Simplify make-reaction and deref-handling a lot

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2015-10-03 11:54:32 +02:00
parent 05fb3ed39d
commit 70dd2a5166
2 changed files with 51 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -316,16 +316,12 @@
(defn expand-seq-check [x]
(let [ctx #js {}
res (if (nil? ratom/*ratom-context*)
(expand-seq-dev x ctx)
(ratom/capture-derefed #(expand-seq-dev x ctx)
(when-not (nil? (ratom/captured ctx))
[res derefed] (ratom/check-derefs #(expand-seq-dev x ctx))]
(when derefed
(warn "Reactive deref not supported in lazy seq, "
"it should be wrapped in doall"
(comp/comp-name) ". Value:\n" (pr-str x)))
(when (and (not comp/*non-reactive*)
(.' ctx :no-key))
(when (.' ctx :no-key)
(warn "Every element in a seq should have a unique "
":key" (comp/comp-name) ". Value: " (pr-str x)))

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@ -19,29 +19,41 @@
(defn running []
(+ @-running))
(defn capture-derefed [f obj]
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) (.-watching obj))
(defn- ^number arr-len [x]
(if (nil? x) 0 (alength x)))
(defn- ^boolean arr-eq [x y]
(let [len (arr-len x)]
(and (== len (arr-len y))
(loop [i 0]
(or (== i len)
(if (identical? (aget x i) (aget y i))
(recur (inc i))
(defn- in-context [obj f]
(set! (.-cljsCapPos obj) 0)
(when (dev?)
(set! (.-ratomGeneration obj)
(set! generation (inc generation))))
(binding [*ratom-context* obj]
(defn captured [obj]
(let [c (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(when-not (nil? c)
(let [p (.-cljsCapPos obj)]
(when (or (== p -1)
(== p (alength c)))
(defn- -captured [obj]
(let [obj (captured obj)]
(when-not (nil? obj)
(let [c (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(defn- deref-capture [f obj]
(let [watch (.-watching obj)]
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) (.-watching obj))
(when (dev?)
(set! (.-ratomGeneration obj)
(set! generation (inc generation))))
(let [res (in-context obj f)
capt (.-cljsCaptured obj)]
(set! (.-cljsCaptured obj) nil)
(set! (.-dirty? obj) false)
(when-not (arr-eq capt watch)
(._update-watching obj capt))
(defn check-derefs [f]
(let [ctx (js-obj)
res (in-context ctx f)]
[res (some? (.-cljsCaptured ctx))]))
(defn- add-item [a x]
(when (== -1 (.indexOf a x))
@ -63,18 +75,6 @@
(add-item c1 derefable)
(set! (.-cljsCapPos obj) -1)))))))))
(defn- ^number arr-len [x]
(if (nil? x) 0 (alength x)))
(defn- ^boolean arr-eq [x y]
(let [len (arr-len x)]
(and (== len (arr-len y))
(loop [i 0]
(or (== i len)
(if (identical? (aget x i) (aget y i))
(recur (inc i))
(defn- check-watches [old new]
(when debug
(swap! -running + (- (count new) (count old))))
@ -138,8 +138,7 @@
(when-some [q rea-queue]
(set! rea-queue nil)
(binding [*ratom-context* empty-context]
(run-queue q))
(assert (nil? (-captured empty-context)))))
(run-queue q))))
;;; Atom
@ -441,11 +440,7 @@
(_run [this]
(let [oldstate state
res (capture-derefed f this)
derefed (-captured this)]
(set! dirty? false)
(when-not (arr-eq derefed watching)
(._update-watching this derefed))
res (deref-capture f this)]
(when-not nocache?
(set! state res)
;; Use = to determine equality from reactions, since
@ -456,12 +451,16 @@
(_set-opts [this {:keys [auto-run on-set on-dispose no-cache]}]
(when-not (nil? auto-run)
(set! (.-auto-run this) (case auto-run
true run
(set! (.-on-set this) on-set)
(set! (.-on-dispose this) on-dispose)
(set! (.-nocache? this) (if (nil? no-cache) false no-cache)))
(when-not (nil? on-set)
(set! (.-on-set this) on-set))
(when-not (nil? on-dispose)
(set! (.-on-dispose this) on-dispose))
(when-not (nil? no-cache)
(set! (.-nocache? this) no-cache)))
(run [this]
@ -510,33 +509,12 @@
(-hash [this] (goog/getUid this)))
(defn make-reaction [f & {:keys [auto-run on-set on-dispose derefed no-cache
(let [runner (case auto-run
true run
derefs (if-some [c capture]
(-captured c)
dirty (if (nil? derefs) true false)
reaction (Reaction. f nil dirty nil nil
(defn make-reaction [f & {:keys [auto-run on-set on-dispose]}]
(let [reaction (Reaction. f nil true nil nil
nil nil nil false)]
(._set-opts reaction {:auto-run auto-run
:on-set on-set
:on-dispose on-dispose
:no-cache no-cache})
(when-not (nil? capture)
(when (dev?)
;; TODO: Add test
(set! (.-ratomGeneration reaction)
(.-ratomGeneration capture)))
(when-some [c (aget capture cache-key)]
(aset capture cache-key nil)
(aset reaction cache-key c)))
(when-not (nil? derefed)
(warn "using derefed is deprecated"))
(when-not (nil? derefs)
(._update-watching reaction derefs))
:on-dispose on-dispose})
@ -544,14 +522,12 @@
(defn run-in-reaction [f obj key run opts]
(let [rea temp-reaction
res (capture-derefed f rea)
derefed (-captured rea)]
(when-not (nil? derefed)
res (deref-capture f rea)]
(when-not (nil? (.-watching rea))
(set! temp-reaction (make-reaction nil))
(set! (.-f rea) f)
(._set-opts rea opts)
(set! (.-auto-run rea) #(run obj))
(._update-watching rea derefed)
(aset obj key rea))