/* jshint strict: false */ /* globals configData */ /* * Doo reads this file from classpath runners/karma.conf.js * This sets up junit reporter. */ var path = require('path'); module.exports = function(config) { var suite = path.basename(process.cwd()); configData.plugins = ['karma-*']; configData.logLevel = config.LOG_WARN; configData.reporters = ['dots', 'junit']; configData.junitReporter = { outputDir: (process.env.CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS || 'junit'), outputFile: suite + '.xml', suite: suite, // suite will become the package name attribute in xml testsuite element useBrowserName: false // add browser name to report and classes names }; if (process.env.COVERAGE) { configData.reporters = ['dots', 'junit', 'coverage']; configData.preprocessors = { 'target/cljsbuild/test/out/reagent/**/!(*_test).js': ['sourcemap', 'coverage'], }; configData.coverageReporter = { reporters: [ {type: 'html'}, {type: 'lcovonly'}, ], dir: 'coverage', subdir: '.', includeAllSources: true, }; } config.set(configData); };