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synced 2025-02-20 15:48:33 +00:00
Use React state to manage controlled inputs
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -7,31 +7,7 @@
(def mui-theme-provider (r/adapt-react-class mui/MuiThemeProvider))
(def menu-item (r/adapt-react-class mui/MenuItem))
(defn adapt-input-component [component]
(fn [props & _]
{:getInitialState (fn [] #js {:value (:value props)})
(fn [this [_ next-props]]
(when (not= (:value next-props) (.-value (.-state this)))
(.setState this #js {:value (:value next-props)})))
(fn [this old-argv new-argv]
(fn [props & children]
(this-as this
(let [props (-> props
(cond-> (:on-change props)
(assoc :on-change (fn [e]
(.setState this #js {:value (.. e -target -value)})
((:on-change props) e))))
(cond-> (:value props)
(assoc :value (.-value (.-state this))))
(apply r/create-element component props (map r/as-element children)))))}) ))
(def text-field (adapt-input-component mui/TextField))
(def text-field (rtpl/adapt-input-component mui/TextField))
(defonce text-state (r/atom "foobar"))
@ -54,8 +30,7 @@
{:id "example"
:value @text-state
{:value @text-state
:label "Text input"
:placeholder "Placeholder"
:helper-text "Helper text"
@ -64,8 +39,7 @@
:inputRef #(js/console.log "input-ref" %)}]
{:id "example"
:value @text-state
{:value @text-state
:label "Textarea"
:placeholder "Placeholder"
:helper-text "Helper text"
@ -74,8 +48,7 @@
:multiline true}]
{:id "example"
:value @text-state
{:value @text-state
:label "Select"
:placeholder "Placeholder"
:helper-text "Helper text"
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(complete-all true)))
(defn todo-input [{:keys [title on-save on-stop]}]
(let [val (r/atom title)
(let [val (r/atom (or title ""))
stop #(do (reset! val "")
(if on-stop (on-stop)))
save #(let [v (-> @val str clojure.string/trim)]
@ -161,126 +161,43 @@
(contains? these-inputs-have-selection-api input-type))
(declare input-component-set-value)
(defn input-node-set-value
[node rendered-value dom-value component {:keys [on-write]}]
(if-not (and (identical? node ($ js/document :activeElement))
(has-selection-api? ($ node :type))
(string? rendered-value)
(string? dom-value))
;; just set the value, no need to worry about a cursor
($! component :cljsDOMValue rendered-value)
($! node :value rendered-value)
(when (fn? on-write)
(on-write rendered-value)))
;; Setting "value" (below) moves the cursor position to the
;; end which gives the user a jarring experience.
;; But repositioning the cursor within the text, turns out to
;; be quite a challenge because changes in the text can be
;; triggered by various events like:
;; - a validation function rejecting a user inputted char
;; - the user enters a lower case char, but is transformed to
;; upper.
;; - the user selects multiple chars and deletes text
;; - the user pastes in multiple chars, and some of them are
;; rejected by a validator.
;; - the user selects multiple chars and then types in a
;; single new char to repalce them all.
;; Coming up with a sane cursor repositioning strategy hasn't
;; been easy ALTHOUGH in the end, it kinda fell out nicely,
;; and it appears to sanely handle all the cases we could
;; think of.
;; So this is just a warning. The code below is simple
;; enough, but if you are tempted to change it, be aware of
;; all the scenarios you have handle.
