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synced 2025-02-11 11:26:30 +00:00
Turns out that clojurescript.test breaks unless the test directory is included first, but only with advanced compilation and only on the first run...
52 lines
1.3 KiB
52 lines
1.3 KiB
(ns runtests
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg println]]
[demo :as demo]
[cemerick.cljs.test :as t]))
(def test-results (atom nil))
(defn test-output []
(let [res @test-results]
[:div {:style {:margin-top "40px"}}
(if-not res
[:div "waiting for tests to run"]
[:p (str "Ran " (:test res) " tests containing "
(+ (:pass res) (:fail res) (:error res))
" assertions.")]
[:p (:fail res) " failues, " (:error res) " errors."]])]))
(defn test-output-mini []
(let [res @test-results]
(if res
(if (zero? (+ (:fail res) (:error res)))
[:div "Tests ok"]
[:div "."])))
(defn test-demo []
(defn ^:export mounttests []
(reagent/render-component [test-demo] (.-body js/document)))
(defn ^:export run-all-tests []
(println "-----------------------------------------")
(reset! test-results (t/run-all-tests))
(catch js/Object e
(println "Testrun failed\n" e "\n" (.-stack e))
(reset! test-results {:error e}))))
(println "-----------------------------------------"))
(if reagent/is-client
(js/setTimeout run-all-tests 1000)