(ns reagentdemo.news.news060rc (:require [reagent.core :as r] [reagentdemo.syntax :as s] [sitetools.core :as tools :refer [link]] [reagentdemo.news.news060 :as news060] [reagentdemo.common :as common :refer [demo-component]])) (def url "/news/news060-rc.html") (def title "Reagent 0.6.0-rc") (def ns-src (s/syntaxed "(ns example.core (:require [reagent.core :as r]))")) (defn mixed [] [:div "Symbols are " 'ok " as well as " :keywords "."]) (def some-atom (r/atom 0)) (defn confusion-avoided [] [:div "This is some atom: " some-atom]) (defn main [{:keys [summary]}] [:div.reagent-demo [:h1 [link {:href url} title]] [:span "2016-09-14"] [:div.demo-text [:p "Reagent 0.6.0-rc has been given a lot of testing, a new version of React (15.1.0), bug fixing and some small general improvements since 0.6.0-alpha. It has one new feature: general ClojureScript objects can now be used anywhere in markup content."] (if summary [link {:href url :class 'news-read-more} "Read more"] [:div.demo-text [:section.demo-text [:p "See " [link {:href news060/url} "this article"] " for more information about Reagent 0.6.0."] [:h2 "Generalized markup"] [:p "Symbols and keywords can now be used in markup content like this: "] [demo-component {:comp mixed :src (s/src-of [:mixed])}] [:p "This makes content conversions behave the same as in attributes, where symbols and keywords have been supported before. "] [:p "But mainly it avoids confusing error messages when you happen to drop an arbitrary ClojureScript object into the markup, like this: "] [demo-component {:comp confusion-avoided :src (s/src-of [:some-atom :confusion-avoided])}] [:p "This may not be particularly useful, but it is at least a lot better than getting a quite confusing error message from React, that no longer accepts unknown objects…"] [:p "Any object hat satisfies IPrintWithWriter is allowed, and is converted to a string using " [:code "pr-str" "."]]]])]]) (tools/register-page url [#'main] title)