Use plain array instead of set for tracking watched atoms

Turns out to be much, much faster in most cases
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Dan Holmsand 2015-09-27 16:04:06 +02:00
parent 7cd2d7d860
commit e39bb33ccc
1 changed files with 40 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
(declare ^:dynamic *ratom-context*)
(defonce cached-reactions {})
(defonce ^boolean debug false)
(defonce ^boolean silent false)
(defonce generation 0)
(defonce -running (clojure.core/atom 0))
(defn ^boolean reactive? []
(not (nil? *ratom-context*)))
(defonce ^boolean debug false)
(defonce ^boolean silent false)
(defonce generation 0)
(defonce -running (clojure.core/atom 0))
;;; Utilities
(defn running []
(+ @-running
@ -39,20 +40,28 @@
(defn- notify-deref-watcher! [derefable]
(when-some [obj *ratom-context*]
(let [captured (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj)
(if (nil? captured)
(let [old (.-watching obj)]
(if (and (== 1 (count old))
(identical? derefable (first old)))
;; Optimize common case of one deref
(conj captured derefable))))))
(let [c (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(if (nil? c)
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) (array derefable))
(when (== -1 (.indexOf c derefable))
(.push c derefable)))))
(defn- ^number arr-len [x]
(if (nil? x) 0 (alength x)))
(defn- ^boolean arr-eq [x y]
(let [len (arr-len x)]
(and (== len (arr-len y))
(loop [i 0]
(or (== i len)
(if (identical? (aget x i) (aget y i))
(recur (inc i))
(def reaction-counter 0)
(defn reaction-key [r]
(defn- reaction-key [r]
(if-some [k (.-reaction-id r)]
(->> reaction-counter inc
@ -84,6 +93,7 @@
(pr-writer (binding [*ratom-context* nil] (-deref a)) writer opts)
(-write writer ">"))
;;; Atom
(defprotocol IReactiveAtom)
@ -340,12 +350,17 @@
(_check-clean [this]
(when (== dirtyness maybe-dirty)
(let [ar auto-run]
(let [ar auto-run
len (arr-len watching)]
(set! auto-run nil)
(doseq [w watching :while (== dirtyness maybe-dirty)]
(loop [i 0]
(when (< i len)
(let [w (aget watching i)]
(when (and (instance? Reaction w)
(false? (._check-clean w)))
(._try-run w this)))
(when (== dirtyness maybe-dirty)
(recur (inc i)))))
(set! auto-run ar))
(when (== dirtyness maybe-dirty)
(set! dirtyness clean)))
@ -369,10 +384,12 @@
(_update-watching [this derefed]
(doseq [w derefed]
(when-not (contains? watching w)
(when (or (nil? watching)
(== -1 (.indexOf watching w)))
(-add-watch w this handle-reaction-change)))
(doseq [w watching]
(when-not (contains? derefed w)
(when (or (nil? derefed)
(== -1 (.indexOf derefed w)))
(-remove-watch w this)))
(set! watching derefed)
@ -394,7 +411,7 @@
(let [oldstate state
res (capture-derefed f this)
derefed (-captured this)]
(when (not= derefed watching)
(when-not (arr-eq derefed watching)
(._update-watching this derefed))
(set! dirtyness clean)
(when-not nocache?