mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 05:17:07 +00:00
This is actually a bug in ClojureScript
(http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJS-777). In regular Clojure a
`MultiFn` is `ifn?`, but in ClojureScript it wasn't. The bug is now
but not yet released.
This code can be reverted after Reagent's ClojureScript version is
321 lines
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321 lines
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(ns testreagent
(:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test
:refer (is deftest with-test run-tests testing)]
[reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]]
[reagent.debug :refer [dbg println log]])
(:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[reagent.ratom :as rv]))
(defn running [] (rv/running))
(def isClient (not (nil? (try (.-document js/window)
(catch js/Object e nil)))))
(def rflush reagent/flush)
(defn add-test-div [name]
(let [doc js/document
body (.-body js/document)
div (.createElement doc "div")]
(.appendChild body div)
(defn with-mounted-component [comp f]
(when isClient
(let [div (add-test-div "_testreagent")]
(let [comp (reagent/render-component comp div #(f comp div))]
(reagent/unmount-component-at-node div)
(defn found-in [re div]
(let [res (.-innerHTML div)]
(if (re-find re res)
(do (println "Not found: " res)
(deftest really-simple-test
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
really-simple (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
[:div "div in really-simple"])]
(with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
(fn [c div]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"div in really-simple" div))))
(is (= 2 @ran)))))
(deftest test-simple-callback
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
comp (reagent/create-class
{:component-did-mount #(swap! ran inc)
(fn [this]
(let [props (reagent/props this)]
(is (map? props))
(is (= props ((reagent/argv this) 1)))
(is (= 1 (first (reagent/children this))))
(is (= 1 (count (reagent/children this))))
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo props) ".")]))})]
(with-mounted-component (comp {:foo "you"} 1)
(fn [C div]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"hi you" div))))
(is (= 3 @ran)))))
(deftest test-state-change
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
comp (reagent/create-class
{:get-initial-state (fn [] {:foo "initial"})
(fn []
(let [this (reagent/current-component)]
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo (reagent/state this)))]))})]
(with-mounted-component (comp)
(fn [C div]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"hi initial" div))
(reagent/replace-state C {:foo "there"})
(is (found-in #"hi there" div))
(reagent/set-state C {:foo "you"})
(is (found-in #"hi you" div))))
(is (= 4 @ran)))))
(deftest test-ratom-change
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
runs (running)
val (atom 0)
secval (atom 0)
v1 (reaction @val)
comp (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "val " @v1 @val @secval)])]
(with-mounted-component [comp]
(fn [C div]
(is (not= runs (running)))
(is (found-in #"val 0" div))
(is (= 1 @ran))
(reset! secval 1)
(reset! secval 0)
(reset! val 1)
(reset! val 2)
(reset! val 1)
(is (found-in #"val 1" div))
(is (= 2 @ran))
;; should not be rendered
(reset! val 1)
(is (found-in #"val 1" div))
(is (= 2 @ran))))
(is (= runs (running)))
(is (= 2 @ran)))))
(deftest batched-update-test []
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
v1 (atom 0)
v2 (atom 0)
c2 (fn [{val :val}]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (= @v1 val))
[:div @v2])
c1 (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
[:div @v1
[c2 {:val @v1}]])]
(with-mounted-component [c1]
(fn [c div]
(is (= @ran 2))
(swap! v2 inc)
(is (= @ran 2))
(is (= @ran 3))
(swap! v1 inc)
(is (= @ran 5))
(swap! v2 inc)
(swap! v1 inc)
(is (= @ran 7))
(swap! v1 inc)
(swap! v1 inc)
(swap! v2 inc)
(is (= @ran 9)))))))
(deftest init-state-test
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
really-simple (fn []
(let [this (reagent/current-component)]
(swap! ran inc)
(reagent/set-state this {:foo "foobar"})
(fn []
[:div (str "this is "
(:foo (reagent/state this)))])))]
(with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
