mirror of https://github.com/status-im/reagent.git
64 lines
1.7 KiB
64 lines
1.7 KiB
(ns runtests
(:require [testreagent]
[cljs.test :as test :include-macros true]
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[reagent.interop :refer-macros [.' .!]]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg println]]))
(defn all-tests []
(test/run-tests 'testreagent
(def test-results (atom nil))
(def test-box {:position 'absolute
:margin-left -35
:color :#aaa})
(defn test-output []
(let [res @test-results]
[:div {:style test-box}
(if-not res
[:div "waiting for tests to run"]
[:p (str "Ran " (:test res) " tests containing "
(+ (:pass res) (:fail res) (:error res))
" assertions.")]
[:p (:fail res) " failures, " (:error res) " errors."]])]))
(defn test-output-mini []
(let [res @test-results]
(if res
(if (zero? (+ (:fail res) (:error res)))
[:div {:style test-box}
"All tests ok"]
[:div {:style test-box} "testing"])))
(defn ^:export run-all-tests []
(println "-----------------------------------------")
(reset! test-results (all-tests))
(catch js/Object e
(println "Testrun failed\n" e "\n" (.-stack e))
(reset! test-results {:error e}))))
(println "-----------------------------------------"))
(defn ^:export run-tests []
(if reagent/is-client
(reset! test-results nil)
(js/setTimeout run-all-tests 100))