Juho Teperi b7304d0f3f Fix aget/aset use with objects
This removes the interop macros which used aget/aset and prevented
Closure naming mangling, now normal property and method access is used
where possible, and goog.object used when using variable keys. Further
testing is needed to ensure this works correctly with Closure, as there
are some properties that are used with goog.object in one place, and as
property in another.

Fixes #324
2018-04-19 17:25:37 +03:00

115 lines
3.8 KiB

(ns sitetools.core
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as evt]
[reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg log dev?]])
(:import goog.History
[goog.history Html5History EventType]))
;;; Configuration
(declare main-content)
(defonce config (r/atom {:body [#'main-content]
:pages {"/index.html" {:content [:div]
:title ""}}
:site-dir "target/prerender/public/"
:css-infiles ["site/public/css/main.css"]
:css-file "css/built.css"
:js-file "js/main.js"
:main-div "main-content"
:default-title ""}))
(defonce history nil)
(defn demo-handler [state [id x :as event]]
(case id
:set-content (let [page x
title (:title page)
title (if title
(str (:title-prefix state) title)
(str (:default-title state)))]
(when r/is-client
(set! js/document.title title))
(assoc state :current-page page :title title))
:set-page (let [path x
_ (assert (string? path))
ps (:pages state)
p (get ps path (get ps "/index.html"))]
(recur state [:set-content p]))
:goto-page (let [path x
_ (assert (string? path))]
(when-some [h history]
(r/after-render (fn []
(.setToken h x)
(js/scrollTo 0 0)))
(recur state [:set-page x]))))
(defn emit [event]
;; (dbg event)
(r/rswap! config demo-handler event))
(defn register-page [url comp title]
{:pre [(re-matches #"/.*[.]html" url)
(vector? comp)]}
(swap! config update-in [:pages]
assoc url {:content comp :title title}))
;;; History
(defn init-history [page]
(when-not history
(let [html5 (and page
(#{"http:" "https:"} js/location.protocol))]
(doto (set! history
(if html5
(doto (Html5History.)
(.setUseFragment false)
(.setPathPrefix (-> js/location.pathname
(re-pattern (str page "$")) "")
(string/replace #"/*$" ""))))
(evt/listen EventType.NAVIGATE #(when (.-isNavigation %)
(emit [:set-page (.-token %)])
(.setEnabled true))
(let [token (.getToken history)
p (if (and page (not html5) (empty? token))
(emit [:set-page p])))))
(defn to-relative [f]
(string/replace f #"^/" ""))
;;; Components
(defn link [props child]
[:a (assoc props
:href (-> props :href to-relative)
:on-click #(do (.preventDefault %)
(emit [:goto-page (:href props)])))
(defn main-content []
(get-in @config [:current-page :content]))
;;; Main entry points
(defn start! [site-config]
(swap! config merge site-config)
(when r/is-client
(let [page-conf (when (exists? js/pageConfig)
(js->clj js/pageConfig :keywordize-keys true))
conf (swap! config merge page-conf)
{:keys [page-path body main-div]} conf]
(init-history page-path)
(r/render body (js/document.getElementById main-div)))))