(fn [c div]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"this is foobar" div))))
(is (= 2 @ran)))))
(deftest shoud-update-test
(when isClient
(let [parent-ran (atom 0)
child-ran (atom 0)
child-props (atom nil)
f (fn [])
f1 (fn [])
child (fn [p]
(swap! child-ran inc)
[:div (:val p)])
parent(fn []
(swap! parent-ran inc)
[:div "child-foo" [child @child-props]])]
(with-mounted-component [parent nil nil]
(fn [c div]
(is (= @child-ran 1))
(is (found-in #"child-foo" div))
(do (reset! child-props {:style {:display :none}})
(is (= @child-ran 2))
(do (reset! child-props {:style {:display :none}})
(is (= @child-ran 2) "keyw is equal")
(do (reset! child-props {:class :foo}) (rflush))
(is (= @child-ran 3))
(do (reset! child-props {:class :foo}) (rflush))
(is (= @child-ran 3))
(do (reset! child-props {:class 'foo}) (rflush))
(is (= @child-ran 4) "symbols are different from keyw")
(do (reset! child-props {:class 'foo}) (rflush))
(is (= @child-ran 4) "symbols are equal")
(do (reset! child-props {:style {:color 'red}}) (rflush))
(is (= @child-ran 5))
(do (reset! child-props {:on-change (reagent/partial f)})
(is (= @child-ran 6))
(do (reset! child-props {:on-change (reagent/partial f)})
(is (= @child-ran 6))
(do (reset! child-props {:on-change (reagent/partial f1)})
(is (= @child-ran 7)))))))
(deftest dirty-test
(when isClient
(let [ran (atom 0)
state (atom 0)
really-simple (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
(if (= @state 1)
(reset! state 3))
[:div (str "state=" @state)])]
(with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
(fn [c div]
(is (= 1 @ran))
(is (found-in #"state=0" div))
(reset! state 1)
(is (= 2 @ran))
(is (found-in #"state=3" div))))
(is (= 2 @ran)))))
(defn as-string [comp]
(reagent/render-component-to-string comp))
(deftest to-string-test []
(let [comp (fn [props]
[:div (str "i am " (:foo props))])]
(is (re-find #"i am foobar"
(as-string [comp {:foo "foobar"}])))))
(deftest data-aria-test []
(is (re-find #"data-foo"
(as-string [:div {:data-foo "x"}])))
(is (re-find #"aria-foo"
(as-string [:div {:aria-foo "x"}])))
(is (not (re-find #"enctype"
(as-string [:div {"enc-type" "x"}])))
"Strings are passed through to React.")
(is (re-find #"enctype"
(as-string [:div {"encType" "x"}]))
"Strings are passed through to React, and have to be camelcase.")
(is (re-find #"enctype"
(as-string [:div {:enc-type "x"}]))
"Strings are passed through to React, and have to be camelcase."))
(deftest dynamic-id-class []
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string [:div#foo {:class "bar"}])))
(is (re-find #"class=.foo bar"
(as-string [:div.foo {:class "bar"}])))
(is (re-find #"class=.foo bar"
(as-string [:div.foo.bar])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string [:div#foo.foo.bar])))
(is (re-find #"class=.xxx bar"
(as-string [:div#foo.xxx.bar])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string [:div.bar {:id "foo"}])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string [:div.bar.xxx {:id "foo"}])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string [:div#bar {:id "foo"}]))
"Dynamic id overwrites static"))
(deftest ifn-component []
(defmulti my-div :type)
(defmethod my-div :fooish [child] [:div.foo (:content child)])
(defmethod my-div :barish [child] [:div.bar (:content child)])
(let [comp {:foo [:div "foodiv"]
:bar [:div "bardiv"]}]
(is (re-find #"foodiv"
(as-string [:div [comp :foo]])))
(is (re-find #"bardiv"
(as-string [:div [comp :bar]])))
(is (re-find #"class=.foo"
(as-string [my-div {:type :fooish :content "inner"}])))))
(deftest symbol-string-tag []
(is (re-find #"foobar"
(as-string ['div "foobar"])))
(is (re-find #"foobar"
(as-string ["div" "foobar"])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string ['div#foo "x"])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string ["div#foo" "x"])))
(is (re-find #"class=.foo bar"
(as-string ['div.foo {:class "bar"}])))
(is (re-find #"class=.foo bar"
(as-string ["div.foo.bar"])))
(is (re-find #"id=.foo"
(as-string ['div#foo.foo.bar]))))
(deftest partial-test []
(let [p1 (reagent/partial vector 1 2)]
(is (= (p1 3) [1 2 3]))
(is (= p1 (reagent/partial vector 1 2)))
(is (ifn? p1))
(is (= (reagent/partial vector 1 2) p1))
(is (not= p1 (reagent/partial vector 1 3)))))