Support meta keys in native elements

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2014-12-02 15:31:11 +01:00
parent 3c6d6cec1d
commit f673481c88
2 changed files with 17 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
;; ugly circular dependency
(defn as-element [x]
(reagent.impl.template/as-element x))
(js/ x))
;;; Rendering

View File

@ -173,17 +173,17 @@
(defn reag-element [tag v]
(let [c (as-class tag)
jsprops #js{:argv v}]
(let [k (-> v meta get-key)
k' (if (nil? k)
(-> v (nth 1 nil) get-key)
(when (some? k')
(.! jsprops :key k')))
(.' js/React createElement c jsprops)))
jsprops #js{:argv v}]
(let [key (if-some [k (some-> (meta v) get-key)]
(-> v (nth 1 nil) get-key))]
(some->> key (.! jsprops :key)))
(.' js/React createElement c jsprops)))
(def cached-parse (util/memoize-1 parse-tag))
(declare as-element)
(defn native-element [tag argv]
(when (hiccup-tag? tag)
(let [[comp id-class] (cached-parse tag)]
@ -191,10 +191,15 @@
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
jsprops (convert-props (if hasprops props) id-class)
first-child (if hasprops 2 1)]
;; TODO: Meta key
(if (input-component? comp)
(reagent-input argv comp jsprops first-child)
(make-element argv comp jsprops first-child))))))
(-> [reagent-input argv comp jsprops first-child]
(with-meta (meta argv))
(let [p (if-some [key (some-> (meta argv) get-key)]
(doto (if (nil? jsprops) #js{} jsprops)
(.! :key key))
(make-element argv comp p first-child)))))))
(defn vec-to-elem [v]
(assert (pos? (count v)) "Hiccup form should not be empty")