More docs for cursor

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2015-02-02 22:14:57 +01:00
parent 600d6bbb59
commit 9260d9b74b

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@ -229,13 +229,17 @@ the specified path within the wrapped Reagent atom. e.g.,
The first parameter can also be a function, that should look something
like this:
(defn digit-filter
(defn set-get
([k] (get-in @state k))
([k v] (swap! state assoc-in k v)))
The function will be called with one argument the path passed to
cursor when the cursor is deref'ed, and two arguments (path and new
value) when the cursor is modified.
Given that set-get function, (and that state is a Reagent atom, or
another cursor) these cursors are equivalent:
(cursor state [:foo]) and (cursor set-get [:foo]).
([src path]
(ratom/cursor src path)))