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2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
// Copyright 2015 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "property.hpp"
2015-09-28 15:47:32 -07:00
#include "schema.hpp"
2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
template<typename T>
inline void RJSFinalize(JSObjectRef object) {
delete static_cast<T>(JSObjectGetPrivate(object));
JSObjectSetPrivate(object, NULL);
template<typename T>
inline JSObjectRef RJSWrapObject(JSContextRef ctx, JSClassRef jsClass, T object, JSValueRef prototype = NULL) {
JSObjectRef ref = JSObjectMake(ctx, jsClass, (void *)object);
if (prototype) {
JSObjectSetPrototype(ctx, ref, prototype);
return ref;
template<typename T>
inline T RJSGetInternal(JSObjectRef jsObject) {
return static_cast<T>(JSObjectGetPrivate(jsObject));
template<typename T>
JSClassRef RJSCreateWrapperClass(const char * name, JSObjectGetPropertyCallback getter = NULL, JSObjectSetPropertyCallback setter = NULL, const JSStaticFunction *funcs = NULL, JSObjectFinalizeCallback finalize = RJSFinalize<T>, JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback propertyNames = NULL) {
JSClassDefinition classDefinition = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
classDefinition.className = name;
classDefinition.finalize = finalize;
classDefinition.getProperty = getter;
classDefinition.setProperty = setter;
classDefinition.staticFunctions = funcs;
classDefinition.getPropertyNames = propertyNames;
return JSClassCreate(&classDefinition);
2015-09-29 14:50:55 -07:00
JSObjectRef RJSRegisterGlobalClass(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef globalObject, JSClassRef classRef, const char * name, JSValueRef *exception);
2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
std::string RJSTypeGet(realm::PropertyType propertyType);
std::string RJSTypeGet(std::string typeString);
2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
std::string RJSStringForJSString(JSStringRef jsString);
std::string RJSStringForValue(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value);
2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
std::string RJSValidatedStringForValue(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, const char * name = nullptr);
JSStringRef RJSStringForString(const std::string &str);
JSValueRef RJSValueForString(JSContextRef ctx, const std::string &str);
inline void RJSValidateArgumentCount(size_t argumentCount, size_t expected) {
if (argumentCount != expected) {
2015-08-28 14:41:30 -07:00
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid arguments");
inline void RJSValidateArgumentCountIsAtLeast(size_t argumentCount, size_t expected) {
if (argumentCount < expected) {
2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid arguments");
inline void RJSValidateArgumentRange(size_t argumentCount, size_t min, size_t max) {
if (argumentCount < min || argumentCount > max) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid arguments");
class RJSException : public std::runtime_error {
RJSException(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef &ex) : std::runtime_error(RJSValidatedStringForValue(ctx, ex, "exception")),
m_jsException(ex) {}
JSValueRef exception() { return m_jsException; }
JSValueRef m_jsException;
JSValueRef RJSMakeError(JSContextRef ctx, RJSException &exp);
JSValueRef RJSMakeError(JSContextRef ctx, std::exception &exp);
JSValueRef RJSMakeError(JSContextRef ctx, const std::string &message);
static inline JSObjectRef RJSValidatedValueToObject(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, const char *message = NULL) {
JSObjectRef object = JSValueToObject(ctx, value, NULL);
if (!object) {
throw std::runtime_error(message ?: "Value is not an object.");
return object;
static inline double RJSValidatedValueToNumber(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value) {
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
double number = JSValueToNumber(ctx, value, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
return number;
static inline JSValueRef RJSValidatedPropertyValue(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property) {
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSValueRef propertyValue = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, property, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
return propertyValue;
static inline JSObjectRef RJSValidatedObjectProperty(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property, const char *err = NULL) {
JSValueRef propertyValue = RJSValidatedPropertyValue(ctx, object, property);
if (JSValueIsUndefined(ctx, propertyValue)) {
throw std::runtime_error(err ?: "Object property is undefined");
return RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, propertyValue, err);
static inline JSObjectRef RJSValidatedObjectAtIndex(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, unsigned int index) {
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSValueRef objectValue = JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(ctx, object, index, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
return RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, objectValue);
static inline std::string RJSValidatedStringProperty(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef property) {
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSValueRef propertyValue = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, property, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
return RJSValidatedStringForValue(ctx, propertyValue);
static inline size_t RJSValidatedArrayLength(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object) {
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
static JSStringRef lengthString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("length");
JSValueRef lengthValue = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, lengthString, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
if (!JSValueIsNumber(ctx, lengthValue)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Missing property 'length'");
return RJSValidatedValueToNumber(ctx, lengthValue);
static inline size_t RJSValidatedPositiveIndex(std::string indexStr) {
long index = std::stol(indexStr);
if (index < 0) {
throw std::out_of_range(std::string("Index ") + indexStr + " cannot be less than zero.");
return index;
2015-08-13 09:12:48 -07:00
static inline bool RJSIsValueObjectOfType(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSStringRef type) {
JSObjectRef globalObject = JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx);
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSValueRef constructorValue = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, globalObject, type, &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
bool ret = JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor(ctx, value, RJSValidatedValueToObject(ctx, constructorValue), &exception);
if (exception) {
throw RJSException(ctx, exception);
return ret;
2015-08-14 09:47:33 -07:00
bool RJSIsValueArray(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value);
2015-08-17 11:40:13 -07:00