Faster compare of derefed reactions, and refactor

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2015-10-03 12:55:20 +02:00
parent 70dd2a5166
commit a31c410e08

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@ -32,48 +32,43 @@
(defn- in-context [obj f]
(set! (.-cljsCapPos obj) 0)
(set! (.-capPos obj) 0)
(binding [*ratom-context* obj]
(defn- deref-capture [f obj]
(let [watch (.-watching obj)]
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) (.-watching obj))
(set! (.-captured obj) (.-watching obj))
(when (dev?)
(set! (.-ratomGeneration obj)
(set! generation (inc generation))))
(let [res (in-context obj f)
capt (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) nil)
capt (.-captured obj)]
(set! (.-dirty? obj) false)
(when-not (arr-eq capt watch)
(when-not (or (identical? capt watch)
(arr-eq capt watch))
(._update-watching obj capt))
(defn check-derefs [f]
(let [ctx (js-obj)
res (in-context ctx f)]
[res (some? (.-cljsCaptured ctx))]))
(defn- add-item [a x]
(when (== -1 (.indexOf a x))
(.push a x)))
(defn- notify-deref-watcher! [derefable]
(when-some [obj *ratom-context*]
(let [c (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(let [c (.-captured obj)]
(if (nil? c)
(do (set! (.-cljsCapPos obj) -1)
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) (array derefable)))
(do (set! (.-capPos obj) -1)
(set! (.-captured obj) (array derefable)))
;; Try to avoid allocating new array
(let [p (.-cljsCapPos obj)]
(let [p (.-capPos obj)]
(if (== p -1)
(add-item c derefable)
(if (identical? derefable (aget c p))
(set! (.-cljsCapPos obj) (inc p))
(let [c1 (set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) (.slice c 0 p))]
(set! (.-capPos obj) (inc p))
(let [c1 (set! (.-captured obj) (.slice c 0 p))]
(add-item c1 derefable)
(set! (.-cljsCapPos obj) -1)))))))))
(set! (.-capPos obj) -1)))))))))
(defn- check-watches [old new]
(when debug
@ -531,6 +526,11 @@
(aset obj key rea))
(defn check-derefs [f]
(let [ctx (js-obj)
res (in-context ctx f)]
[res (some? (.-captured ctx))]))
;;; wrap