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synced 2025-02-10 10:56:36 +00:00
Src-of macro requires io namespace. This namespace is only used when building Reagent webpage so this should not prevent using Reagent as library with self-host.
57 lines
1.4 KiB
57 lines
1.4 KiB
(ns reagentdemo.syntax
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]))
;;; Source splitting
(defn src-parts [src]
(string/split src #"\n(?=[(])"))
(defn src-defs [parts]
(let [ws #"[^ \t\n]+"]
(into {} (for [x parts]
[(->> x (re-seq ws) second keyword) x]))))
(defn fun-map [src]
(-> src src-parts src-defs))
(defn src-for-names [srcmap names]
(string/join "\n" (map srcmap names)))
;;; Macros
(defmacro syntaxed [src]
`(reagentdemo.syntax/syntaxify ~src))
;; ;; A much simpler way to find source: currently broken with #js annotations
;; (defmacro src-for [& syms]
;; (let [s (map #(list 'with-out-str (list 'cljs.repl/source %)) syms)]
;; `(->> [~@s]
;; (string/join "\n")
;; syntaxed)))
;; (defmacro src-from-file [f]
;; (let [src (-> f io/resource slurp)]
;; `(syntaxed ~src)))
(defmacro src-of
`(src-of ~funs nil))
([funs resource]
(assert (or (nil? funs)
(vector? funs)))
(assert (or (nil? resource)
(string? resource)))
(let [f (if (nil? resource)
(-> (name cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns*)
(string/replace #"[.]" "/")
(str ".cljs"))
src (-> f io/resource slurp)
sel (if (nil? funs)
(-> src fun-map (src-for-names funs)))]
`(syntaxed ~sel))))