(let [node-value ($ node :value)]
(if (not= node-value dom-value)
;; IE has not notified us of the change yet, so check again later
(batch/do-after-render #(input-component-set-value component))
(let [existing-offset-from-end (- (count node-value)
($ node :selectionStart))
new-cursor-offset (- (count rendered-value)
($! component :cljsDOMValue rendered-value)
($! node :value rendered-value)
(when (fn? on-write)
(on-write rendered-value))
($! node :selectionStart new-cursor-offset)
($! node :selectionEnd new-cursor-offset))))))
(defn input-component-set-value [this]
(when ($ this :cljsInputLive)
($! this :cljsInputDirty false)
(let [rendered-value ($ this :cljsRenderedValue)
dom-value ($ this :cljsDOMValue)
;; Default to the root node within this component
node (find-dom-node this)]
(when (not= rendered-value dom-value)
(input-node-set-value node rendered-value dom-value this {})))))
(defn input-handle-change [this on-change e]
($! this :cljsDOMValue (-> e .-target .-value))
;; Make sure the input is re-rendered, in case on-change
;; wants to keep the value unchanged
(when-not ($ this :cljsInputDirty)
($! this :cljsInputDirty true)
(batch/do-after-render #(input-component-set-value this)))
(on-change e))
(defn input-render-setup
[this jsprops]
;; Don't rely on React for updating "controlled inputs", since it
;; doesn't play well with async rendering (misses keystrokes).
(when (and (some? jsprops)
(.hasOwnProperty jsprops "onChange")
(.hasOwnProperty jsprops "value"))
(assert find-dom-node
"reagent.dom needs to be loaded for controlled input to work")
(let [v ($ jsprops :value)
value (if (nil? v) "" v)
on-change ($ jsprops :onChange)]
(when-not ($ this :cljsInputLive)
;; set initial value
($! this :cljsInputLive true)
($! this :cljsDOMValue value))
($! this :cljsRenderedValue value)
(js-delete jsprops "value")
(doto jsprops
($! :defaultValue value)
($! :onChange #(input-handle-change this on-change %))))))
(defn input-unmount [this]
($! this :cljsInputLive nil))
(defn ^boolean input-component? [x]
(case x
("input" "textarea") true
(def reagent-input-class nil)
(defn adapt-input-component [component]
(fn [props & _]
{:display-name "InputWrapper"
(fn []
#js {:value (:value props)})
(fn [this old-argv new-args]
(fn [this [_ props]]
(when (not= (:value props) (.. this -state -value))
(.setState this #js {:value (:value props)})))
(fn [props & children]
(this-as this
(let [props (if (or (not= "input" component)
(has-selection-api? (:type props)))
(-> props
(cond-> (:on-change props)
(assoc :on-change (fn [e]
(.setState this #js {:value (.. e -target -value)})
((:on-change props) e))))
(cond-> (.. this -state -value)
(assoc :value (.. this -state -value)))
(convert-prop-value props))]
(apply react/createElement component props (map as-element children)))))})))
(declare make-element)
(def input-spec
{:display-name "ReagentInput"
:component-did-update input-component-set-value
:component-will-unmount input-unmount
(fn [argv comp jsprops first-child]
(let [this comp/*current-component*]
(input-render-setup this jsprops)
(make-element argv comp jsprops first-child)))})
(defn reagent-input
(when (nil? reagent-input-class)
(set! reagent-input-class (comp/create-class input-spec)))
(def reagent-input
(adapt-input-component "input"))
(def reagent-textarea
(adapt-input-component "textarea"))
;;; Conversion from Hiccup forms
@ -343,16 +260,15 @@
(aset tag-name-cache x (parse-tag x))))
(defn native-element [parsed argv first]
(let [comp ($ parsed :name)
props (nth argv first nil)
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
jsprops (convert-props (if hasprops props) parsed)
first-child (+ first (if hasprops 1 0))]
(if (input-component? comp)
(-> [(reagent-input) argv comp jsprops first-child]
(with-meta (meta argv))
(let [key (-> (meta argv) get-key)
(let [comp ($ parsed :name)]
(case comp
"input" (reag-element reagent-input argv)
"textarea" (reag-element reagent-textarea argv)
(let [props (nth argv first nil)
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
jsprops (convert-props (if hasprops props) parsed)
first-child (+ first (if hasprops 1 0))
key (-> (meta argv) get-key)
p (if (nil? key)
(oset jsprops "key" key))]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user