mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 01:24:40 +00:00
It became too messy, risky and confusing to be worth it.
297 lines
7.4 KiB
297 lines
7.4 KiB
(ns reagenttest.testratomasync
(:require [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest testing]]
[reagent.ratom :as rv :refer-macros [run! reaction]]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg]]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn fixture [f]
(set! rv/debug true)
(set! rv/debug false))
(t/use-fixtures :once fixture)
(defn running []
(def testite 10)
(defn dispose [v]
(rv/dispose! v))
(defn sync [] (r/flush))
(defn ar [f] (rv/track! f))
(deftest basic-ratom
(let [runs (running)
start (rv/atom 0)
sv (reaction @start)
comp (reaction @sv (+ 2 @sv))
c2 (reaction (inc @comp))
count (rv/atom 0)
out (rv/atom 0)
res (reaction
(swap! count inc)
@sv @c2 @comp)
const (ar (fn []
(reset! out @res)))]
(is (= @count 1) "constrain ran")
(is (= @out 2))
(reset! start 1)
(is (= @count 1))
(is (= @out 3))
(is (= @count 4))
(reset! start 2)
(dispose const)
(is (= (running) runs) "did dispose")
(is (= (running) runs) "should not awaken")))
(deftest double-dependency
(let [runs (running)
start (rv/atom 0)
c3-count (rv/atom 0)
c1 (reaction @start 1)
c2 (reaction @start)
c3 (ar
(fn []
(swap! c3-count inc)
(+ @c1 @c2)))]
(is (= @c3 1))
(is (= @c3-count 1) "t1")
(swap! start inc)
(is (= @c3-count 1))
(is (= @c3-count 2) "t2")
(is (= @c3 2))
(is (= @c3-count 2) "t3")
(dispose c3)
(is (= (running) runs))
(is (= @c3 2))
(is (= (running) runs))))
(deftest test-from-reflex
(let [runs (running)]
(let [!counter (rv/atom 0)
!signal (rv/atom "All I do is change")
co (ar (fn []
;;when I change...
;;update the counter
(swap! !counter inc)))]
(is (= 1 @!counter) "Constraint run on init")
(reset! !signal "foo")
(is (= 2 @!counter)
"Counter auto updated")
(dispose co))
(let [!x (rv/atom 0)
!co (ar #(inc @!x))]
(is (= 1 @!co) "CO has correct value on first deref")
(swap! !x inc)
(is (= 2 @!co) "CO auto-updates")
(dispose !co))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest test-unsubscribe
(dotimes [x testite]
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
a1 (reaction (inc @a))
a2 (reaction @a)
b-changed (rv/atom 0)
c-changed (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction
(swap! b-changed inc)
(inc @a1))
c (reaction
(swap! c-changed inc)
(+ 10 @a2))
res (atom nil)
resr (ar (fn []
(reset! res
(if (< @a2 1) @b @c))))]
(is (= @res (+ 2 @a)))
(is (= @b-changed 1))
(is (= @c-changed 0))
(reset! a -1)
(is (= @b-changed 1))
(is (= @b-changed 2))
(is (= @c-changed 0))
(is (= @res (+ 2 @a)))
(reset! a 2)
(is (<= 2 @b-changed 3))
(is (= @c-changed 1))
(is (= @res (+ 10 @a)))
(reset! a 3)
(is (<= 2 @b-changed 3))
(is (= @c-changed 2))
(is (= @res (+ 10 @a)))
(reset! a 3)
(is (<= 2 @b-changed 3))
(is (= @c-changed 2))
(is (= @res (+ 10 @a)))
(reset! a -1)
(is (= @res (+ 2 @a)))
(dispose resr)
(is (= runs (running))))))
(deftest maybe-broken
(let [runs (running)]
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction (inc @a))
c (reaction (dec @a))
d (reaction (str @b))
res (rv/atom 0)
cs (ar
#(reset! res @d))]
(is (= @res "1"))
(dispose cs))
;; should be broken according to https://github.com/lynaghk/reflex/issues/1
;; but isnt
(let [a (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction (inc @a))
c (reaction (dec @a))
d (ar (fn [] [@b @c]))]
(is (= @d [1 -1]))
(dispose d))
(let [a (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction (inc @a))
c (reaction (dec @a))
d (ar (fn [] [@b @c]))
res (rv/atom 0)]
(is (= @d [1 -1]))
(let [e (ar #(reset! res @d))]
(is (= @res [1 -1]))
(dispose e))
(dispose d))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest test-dispose
(dotimes [x testite]
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
disposed (rv/atom nil)
disposed-c (rv/atom nil)
disposed-cns (rv/atom nil)
count-b (rv/atom 0)
count-c (atom 0)
b (rv/make-reaction (fn []
(swap! count-b inc)
(inc @a))
:on-dispose #(reset! disposed true))
c (rv/make-reaction (fn []
(swap! count-c inc)
(if (< @a 1) (inc @b) (+ 100 @a)))
:on-dispose #(reset! disposed-c true))
res (rv/atom nil)
main (rv/make-reaction #(reset! res @c)
:on-dispose #(reset! disposed-cns true))
cns (rv/track! #(deref main))]
(is (= @res 2))
(is (= @count-b 1))
(is (= @count-c 1))
(reset! a -1)
(is (= @res 2))
(is (= @res 1))
(is (= @disposed nil))
(is (= @count-b 2))
(is (= @count-c 2))
(reset! a 2)
(is (= @res 1) "unchanged")
(is (= @res 102) "new value")
(is (= @count-c 3))
(is (= @disposed true) "should be disposed")
(reset! disposed nil)
(reset! a -1)
(is (= 1 @res) "should be one again")
(is (= @disposed nil))
(reset! a 2)
(is (= @res 102))
(is (= @disposed true))
(dispose cns)
(is (= @disposed-c true))
(is (= @disposed-cns true))
(is (= runs (running))))))
(deftest test-on-set
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
b (rv/make-reaction #(+ 5 @a)
:auto-run true
:on-set (fn [oldv newv]
(reset! a (+ 10 newv))))]
(is (= 5 @b))
(reset! a 1)
(is (= 6 @b))
(reset! b 1)
(is (= 11 @a))
(is (= 16 @b))
(dispose b)
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest non-reactive-deref
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
b (rv/make-reaction #(+ 5 @a))]
(is (= @b 5))
(is (= runs (running)))
(reset! a 1)
(is (= @b 6))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest catching
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom false)
catch-count (atom 0)
b (reaction (if @a (throw (js/Error. "reaction fail"))))
c (ar (fn [] (try @b (catch js/Object e
(swap! catch-count inc)))))]
(set! rv/silent true)
(is (= @catch-count 0))
(reset! a false)
(is (= @catch-count 0))
(reset! a true)
(is (= @catch-count 0))
(is (= @catch-count 1))
(set! rv/silent false)
(dispose c)
(is (= runs (running)))))