Experiment with syntax generation in macro

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2014-12-07 16:38:56 +01:00
parent 1a2417a14b
commit 7160a9f579
4 changed files with 180 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
(:require [reagent.core :as r :refer [atom]]
[reagent.interop :refer-macros [.' .!]]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg]]
[reagentdemo.syntax :refer-macros [get-source]]
[reagentdemo.syntax :as s :include-macros true
:refer-macros [get-source]]
[sitetools :as tools :refer [link]]
[reagentdemo.common :as common :refer [demo-component]]
[reagentdemo.news.binaryclock :as binaryclock]))
@ -10,13 +11,8 @@
(def url "news/binary-clock.html")
(def title "A binary clock")
(def funmap (-> "reagentdemo/news/binaryclock.cljs"
get-source common/fun-map))
(def src-for (partial common/src-for funmap))
(defn fn-src [& parts]
[demo-component {:src (src-for (vec parts))
:no-heading true}])
(defn fn-src [src]
[demo-component {:src src :no-heading true}])
(defn main [{:keys [summary]}]
(let [lexclock {:href "http://www.lexicallyscoped.com/2014/01/23/clojurescript-react-om-binary-clock.html"}
@ -47,38 +43,45 @@
:class 'news-read-mode} "Read more"]
[fn-src :nsr]
[fn-src (s/syntaxed "(ns example
(:require [reagent.core :as r :refer [atom]]))")]
[:p "We start with the basics: The clock is built out of
cells, with a light colour if the bit the cell corresponds to
is set."]
[fn-src :cell]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:cell]
[:p "Cells are combined into columns of four bits, with a
decimal digit at the bottom."]
[fn-src :column]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:column]
[:p "Columns are in turn combined into pairs:"]
[fn-src :column-pair]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:column-pair]
[:p "We'll also need the legend on the left side:"]
[fn-src :legend]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:legend]
[:p "We combine these element into a component that shows the
legend, hours, minutes and seconds; and optionally 1/100
seconds. It also responds to clicks."]
[fn-src :clock]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:clock]
[:p "We also need to keep track of the time, and of the
detail shown, in a Reagent atom. And a function to update the
[fn-src :clock-state :update-time]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:clock-state :update-time]
[:p "And finally we use the " [:code "clock"] " component.
The current time is scheduled to be updated, after a suitable
@ -86,7 +89,8 @@
[:code "reagent.core/next-tick"] " is just a front for "
[:code "requestAnimationFrame"] "):"]
[fn-src :main]
[fn-src (s/src-of [:main]
[:p "The entire source is also available " [:a
clocksrc "here"] "."]

