Document using getDerivedStateFromError with error boundaries

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Juho Teperi 2019-10-02 12:59:00 +03:00
parent 54834246f2
commit edb3d2d322
2 changed files with 35 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -49,19 +49,43 @@ Tests contain example of using old React lifecycle Context API (`context-wrapper
## [Error boundaries](
You can use `ComponentDidCatch` lifecycle method with `create-class`:
[Relevant method docs](
You can use `getDerivedStateFromError` (since React 16.6.0 and Reagent 0.9) and `ComponentDidCatch` lifecycle method with `create-class`:
(defn error-boundary [comp]
(let [error (r/atom nil)]
{:component-did-catch (fn [this e info]
(reset! error e))
:get-derived-state-from-error-test (fn [error] #js {})
:reagent-render (fn [comp]
(if @error
"Something went wrong."
[:button {:on-click #(reset! error nil)} "Try again"]]
Alternatively, one could use React state instead of RAtom to keep track of error state, which
can be more obvious with the new `getDerivedStateFromError` method:
(defn error-boundary [comp]
{:component-did-catch (fn [this e info]
(reset! error e))
:reagent-render (fn [comp]
(if @error
"Something went wrong."
[:button {:on-click #(reset! error nil)} "Try again"]]
{:constructor (fn [this props]
(set! (.-state this) #js {:error nil}))
:component-did-catch (fn [this e info]
(js/console.error "Error inside error boundary" e))
:get-derived-state-from-error-test (fn [error] #js {:error error})
:render (fn [this]
(if @error
"Something went wrong."
[:button {:on-click #(.setState this #js {:error nil})} "Try again"]]
## [Hooks](

View File

@ -1044,6 +1044,8 @@
{:component-did-catch (fn [this e info]
(reset! error e))
:get-derived-state-from-error (fn [error]
#js {})
:reagent-render (fn [comp]
(if @error
[:div "Something went wrong."]