Make cursor use Reaction all the way

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Dan Holmsand 2015-01-31 09:55:32 +01:00
parent 0e7f5518c0
commit c64cab83a4
1 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -108,48 +108,48 @@
(_reaction [this]
(if (nil? reaction)
(set! reaction (make-reaction #(get-in @ratom path)))
(set! reaction (make-reaction
#(get-in @ratom path)
:on-set (if setf
#(setf %2)
#(swap! ratom assoc-in path %2))))
(_peek [this]
(binding [*ratom-context* nil]
(deref (._reaction this))))
(-deref [this]
(deref (._reaction this)))
(-reset! [a new-value]
(if (nil? setf)
(swap! ratom assoc-in path new-value)
(setf new-value)))
(-reset! [this new-value]
(reset! (._reaction this) new-value))
(-swap! [a f]
(-reset! a (f (peek-at ratom path))))
(-reset! a (f (._peek a))))
(-swap! [a f x]
(-reset! a (f (peek-at ratom path) x)))
(-reset! a (f (._peek a) x)))
(-swap! [a f x y]
(-reset! a (f (peek-at ratom path) x y)))
(-reset! a (f (._peek a) x y)))
(-swap! [a f x y more]
(-reset! a (apply f (peek-at ratom path) x y more)))
(-reset! a (apply f (._peek a) x y more)))
(-pr-writer [a writer opts]
;; not sure about how this should be implemented?
;; should it print as an atom focused on the appropriate part of
;; the ratom - (pr-writer (get-in @ratom path)) - or should it be
;; a completely separate type? and do we need a reader for it?
(-write writer "#<Cursor: ")
(pr-writer path writer opts)
(-write writer " ")
(pr-writer ratom writer opts)
(pr-writer (._peek a) writer opts)
(-write writer ">"))
(-notify-watches [this oldval newval]
(-notify-watches ratom oldval newval))
(-notify-watches (._reaction this) oldval newval))
(-add-watch [this key f]
(-add-watch ratom key f))
(-add-watch (._reaction this) key f))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(-remove-watch ratom key))
(-remove-watch (._reaction this) key))
(-hash [this] (hash [ratom path setf])))