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synced 2025-01-16 14:56:21 +00:00
Reactions now put themselves in a queue when they get a callback from an atom. The queue is flushed before rendering, and on deref on individual reactions. This turns out to perform much better in many cases.
305 lines
7.9 KiB
305 lines
7.9 KiB
(ns reagenttest.testratom
(:require [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest testing]]
[reagent.ratom :as rv :refer-macros [run! reaction]]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg]]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn fixture [f]
(set! rv/debug true)
(set! rv/debug false))
(t/use-fixtures :once fixture)
(defn running []
(def testite 10)
(defn dispose [v]
(rv/dispose! v))
(def perf-check 0)
(defn ratom-perf []
(dbg "ratom-perf")
(set! rv/debug false)
(set! perf-check 0)
(let [nite 100000
a (rv/atom 0)
mid (reaction (inc @a))
res (run!
(set! perf-check (inc perf-check))
(inc @mid))]
(time (dotimes [x nite]
(swap! a inc)))
(dispose res)
(assert (= perf-check (inc nite)))))
;; (ratom-perf)
(deftest basic-ratom
(let [runs (running)
start (rv/atom 0)
sv (reaction @start)
comp (reaction @sv (+ 2 @sv))
c2 (reaction (inc @comp))
count (rv/atom 0)
out (rv/atom 0)
res (reaction
(swap! count inc)
@sv @c2 @comp)
const (run!
(reset! out @res))]
(is (= @count 1) "constrain ran")
(is (= @out 2))
(reset! start 1)
(is (= @out 3))
(is (= @count 4))
(dispose const)
(is (= (running) runs))))
(deftest double-dependency
(let [runs (running)
start (rv/atom 0)
c3-count (rv/atom 0)
c1 (reaction @start 1)
c2 (reaction @start)
c3 (rv/make-reaction
(fn []
(swap! c3-count inc)
(+ @c1 @c2))
:auto-run true)]
(is (= @c3-count 0))
(is (= @c3 1))
(is (= @c3-count 1) "t1")
(swap! start inc)
(is (= @c3-count 2) "t2")
(is (= @c3 2))
(is (= @c3-count 2) "t3")
(dispose c3)
(is (= (running) runs))))
(deftest test-from-reflex
(let [runs (running)]
(let [!counter (rv/atom 0)
!signal (rv/atom "All I do is change")
co (run!
;;when I change...
;;update the counter
(swap! !counter inc))]
(is (= 1 @!counter) "Constraint run on init")
(reset! !signal "foo")
(is (= 2 @!counter)
"Counter auto updated")
(dispose co))
(let [!x (rv/atom 0)
!co (rv/make-reaction #(inc @!x) :auto-run true)]
(is (= 1 @!co) "CO has correct value on first deref")
(swap! !x inc)
(is (= 2 @!co) "CO auto-updates")
(dispose !co))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest test-unsubscribe
(dotimes [x testite]
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
a1 (reaction (inc @a))
a2 (reaction @a)
b-changed (rv/atom 0)
c-changed (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction
(swap! b-changed inc)
(inc @a1))
c (reaction
(swap! c-changed inc)
(+ 10 @a2))
res (run!
(if (< @a2 1) @b @c))]
(is (= @res (+ 2 @a)))
(is (= @b-changed 1))
(is (= @c-changed 0))
(reset! a -1)
(is (= @res (+ 2 @a)))
(is (= @b-changed 2))
(is (= @c-changed 0))
(reset! a 2)
(is (= @res (+ 10 @a)))
(is (<= 2 @b-changed 3))
(is (= @c-changed 1))
(reset! a 3)
(is (= @res (+ 10 @a)))
(is (<= 2 @b-changed 3))
(is (= @c-changed 2))
(reset! a 3)
(is (= @res (+ 10 @a)))
(is (<= 2 @b-changed 3))
(is (= @c-changed 2))
(reset! a -1)
(is (= @res (+ 2 @a)))
(dispose res)
(is (= runs (running))))))
(deftest maybe-broken
(let [runs (running)]
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction (inc @a))
c (reaction (dec @a))
d (reaction (str @b))
res (rv/atom 0)
cs (run!
