Make textarea, radio buttons and checkboxes async-friendly

And clean up code a little
This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2014-01-28 19:34:06 +01:00
parent 8b4ec9fda6
commit f654c6663f

View File

@ -75,29 +75,40 @@
(def DOM (aget React "DOM"))
(def input-components #{(aget DOM "input")})
(def input-components #{(aget DOM "input")
(aget DOM "textarea")})
(defn get-props [this]
(-> this (aget "props") (aget cljs-props)))
(defn input-initial-state []
(this-as this
(let [props (-> this (aget "props") (aget cljs-props))]
#js {:value (:value props)})))
(let [props (get-props this)]
#js {:value (:value props)
:checked (:checked props)})))
(defn input-handle-change [e]
(this-as this
(let [props (-> this (aget "props") (aget cljs-props))
(let [props (get-props this)
on-change (or (props :on-change) (props "onChange"))]
(when-not (nil? on-change)
(.setState this #js {:value (-> e .-target .-value)})
(on-change e)))))
(on-change e)
(let [target (.-target e)]
(.setState this #js {:value (.-value target)
:checked (.-checked target)}))))))
(defn input-will-receive-props [new-props]
(this-as this
(let [props (aget new-props cljs-props)]
(.setState this #js {:value (:value props)}))))
(.setState this #js {:value (:value props)
:checked (:checked props)}))))
(defn input-render-setup [this jsprops]
(aset jsprops "value" (-> this (aget "state") (aget "value")))
(aset jsprops "onChange" (aget this "handleChange")))
(let [state (aget this "state")]
(doto jsprops
(aset "value" (.-value state))
(aset "checked" (.-checked state))
(aset "onChange" (aget this "handleChange")))))
(defn wrapped-render [this comp id-class]
(let [inprops (aget this "props")
@ -121,14 +132,14 @@
(not (util/equal-args p1 c1 p2 c2))))
(defn wrap-component [comp extras name]
(let [def (js-obj "render"
#(this-as C (wrapped-render C comp extras))
#(this-as C (wrapped-should-update C %1 %2))
(or name "ComponentWrapper"))]
(let [def #js {:render
#(this-as C (wrapped-render C comp extras))
#(this-as C (wrapped-should-update C %1 %2))
:displayName (or name "ComponentWrapper")}]
(when (input-components comp)
(doto def
(aset "shouldComponentUpdate" nil)
(aset "getInitialState" input-initial-state)
(aset "handleChange" input-handle-change)
(aset "componentWillReceiveProps" input-will-receive-props)))