "IntObject", "value": [-1] },
{ "type": "IntObject", "value": [0] },
{ "type": "IntObject", "value": [100] }
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol == -1"],
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol==0"],
["QueryCount", 0, "IntObject", "1 == intCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "IntObject", "intCol != 0"],
["QueryCount", 2, "IntObject", "intCol > -1"],
["QueryCount", 3, "IntObject", "intCol >= -1"],
["QueryCount", 2, "IntObject", "intCol < 100"],
["QueryCount", 3, "IntObject", "intCol <= 100"],
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol > 0x1F"],
["QueryCount", 1, "IntObject", "intCol == $0", 100],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol == 'not an int'"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol == $0", "not an int"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol BEGINSWITH 1"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol CONTAINS 1"],
["QueryThrows", "IntObject", "intCol ENDSWITH 1"]
"floatTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "FloatObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "floatCol", "type": "float" }]
"objects": [
{ "type": "FloatObject", "value": [-1.001] },
{ "type": "FloatObject", "value": [0.0] },
{ "type": "FloatObject", "value": [100.2] }
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol == -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol = 0"],
["QueryCount", 0, "FloatObject", "1 == floatCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "FloatObject", "floatCol != 0"],
["QueryCount", 2, "FloatObject", "floatCol > -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 3, "FloatObject", "floatCol >= -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 2, "FloatObject", "floatCol < 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 3, "FloatObject", "floatCol <= 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol > 0x1F"],
["QueryCount", 1, "FloatObject", "floatCol == $0", 100.2],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol == 'not a float'"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol == $0", "not a float"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol BEGINSWITH 1"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol CONTAINS 1"],
["QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol ENDSWITH 1"],
["Disabled", "QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol = 3.5e+38"],
["Disabled", "QueryThrows", "FloatObject", "floatCol = -3.5e+38"]
"doubleTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "DoubleObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "doubleCol", "type": "double" }]
"objects": [
{ "type": "DoubleObject", "value": [-1.001] },
{ "type": "DoubleObject", "value": [0.0] },
{ "type": "DoubleObject", "value": [100.2] }
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == 0"],
["QueryCount", 0, "DoubleObject", "1 == doubleCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol != 0"],
["QueryCount", 2, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol > -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 3, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol >= -1.001"],
["QueryCount", 2, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol < 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 3, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol <= 100.2"],
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol > 0x1F"],
["QueryCount", 1, "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == $0", 100.2],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == 'not a double'"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol == $0", "not a double"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol BEGINSWITH 1"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol CONTAINS 1"],
["QueryThrows", "DoubleObject", "doubleCol ENDSWITH 1"]
"stringTests" : {
"schema" : [{
"name": "StringObject",
"properties": [{ "name": "stringCol", "type": "string" }]
"objects": [
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["A"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["a"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["a"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["C"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["c"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["abc"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["ABC"] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": [""] },
{ "type": "StringObject", "value": ["\\\"\\n\\0\\r\\\\'"] }
"tests": [
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol == 'a'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "'c' == stringCol"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol == \"a\""],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol=='abc'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol == ''"],
["QueryCount", 8, "StringObject", "stringCol != ''"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol == \"\\\"\\n\\0\\r\\\\'\""],
["QueryCount", 3, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH 'a'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol beginswith 'ab'"],
["QueryCount", 0, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH 'abcd'"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH 'A'"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH 'c'"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol endswith 'bc'"],
["QueryCount", 9, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH ''"],
["QueryCount", 1, "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS 'b'"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol contains 'c'"],
["QueryCount", 9, "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS ''"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol == $0", "a"],
["QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH $0", "c"],
["QueryThrows", "StringObject", "stringCol == true"],
["QueryThrows", "StringObject", "stringCol == 123"],
["QueryThrows", "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS $0", 1],
["Disabled", "QueryCount", 3, "StringObject", "stringCol ==[c] 'a'"],
["Disabled", "QueryCount", 5, "StringObject", "stringCol BEGINSWITH[c] 'A'"],
["Disabled", "QueryCount", 4, "StringObject", "stringCol ENDSWITH[c] 'c'"],
["Disabled", "QueryCount", 2, "StringObject", "stringCol CONTAINS[c] 'B'"]