# Reagent development ## Running tests The tests use [Karma](https://karma-runner.github.io/2.0/index.html) to run tests on browsers. You need to install `karma` command to run the tests: ```bash npm install -g karma-cli ``` To prepare different environments for tests run: ```bash ./prepare-test.sh ``` After this, you can run the full test set: ```bash ./run-tests.sh ``` Running all the tests can take a while, so while developing Reagent, you might want to focus on one test environment, and use Figwheel to run tests on your browser: ``` lein figwheel client # For Cljsjs lein figwheel client-npm # NPM # Open on a browser # Check console for test output ``` ## Building package To build Reagent and use built version in your applications run `lein install` and update the dependency on your app to use the version that was installed. Note that if `project.clj` uses a version that is released on Clojars, this command will overwrite that version on your local Maven repository. To restore real version, remove directory corresponding to the version from `~/.m2/repository/reagent/reagent/`.