(reset! res @d))]
(is (= @res "1"))
(dispose cs))
;; should be broken according to https://github.com/lynaghk/reflex/issues/1
;; but isnt
(let [a (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction (inc @a))
c (reaction (dec @a))
d (run! [@b @c])]
(is (= @d [1 -1]))
(dispose d))
(let [a (rv/atom 0)
b (reaction (inc @a))
c (reaction (dec @a))
d (run! [@b @c])
res (rv/atom 0)]
(is (= @d [1 -1]))
(let [e (run! (reset! res @d))]
(is (= @res [1 -1]))
(dispose e))
(dispose d))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest test-dispose
(dotimes [x testite]
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
disposed (rv/atom nil)
disposed-c (rv/atom nil)
disposed-cns (rv/atom nil)
count-b (rv/atom 0)
b (rv/make-reaction (fn []
(swap! count-b inc)
(inc @a))
:on-dispose #(reset! disposed true))
c (rv/make-reaction #(if (< @a 1) (inc @b) (dec @a))
:on-dispose #(reset! disposed-c true))
res (rv/atom nil)
cns (rv/make-reaction #(reset! res @c)
:auto-run true
:on-dispose #(reset! disposed-cns true))]
(is (= @res 2))
(is (= (+ 5 runs) (running)))
(is (= @count-b 1))
(reset! a -1)
(is (= @res 1))
(is (= @disposed nil))
(is (= @count-b 2))
(is (= (+ 5 runs) (running)) "still running")
(reset! a 2)
(is (= @res 1))
(is (= @disposed true))
(is (= (+ 3 runs) (running)) "less running count")
(reset! disposed nil)
(reset! a -1)
;; This fails sometimes on node. I have no idea why.
(is (= 1 @res) "should be one again")
(is (= @disposed nil))
(reset! a 2)
(is (= @res 1))
(is (= @disposed true))
(dispose cns)
(is (= @disposed-c true))
(is (= @disposed-cns true))
(is (= runs (running))))))
(deftest test-on-set
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
b (rv/make-reaction #(+ 5 @a)
:auto-run true
:on-set (fn [oldv newv]
(reset! a (+ 10 newv))))]
(is (= 5 @b))
(reset! a 1)
(is (= 6 @b))
(reset! b 1)
(is (= 11 @a))
(is (= 16 @b))
(dispose b)
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest non-reactive-deref
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom 0)
b (rv/make-reaction #(+ 5 @a))]
(is (= @b 5))
(is (= runs (running)))
(reset! a 1)
(is (= @b 6))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest catching
(let [runs (running)
a (rv/atom false)
catch-count (atom 0)
b (reaction (if @a (throw (js/Error. "fail"))))
c (run! (try @b (catch :default e
(swap! catch-count inc))))]
(set! rv/silent true)
(is (= @catch-count 0))
(reset! a false)
(is (= @catch-count 0))
(reset! a true)
(is (= @catch-count 1))
(reset! a false)
(is (= @catch-count 1))
(set! rv/silent false)
(dispose c)
(is (= runs (running)))))
(deftest test-rswap
(let [a (atom {:foo 1})]
(is (nil? (r/rswap! a update-in [:foo] inc)))
(is (= (:foo @a) 2))
(is (nil? (r/rswap! a identity)))
(is (= (:foo @a) 2))
(is (nil? (r/rswap! a #(assoc %1 :foo %2) 3)))
(is (= (:foo @a) 3))
(is (nil? (r/rswap! a #(assoc %1 :foo %3) 0 4)))
(is (= (:foo @a) 4))
(is (nil? (r/rswap! a #(assoc %1 :foo %4) 0 0 5)))
(is (= (:foo @a) 5))
(is (nil? (r/rswap! a #(assoc %1 :foo %5) 0 0 0 6)))
(is (= (:foo @a) 6))
(let [disp (atom nil)
f (fn [o v]
(assert (= v :add))
(if (< (:foo o) 10)
(is (nil? (@disp v)))
(update-in o [:foo] inc))
_ (reset! disp #(r/rswap! a f %))]
(@disp :add)
(is (= (:foo @a) 10)))))