View File

@ -10,3 +10,130 @@
(string/replace #"[.]" "/")
(str ".cljs")))]
(-> s io/resource slurp)))
;;;;; Colorization
(def builtins #{"def" "defn" "ns" "atom" "let" "if" "when"
"cond" "merge" "assoc" "swap!" "reset!" "for"
"range" "nil?" "int" "or" "->" "->>" "%" "fn" "if-not"
"empty?" "case" "str" "pos?" "zero?" "map" "remove"
"empty" "into" "assoc-in" "dissoc" "get-in" "when-not"
"filter" "vals" "count" "complement" "identity" "dotimes"
"update-in" "sorted-map" "inc" "dec" "false" "true" "not"
"=" "partial" "first" "second" "rest" "list" "conj"
"drop" "when-let" "if-let" "add-watch" "mod" "quot"
"bit-test" "vector"})
(def me "reagentdemo.syntax")
(def styles {:comment (symbol me "comment-span")
:str-litt (symbol me "string-span")
:keyw (symbol me "keyword-span")
:builtin (symbol me "builtin-span")
:def (symbol me "def-span")})
(def paren-styles [(symbol me "paren-span-1")
(symbol me "paren-span-2")
(symbol me "paren-span-3")])
(defn tokenize [src]
(let [ws " \\t\\n"
open "\\[({"
close ")\\]}"
sep (str ws open close)
comment-p ";.*"
str-p "\"[^\"]*\""
open-p (str "[" open "]")
close-p (str "[" close "]")
iden-p (str "[^" sep "]+")
meta-p (str "\\^" iden-p)
any-p (str "[" ws "]+" "|\\^[^" sep "]+|.")
patt (re-pattern (str "("
(string/join ")|(" [comment-p str-p open-p
close-p meta-p iden-p any-p])
keyw-re #"^:"]
(for [[s comment str-litt open close met iden any] (re-seq patt src)]
comment [:comment s]
str-litt [:str-litt s]
open [:open s]
close [:close s]
met [:other s]
iden (cond
(re-find keyw-re s) [:keyw s]
(builtins s) [:builtin s]
:else [:iden s])
any [:other s]))))
(defn syntaxify [src]
(let [def-re #"^def|^ns\b"
ncol (count paren-styles)
paren-style (fn [level]
(nth paren-styles (mod level ncol)))]
(loop [tokens (tokenize (str src " "))
prev nil
level 0
res []]
(let [[kind val] (first tokens)
level' (case kind
:open (inc level)
:close (dec level)
style (case kind
:iden (when (and prev (re-find def-re prev))
(:def styles))
:open (paren-style level)
:close (paren-style level')
(styles kind))
remain (rest tokens)]
(if-not (empty? remain)
(recur remain
(if (= kind :other) prev val)
(conj res (if (nil? style)
(list style val))))
(apply vector :pre res))))))
;;;; Source splitting
(defn src-parts [src]
(string/split src #"\n(?=[(])"))
(defn src-defs [parts]
(let [ws #"[^ \t]+"]
(into {} (for [x parts]
[(->> x (re-seq ws) second keyword) x]))))
(defn fun-map [src]
(-> src src-parts src-defs))
(defn src-for-names [srcmap names]
(string/join "\n" (map srcmap names)))
;;; Macros
(defmacro syntaxed [src]
(assert (string? src))
(syntaxify src))
(defmacro src-of
`(src-of ~funs nil))
([funs resource]
(assert (or (nil? funs)
(vector? funs)))
(assert (or (nil? resource)
(string? resource)))
(let [f (if (nil? resource)
(-> (name cljs.analyzer/*cljs-ns*)
(string/replace #"[.]" "/")
(str ".cljs"))
src (-> f io/resource slurp)
fm (fun-map src)
sel (if (nil? funs)
(-> src fun-map (src-for-names funs)))]
(syntaxify sel))))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,32 @@
(ns reagentdemo.syntax
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(def comment-style {:style {:color "gray"
:font-style "italic"}})
(def string-style {:style {:color "green"}})
(def keyword-style {:style {:color "blue"}})
(def builtin-style {:style {:font-weight "bold"
:color "#687868"}})
(def def-style {:style {:color "#55c"
:font-weight "bold"}})
(def paren-style-1 {:style {:color "#272"}})
(def paren-style-2 {:style {:color "#940"}})
(def paren-style-3 {:style {:color "#44a"}})
(defn comment-span [v] [:span comment-style v])
(defn string-span [v] [:span string-style v])
(defn keyword-span [v] [:span string-style v])
(defn builtin-span [v] [:span builtin-style v])
(defn def-span [v] [:span def-style v])
(defn paren-span-1 [v] [:span paren-style-1 v])
(defn paren-span-2 [v] [:span paren-style-2 v])
(defn paren-span-3 [v] [:span paren-style-3 v])
;;; Old stuff
(def builtins #{"def" "defn" "ns" "atom" "let" "if" "when"
"cond" "merge" "assoc" "swap!" "reset!" "for"
"range" "nil?" "int" "or" "->" "->>" "%" "fn" "if-not"
@ -60,7 +86,7 @@
ncol (count paren-styles)
paren-style (fn [level]
(nth paren-styles (mod level ncol)))]
(loop [tokens (tokenize src)
(loop [tokens (tokenize (str src " "))
prev nil
level 0
res []]

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
(.setToken h p))
(def history nil)
(defonce history nil)
(defn token-base []
(if (use-html5-history)
@ -259,9 +259,10 @@
(js->clj js/pageConfig :keywordize-keys true))
page-name (:page-name conf)]
(swap! config merge conf)
(when page-name
(set-start-page page-name))
(setup-history page-name)
(set! (.-title js/document) (get-title))
(when (nil? history)
(when page-name
(set-start-page page-name))
(setup-history page-name)
(set! (.-title js/document) (get-title)))
(reagent/render-component (body)
(.' js/document :body)))))