(ns reagenttest.testwithlet (:require [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest testing]] [reagent.ratom :as rv] [reagent.debug :as d :refer-macros [dbg]] [reagent.core :as r :refer [flush track track! dispose!] :refer-macros [with-let]] [clojure.walk :as w])) ;; Test code generated from with-let macro ;; https://github.com/reagent-project/reagent/issues/420 (set! *warn-on-infer* true) (defn fixture [f] (set! rv/debug true) (f) (set! rv/debug false)) (t/use-fixtures :once fixture) (defn running [] (r/flush) (rv/running)) (deftest basic-with-let (let [runs (running) n1 (atom 0) n2 (atom 0) n3 (atom 0) a (r/atom 10) f1 (fn [] (with-let [v (swap! n1 inc)] (swap! n2 inc) [@a v] (finally (swap! n3 inc)))) r (atom nil) t (track! (fn [] (reset! r @(track f1))))] (is (= [[10 1] 1 1 0] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (swap! a inc) (is (= [[10 1] 1 1 0] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (flush) (is (= [[11 1] 1 2 0] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (is (= [11 1] @t)) (dispose! t) (is (= [[11 1] 1 2 1] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (is (= runs (running))) (swap! a inc) (flush) (is (= [[11 1] 1 2 1] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (is (= [12 2] @t)) (is (= [[12 2] 2 3 2] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (is (= [12 3] (f1))) (is (= [[12 2] 3 4 3] [@r @n1 @n2 @n3])) (is (= runs (running))))) (deftest test-with-let-args (let [runs (running) n1 (atom 0) n2 (atom 0) a (r/atom 0) ran (fn [] (swap! n2 inc) @a) f1 #(with-let [] (ran) []) f2 #(with-let [x1 (swap! n1 inc)] (ran) [x1]) f3 #(with-let [x1 (swap! n1 inc) x2 (swap! n1 inc)] (ran) [x1 x2]) f4 #(with-let [x1 (swap! n1 inc) x2 (swap! n1 inc) x3 (swap! n1 inc)] (ran) [x1 x2 x3]) f5 #(with-let [x1 (swap! n1 inc) x2 (swap! n1 inc) x3 (swap! n1 inc) x4 (swap! n1 inc)] (ran) [x1 x2 x3 x4]) f6 #(with-let [x1 (swap! n1 inc) x2 (swap! n1 inc) x3 (swap! n1 inc) x4 (swap! n1 inc) x5 (swap! n1 inc)] (ran) [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5]) f7 #(with-let [x1 (swap! n1 inc) x2 (swap! n1 inc) x3 (swap! n1 inc) x4 (swap! n1 inc) x5 (swap! n1 inc) x6 (swap! n1 inc)] (ran) [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6]) r (atom nil) all (fn [] {:f1 @(track f1) :f2 @(track f2) :f3 @(track f3) :f4 @(track f4) :f5 @(track f5) :f6 @(track f6) :f7 @(track f7)}) t (track! (fn [] (reset! r (all)))) expected {:f1 [] :f2 [1] :f3 [2 3] :f4 [4 5 6] :f5 [7 8 9 10] :f6 [11 12 13 14 15] :f7 [16 17 18 19 20 21]}] (is (< runs (running))) (is (= @n2 7)) (is (= @r expected)) (is (= (all) expected)) (is (= @t expected)) (swap! a inc) (is (= @n2 7)) (flush) (is (= @n2 14)) (is (= @r expected)) (is (= (all) expected)) (is (= @t expected)) (is (= @n2 14)) (dispose! t) (is (= runs (running))) (is (= @r expected)) (is (= @n2 14)) (is (= (all) (w/postwalk #(if (number? %) (+ 21 %) %) expected))) (is (= @n2 21)) (is (= @t (w/postwalk #(if (number? %) (+ 42 %) %) expected))) (is (= @n2 28)) (is (= runs (running))))) (deftest non-reactive-with-let (let [n1 (atom 0) n2 (atom 0) n3 (atom 0) n4 (atom 0) f1 (fn [] (with-let [] (swap! n2 inc))) f2 (fn [] (with-let [v (swap! n1 inc)] v)) f3 (fn [] (with-let [v (swap! n1 inc)] (swap! n2 inc) (finally (swap! n3 inc)))) f4 (fn [] (with-let [] (finally (swap! n3 inc) (swap! n4 inc)))) f5 (fn [] [(f1) (f2) (f4)]) tst (fn [f] [(f) @n1 @n2 @n3])] (is (= [1 0 1 0] (tst f1))) (is (= [1 1 1 0] (tst f2))) (is (= [2 2 2 1] (tst f3))) (is (= 0 @n4)) (is (= [nil 2 2 2] (tst f4))) (is (= 1 @n4)) (is (= [[3 3 nil] 3 3 3] (tst f5))))) (deftest with-let-args (let [runs (running) active (atom 0) n1 (atom 0) f1 (fn [x y] (with-let [_ (swap! active inc) v (r/atom @x)] (swap! n1 inc) (+ y @v) (finally (reset! v nil) (swap! active dec)))) f2 (fn [x y] (with-let [t1 (track f1 x y) t2 (track f1 x y)] (let [v @(track f1 x y)] (is (= v @t1 @t2)) v))) f2t (partial track f2) res (atom nil) val (r/atom 1) valtrack (track deref val) t (track! #(reset! res (let [v valtrack] (if (> @v 2) [@(f2t v 10)] [@(f2t val 0) @(f2t val 0) @(f2t v 10) (f1 v 10)]))))] (is (= [1 1 11 11] @res)) (is (= [3 3] [@n1 @active])) (reset! val 1) (flush) (is (= [1 1 11 11] @res)) (is (= [3 3] [@n1 @active])) (swap! val inc) (is (= [3 3] [@n1 @active])) (flush) (is (= [6 3] [@n1 @active])) (is (= [1 1 11 11] @res)) (swap! val inc) (flush) (is (= [6 1] [@n1 @active])) (is (= [11] @res)) (dispose! t) (is (= [6 0] [@n1 @active])) (is (= runs (running))))) (deftest with-let-warning (when (d/dev?) (let [f1 (fn [] (with-let [a 1])) w (d/track-warnings (fn [] (track! (fn [] (f1) (f1)))))] (is (= w {:error (list (str "Warning: The same with-let is being " "used more than once in the same reactive " "context."))}))))) (deftest with-let-nested (let [runs (running) init (atom 0) destroy (atom 0) state (r/atom 0) exec (atom 0) f (fn [] (with-let [i (swap! init inc)] (is (= i 1)) (with-let [j (swap! init inc)] (is (= j 2)) @state (swap! exec inc) (finally (is (= @destroy 1)) (swap! destroy inc))) (finally (is (= @destroy 0)) (swap! destroy inc)))) t (track! (fn [] (when (< @state 2) @(track f))))] (is (= @init 2)) (is (= @exec 1)) (swap! state inc) (flush) (is (= @exec 2)) (is (= @init 2)) (is (= @destroy 0)) (swap! state inc) (flush) (is (= @destroy 2)) (dispose! t) (is (= @destroy 2)) (is (= runs (running)))))