Alternative custom input fix

This commit is contained in:
Juho Teperi 2018-06-18 11:10:29 +03:00
parent 5043371781
commit 9263835cfc
1 changed files with 35 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -7,42 +7,42 @@
(def mui-theme-provider (r/adapt-react-class mui/MuiThemeProvider))
(def menu-item (r/adapt-react-class mui/MenuItem))
(def ^:private input-component
(fn [props]
[:input (-> props
(assoc :ref (:inputRef props))
(dissoc :inputRef))])))
(defn adapt-input-component
"Adapts the given custom React input component
(i.e. it uses :value and :on-change properties)
for fully controlled use with Reagent.
(def ^:private textarea-component
(fn [props]
[:textarea (-> props
(assoc :ref (:inputRef props))
(dissoc :inputRef))])))
Note that this doesn't fix cursor in case where the
value is transformed, which is handled by Reagent
for basic :input."
(fn [props & _]
{:display-name "InputWrapper"
(fn []
#js {:value (:value props)})
(fn [this old-argv new-args]
(fn [this [_ props]]
(when (not= (:value props) (.. this -state -value))
(.setState this #js {:value (:value props)})))
(fn [props & children]
(this-as this
(let [props (-> props
(cond-> (:on-change props)
(assoc :on-change (fn [e]
(.setState this #js {:value (.. e -target -value)})
((:on-change props) e))))
(cond-> (.. this -state -value)
(assoc :value (.. this -state -value)))
(apply r/create-element component props (map r/as-element children)))))})))
;; To fix cursor jumping when controlled input value is changed,
;; use wrapper input element created by Reagent instead of
;; letting Material-UI to create input element directly using React.
;; Create-element + convert-props-value is the same as what adapt-react-class does.
(defn text-field [props & children]
(let [props (-> props
(assoc-in [:InputProps :inputComponent] (cond
(and (:multiline props) (:rows props) (not (:maxRows props)))
;; FIXME: Autosize multiline field is broken.
(:multiline props)
;; Select doesn't require cursor fix so default can be used.
(:select props)
(apply r/create-element mui/TextField props (map r/as-element children))))
(def text-field (adapt-input-component mui/TextField))
(defonce text-state (r/atom "foobar"))
@ -80,9 +80,7 @@
:helper-text "Helper text"
:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! text-state (.. e -target -value)))
:multiline true
;; TODO: Autosize textarea is broken.
:rows 10}]
:multiline true}]
{:value @text-state